contentType: "foo",
fooField1: ...
contentType: "bar",
barArray: [...]
答案 0 :(得分:31)
final String json = "{\"contentType\": \"foo\", \"fooField1\": ... }";
final ObjectNode node = new ObjectMapper().readValue(json, ObjectNode.class);
// ^
// actually, try and *reuse* a single instance of ObjectMapper
if (node.has("contentType")) {
System.out.println("contentType: " + node.get("contentType"));
public static class JSONPath {
protected static final JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY = new JsonFactory();
private final List<JSONKey> keys;
public JSONPath(final String from) {
this.keys = Arrays.stream((from.startsWith("[") ? from : String.valueOf("." + from))
.filter(x -> !"]".equals(x))
public Optional<String> getWithin(final String json) throws IOException {
return this.getWithin(json, false);
public Optional<String> getWithin(final String json, final boolean strict) throws IOException {
try (final InputStream stream = new StringInputStream(json)) {
return this.getWithin(stream, strict);
public Optional<String> getWithin(final InputStream json) throws IOException {
return this.getWithin(json, false);
public Optional<String> getWithin(final InputStream json, final boolean strict) throws IOException {
return getValueAt(JSON_FACTORY.createParser(json), 0, strict);
protected Optional<String> getValueAt(final JsonParser parser, final int idx, final boolean strict) throws IOException {
try {
if (parser.isClosed()) {
return Optional.empty();
if (idx >= this.keys.size()) {
if (null == parser.getValueAsString()) {
throw new JSONPathException("The selected node is not a leaf");
return Optional.of(parser.getValueAsString());
return getValueAt(parser, idx + 1, strict);
} catch (final JSONPathException e) {
if (strict) {
throw (null == e.getCause() ? new JSONPathException(e.getMessage() + String.format(", at path: '%s'", this.toString(idx)), e) : e);
return Optional.empty();
public String toString() {
return ((Function<String, String>) x -> x.startsWith(".") ? x.substring(1) : x)
private String toString(final int idx) {
return ((Function<String, String>) x -> x.startsWith(".") ? x.substring(1) : x)
.apply(this.keys.subList(0, idx).stream().map(JSONKey::toString).collect(Collectors.joining()));
public static class JSONPathException extends RuntimeException {
public JSONPathException() {
public JSONPathException(final String message) {
public JSONPathException(final String message, final Throwable cause) {
super(message, cause);
public JSONPathException(final Throwable cause) {
private static class JSONKey {
private final String key;
private final JsonToken startToken;
public JSONKey(final String str) {
this(str.substring(1), str.startsWith("[") ? JsonToken.START_ARRAY : JsonToken.START_OBJECT);
private JSONKey(final String key, final JsonToken startToken) {
this.key = key;
this.startToken = startToken;
* Advances the cursor until finding the current {@link JSONKey}, or
* having consumed the entirety of the current JSON Object or Array.
public void advanceCursor(final JsonParser parser) throws IOException {
final JsonToken token = parser.nextToken();
if (!this.startToken.equals(token)) {
throw new JSONPathException(String.format("Expected token of type '%s', got: '%s'", this.startToken, token));
if (JsonToken.START_ARRAY.equals(this.startToken)) {
// Moving cursor within a JSON Array
for (int i = 0; i != Integer.valueOf(this.key).intValue(); i++) {
} else {
// Moving cursor in a JSON Object
String name;
for (parser.nextToken(), name = parser.getCurrentName(); !this.key.equals(name); parser.nextToken(), name = parser.getCurrentName()) {
* Advances the cursor to the next entry in the current JSON Object
* or Array.
private static void skipToNext(final JsonParser parser) throws IOException {
final JsonToken token = parser.nextToken();
if (JsonToken.START_ARRAY.equals(token) || JsonToken.START_OBJECT.equals(token) || JsonToken.FIELD_NAME.equals(token)) {
skipToNextImpl(parser, 1);
} else if (JsonToken.END_ARRAY.equals(token) || JsonToken.END_OBJECT.equals(token)) {
throw new JSONPathException("Could not find requested key");
* Recursively consumes whatever is next until getting back to the
* same depth level.
private static void skipToNextImpl(final JsonParser parser, final int depth) throws IOException {
if (depth == 0) {
final JsonToken token = parser.nextToken();
if (JsonToken.START_ARRAY.equals(token) || JsonToken.START_OBJECT.equals(token) || JsonToken.FIELD_NAME.equals(token)) {
skipToNextImpl(parser, depth + 1);
} else {
skipToNextImpl(parser, depth - 1);
public String toString() {
return String.format(this.startToken.equals(JsonToken.START_ARRAY) ? "[%s]" : ".%s", this.key);
"people": [{
"name": "Eric",
"age": 28
}, {
"name": "Karin",
"age": 26
"company": {
"name": "Elm Farm",
"address": "3756 Preston Street Wichita, KS 67213",
"phone": "857-778-1265"
final String json = "{\"people\":[],\"company\":{}}"; // refer to JSON above
System.out.println(new JSONPath("people[0].name").getWithin(json)); // Optional[Eric]
System.out.println(new JSONPath("people[1].name").getWithin(json)); // Optional[Karin]
System.out.println(new JSONPath("people[2].name").getWithin(json)); // Optional.empty
System.out.println(new JSONPath("people[0].age").getWithin(json)); // Optional[28]
System.out.println(new JSONPath("company").getWithin(json)); // Optional.empty
System.out.println(new JSONPath("company.name").getWithin(json)); // Optional[Elm Farm]
System.out.println(new JSONPath("info.contact.email")
.getWithin(new URL("http://test-api.rescuegroups.org/v5/public/swagger.php").openStream()));
// Optional[support@rescuegroups.org]
,因此结果不准确 - 这只是一个非常粗略的比较:
public static Long time(final Callable<?> r) throws Exception {
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
return Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
final URL url = new URL("http://test-api.rescuegroups.org/v5/public/swagger.php");
System.out.println(String.format( "%dms to get 'info.contact.email' with JSONPath",
time(() -> new JSONPath("info.contact.email").getWithin(url.openStream()))));
System.out.println(String.format( "%dms to just download the entire document otherwise",
time(() -> new Scanner(url.openStream()).useDelimiter("\\A").next())));
System.out.println(String.format( "%dms to bluntly map it entirely with Jackson and access a specific field",
time(() -> new ObjectMapper()
.readValue(url.openStream(), ObjectNode.class)
378ms获取带有JSONPath的'info.contact.email' 只需756ms即可下载整个文件 896毫秒直接将它与杰克逊完全映射并访问特定领域
答案 1 :(得分:5)
如果您在应用程序中使用JSON jar,则以下代码段非常有用:
String json = "{\"contentType\": \"foo\", \"fooField1\": ... }";
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(json);
如果您使用的是Gson jar,那么相同的代码将如下所示:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
Map jsonMap = gson.fromJson(json, Map.class);
答案 2 :(得分:1)
//json can be file or String
JsonNode parent= new ObjectMapper().readTree(json);
String content = parent.path("contentType").asText();
我的$ 0.02
答案 3 :(得分:0)
String json = "{\"contentType\": \"foo\", \"fooField1\": ... }";
JsonNode parent= new ObjectMapper().readTree(json);
String content = parent.get("contentType").asText();
答案 4 :(得分:0)
public class TestTransaction extends TestTransaction {
private String radarId;
private String exclusionReason;
private Timestamp eventTs;
private JSONObject drivingAttributes;
我正在使用对象映射器转换此对象,但它在Json内给了我一个Json ..这是错误的..我需要使用下面的映射器将JSON对象内部转换为String
public static final ObjectMapper EXCLUSION_OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper()
.setDateFormat(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'+0000'"))
"txnId": "Test1",
"txnIdDomain": "TEST1",
"tradeDate": "2019-06-13T08:59:33.000+0000",
"txnVersion": 0,
"txnRevision": 0,
"radarId": "TEST2",
"exclusionReason": "CurrencyFilter Exclusion reason",
"eventTs": "2019-07-18T19:03:32.426+0000",
"drivingAttributes": {
"Contra currency id": "USD",
"Dealt currency id": "CAD"
"validated": false
"txnId": "Test1",
"txnIdDomain": "TEST1",
"tradeDate": "2019-06-13T08:59:33.000+0000",
"txnVersion": 0,
"txnRevision": 0,
"radarId": "TEST2",
"exclusionReason": "CurrencyFilter Exclusion reason",
"eventTs": "2019-07-18T19:03:32.426+0000",
"drivingAttributes": "Contra currency id:USD, Dealt currency id:CAD",
"validated": false
答案 5 :(得分:0)
当我决定使用 Jackson 作为我从事的项目的json库时,我遇到了这个问题;主要是因为它的速度。我已经习惯于在项目中使用org.json
中很多琐碎的任务在 Jackson
下面的类将使您像使用简单的org.json库一样轻松地使用 Jackson ,同时仍保留 Jackson
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* @author GBEMIRO JIBOYE <gbenroscience@gmail.com>
public class JSONObject {
ObjectNode parseNode;
public JSONObject() {
this.parseNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); // initializing
public JSONObject(String json) throws JsonProcessingException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
this.parseNode = mapper.readValue(json, ObjectNode.class);
} catch (JsonProcessingException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(JSONObject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public void put(String key, String value) {
parseNode.put("key", value); // building
public void put(String key, boolean value) {
parseNode.put("key", value); // building
public void put(String key, int value) {
parseNode.put("key", value); // building
public void put(String key, short value) {
parseNode.put("key", value); // building
public void put(String key, float value) {
parseNode.put("key", value); // building
public void put(String key, long value) {
parseNode.put("key", value); // building
public void put(String key, double value) {
parseNode.put("key", value); // building
public void put(String key, byte[] value) {
parseNode.put("key", value); // building
public void put(String key, BigInteger value) {
parseNode.put("key", value); // building
public void put(String key, BigDecimal value) {
parseNode.put("key", value); // building
public void put(String key, Object[] value) {
ArrayNode anode = parseNode.putArray(key);
for (Object o : value) {
anode.addPOJO(o); // building
public void put(String key, JSONObject value) {
parseNode.set(key, value.parseNode);
public void put(String key, Object value) {
parseNode.putPOJO(key, value);
public static class Parser<T> {
public T decode(String json, Class clazz) {
try {
return new Converter<T>().fromJsonString(json, clazz);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(JSONObject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return null;
public int optInt(String key) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(key);
return nod != null ? nod.asInt(0) : 0;
return 0;
public long optLong(String key) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(key);
return nod != null ? nod.asLong(0) : 0;
return 0;
public double optDouble(String key) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(key);
return nod != null ? nod.asDouble(0) : 0;
return 0;
public boolean optBoolean(String key) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(key);
return nod != null ? nod.asBoolean(false) : false;
return false;
public double optFloat(String key) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(key);
return nod != null && nod.isFloat() ? nod.floatValue() : 0;
return 0;
public short optShort(String key) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(key);
return nod != null && nod.isShort() ? nod.shortValue() : 0;
return 0;
public byte optByte(String key) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(key);
return nod != null && nod.isShort() ? (byte) nod.asInt(0) : 0;
return 0;
public JSONObject optJSONObject(String key) {
if (parseNode != null) {
if (parseNode.has(key)) {
ObjectNode nod = parseNode.with(key);
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.parseNode = nod;
return obj;
return new JSONObject();
public JSONArray optJSONArray(String key) {
if (parseNode != null) {
if (parseNode.has(key)) {
ArrayNode nod = parseNode.withArray(key);
JSONArray obj = new JSONArray();
if (nod != null) {
obj.parseNode = nod;
return obj;
return new JSONArray();
public String optString(String key) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(key);
return parseNode != null && nod.isTextual() ? nod.asText("") : "";
return "";
public String toString() {
return parseNode.toString();
public String toCuteString() {
return parseNode.toPrettyString();
这是等效于JSON.JSONArray的代码,其工作方式类似于org.json.JSONArray;但使用 Jackson 代码。
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
* @author GBEMIRO JIBOYE <gbenroscience@gmail.com>
public class JSONArray {
protected ArrayNode parseNode;
public JSONArray() {
this.parseNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode(); // initializing
public JSONArray(String json) throws JsonProcessingException{
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
this.parseNode = mapper.readValue(json, ArrayNode.class);
public void putByte(byte val) {
public void putShort(short val) {
public void put(int val) {
public void put(long val) {
public void pu(float val) {
public void put(double val) {
public void put(String val) {
public void put(byte[] val) {
public void put(BigDecimal val) {
public void put(BigInteger val) {
public void put(Object val) {
public void put(int index, JSONArray value) {
parseNode.set(index, value.parseNode);
public void put(int index, JSONObject value) {
parseNode.set(index, value.parseNode);
public String optString(int index) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(index);
return nod != null ? nod.asText("") : "";
return "";
public int optInt(int index) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(index);
return nod != null ? nod.asInt(0) : 0;
return 0;
public long optLong(int index) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(index);
return nod != null ? nod.asLong(0) : 0;
return 0;
public double optDouble(int index) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(index);
return nod != null ? nod.asDouble(0) : 0;
return 0;
public boolean optBoolean(int index) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(index);
return nod != null ? nod.asBoolean(false) : false;
return false;
public double optFloat(int index) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(index);
return nod != null && nod.isFloat() ? nod.floatValue() : 0;
return 0;
public short optShort(int index) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(index);
return nod != null && nod.isShort() ? nod.shortValue() : 0;
return 0;
public byte optByte(int index) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(index);
return nod != null && nod.isShort() ? (byte) nod.asInt(0) : 0;
return 0;
public JSONObject optJSONObject(int index) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(index);
if(nod != null){
ObjectNode obn = (ObjectNode) nod;
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.parseNode = obn;
return obj;
return new JSONObject();
public JSONArray optJSONArray(int index) {
if (parseNode != null) {
JsonNode nod = parseNode.get(index);
if(nod != null){
ArrayNode anode = (ArrayNode) nod;
JSONArray obj = new JSONArray();
obj.parseNode = anode;
return obj;
return new JSONArray();
public String toString() {
return parseNode.toString();
public String toCuteString() {
return parseNode.toPrettyString();
* @author GBEMIRO JIBOYE <gbenroscience@gmail.com>
public class Converter<T> {
// Serialize/deserialize helpers
private Class clazz;
public Converter() {}
public T fromJsonString(String json , Class clazz) throws IOException {
this.clazz = clazz;
return getObjectReader().readValue(json);
public String toJsonString(T obj) throws JsonProcessingException {
this.clazz = obj.getClass();
return getObjectWriter().writeValueAsString(obj);
private ObjectReader requestReader;
private ObjectWriter requestWriter;
private void instantiateMapper() {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper()
.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
requestReader = mapper.readerFor(clazz);
requestWriter = mapper.writerFor(clazz);
private ObjectReader getObjectReader() {
if (requestReader == null) {
return requestReader;
private ObjectWriter getObjectWriter() {
if (requestWriter == null) {
return requestWriter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* @author GBEMIRO JIBOYE <gbenroscience@gmail.com>
public class SimplerJacksonTest {
static class Credentials {
private String userName;
private String uid;
private String password;
private long createdAt;
public Credentials() {
public Credentials(String userName, String uid, String password, long createdAt) {
this.userName = userName;
this.uid = uid;
this.password = password;
this.createdAt = createdAt;
public String getUserName() {
return userName;
public void setUserName(String userName) {
this.userName = userName;
public String getUid() {
return uid;
public void setUid(String uid) {
this.uid = uid;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
public long getCreatedAt() {
return createdAt;
public void setCreatedAt(long createdAt) {
this.createdAt = createdAt;
public String encode() {
try {
return new Converter<Credentials>().toJsonString(this);
} catch (JsonProcessingException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Credentials.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return null;
public Credentials decode(String jsonData) {
try {
return new Converter<Credentials>().fromJsonString(jsonData, Credentials.class);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Converter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return null;
public static JSONObject testJSONObjectBuild() {
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
Credentials cred = new Credentials("Adesina", "01eab26bwkwjbak2vngxh9y3q6", "xxxxxx1234", System.currentTimeMillis());
String arr[] = new String[]{"Boy", "Girl", "Man", "Woman"};
int nums[] = new int[]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
obj.put("creds", cred);
obj.put("pronouns", arr);
obj.put("creds", cred);
obj.put("nums", nums);
System.out.println("json-coding: " + obj.toCuteString());
return obj;
public static void testJSONObjectParse(String json) {
JSONObject obj;
try {
obj = new JSONObject(json);
JSONObject credsObj = obj.optJSONObject("creds");
String userName = credsObj.optString("userName");
String uid = credsObj.optString("uid");
String password = credsObj.optString("password");
long createdAt = credsObj.optLong("createdAt");
System.out.println("<<---Parse Results--->>");
System.out.println("userName = " + userName);
System.out.println("uid = " + uid);
System.out.println("password = " + password);
System.out.println("createdAt = " + createdAt);
} catch (JsonProcessingException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(JSONObject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public static JSONArray testJSONArrayBuild() {
JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
array.put(new Credentials("Lawani", "001uadywdbs", "ampouehehu", System.currentTimeMillis()));
array.put("Good scores!");
System.out.println("See the built array: "+array.toCuteString());
return array;
public static void testJSONArrayParse(String json) {
try {
JSONArray array = new JSONArray(json);
JSONObject credsObj = array.optJSONObject(0);
//Parse credentials in index 0
String userName = credsObj.optString("userName");
String uid = credsObj.optString("uid");
String password = credsObj.optString("password");
long createdAt = credsObj.optLong("createdAt");
//Now return to the main array and parse other entries
String twelve = array.optString(1);
int ninety = array.optInt(2);
double pi = array.optDouble(3);
String scoreNews = array.optString(4);
System.out.println("Parse Results");
System.out.println("userName = " + userName);
System.out.println("uid = " + uid);
System.out.println("password = " + password);
System.out.println("createdAt = " + createdAt);
System.out.println("Parse Results");
System.out.println("index 1 = " + twelve);
System.out.println("index 2 = " + ninety);
System.out.println("index 3 = " + pi);
System.out.println("index 4 = " + scoreNews);
} catch (JsonProcessingException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(JSONObject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public static String testCredentialsEncode(){
Credentials cred = new Credentials("Olaoluwa", "01eab26bwkwjbak2vngxh9y3q6", "xxxxxx1234", System.currentTimeMillis());
String encoded = cred.encode();
System.out.println("encoded credentials = "+encoded);
return encoded;
public static Credentials testCredentialsDecode(String json){
Credentials cred = new Credentials().decode(json);
System.out.println("encoded credentials = "+cred.encode());
return cred;
public static void main(String[] args) {
JSONObject jo = testJSONObjectBuild();
JSONArray ja = testJSONArrayBuild();
String credsJSON = testCredentialsEncode();