Android Venmo API导致webview不允许用户付费

时间:2014-10-05 19:54:35

标签: android venmo

所以我在Android App(中复制了Venmo API中的这段代码。

 try {
    Intent venmoIntent = VenmoLibrary.openVenmoPayment("2019", "EasySplit","xxxx(some valid user name)", "0.1", "Testing", "pay");
    startActivityForResult(venmoIntent, 1); //1 is the requestCode we are using for Venmo. Feel free to change this to another number. 
catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException e) //Venmo native app not install on device, so let's instead open a mobile web version of Venmo in a WebView
    Intent venmoIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, VenmoWebViewActivity.class);
    String venmo_uri = VenmoLibrary.openVenmoPaymentInWebView("2019", "EasySplit","xxx(some valid user name)", "0.1", "Testing", "pay");
    venmoIntent.putExtra("url", venmo_uri);
    startActivityForResult(venmoIntent, 1);

然而,问题是我进入webview并登录后,我根本无法付款。我希望我可以点击一个按钮来支付,但那里没有这样的按钮。我可以看到文字"支付(食谱名称)(一定数量)"但似乎我买不到。 知道问题是什么以及如何解决它? 任何帮助都非常感谢!!!!!

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