我试图找出对Class :: Function()的未定义引用。该项目是我已经看过一些回复的项目,我查看了其他人的回复,看起来代码相似,但我似乎无法找到我的具体问题的答案。我正在尝试使用2 .h文件,它们的实现文件和驱动程序来简单地处理卡片中的卡片。我已经碰壁,因为我并不是100%确定如何使用派生类。编译时我当前的错误如下:
#ifndef CARD_H
#define CARD_H
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Card
string face; //Used to store value of face(A-K)
string suit; //User to store value of suit(A/R/S/B)
string getCard() const; //Returns the card.
Card(string cardFace, string cardSuit)
{face = cardFace; suit = cardSuit;}
//Default Constructor
#endif // CARD_H
#include <iostream>
#include "CARD.H"
string Card::getCard() const
//Returns the card in a format of X of Y(Ace of Shields)
return (face + " of " + suit);
#ifndef DECK_H
#define DECK_H
#include "CARD.H"
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 52; //Standard Size of Deck. Used for calculations
class Deck : private Card
Card *deckOfCards; //Creates pointer for deck.
int currentCard; //Keeps track of the current card array location
//Constructor for Deck. Creates a deck of cards.
Deck() : Card()
string faces[] = {"Ace", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six",
"Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King"};
string suits[] = {"Acorns", "Shields", "Bells", "Roses"};
deckOfCards = new Card[SIZE];
currentCard = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
deckOfCards[i] = Card(faces[i % 13], suits[ i / 13]);
void shuffleCards(); //Shuffles the cards.
Card dealCard(); //Returns a Card data type when this is called.
void printDeck() const; //Prints the deck.
#endif // DECK_H
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include "DECK.H"
#include "CARD.H"
* Uses 2 arrays to shuffle the cards. The function uses
* 2 arrays and random number generation with a modulus of the size of
* the deck to find the next location of the card.
void Deck::shuffleCards()
currentCard = 0;
for(int first = 0; first < SIZE; first ++)
int second = (rand() + time(0)) % SIZE;
Card temp = deckOfCards[first];
deckOfCards[first] = deckOfCards[second];
deckOfCards[second] = temp;
Card Deck::dealCard()
//Checks to make sure the current card location is not greater than size.
//If so, this would indicate the deck needs to be shuffled because we're
// out of cards
if (currentCard > SIZE)
if (currentCard < SIZE)
return deckOfCards[0];
//Function used to format the printing of the deck.
void Deck::printDeck() const
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
cout << deckOfCards[i].getCard();
if((i + 1) % 5 == 0) //Prints 5 cards per line.
cout << endl; //If mod expression is valid, starts new line.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "DECK.H"
#include "CARD.H"
using namespace std;
int main()
Deck myDeck;
Card myCard;
for(int i = 0; i< 52; i++)
myCard = myDeck.dealCard();
cout << myCard.getCard() << endl;
return 0;