
时间:2014-09-30 18:10:23

标签: c


#include <stdio.h>   // Input and output operations
#include <stdlib.h>  // General purpose functions

int main(void)
   FILE*fp;          // File pointer variable
   fp = fopen("Quiz 6", "w");

   int numTries, tries, i;  // Declaration of variables
   char guess;
   char myWord [6] = {'a','p','p','l','e','\0'};  // Initialization of variables
   char dashedArray [6] = {'-','-','-','-','-','-'};

   numTries = 0;
   tries = 0;

   printf("\nLet's play a game! The objective of the game is to guess my secret word. You will have
          five chances to guess.\n");
   printf("\nLet's get started!\n");
   printf("\nPlease enter a letter: ");
   scanf("%c", &guess);

   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      numTries = numTries +1;
      if (guess == myWord [0])
         printf("\n %c----", myWord [0]);
         printf("\nGood Guess!\n");
         printf("\nPlease guess another letter: ");
         scanf(" %c", &guess);

      if ( guess == myWord [1] && myWord [1] )
         printf("\n-%c%c--", myWord [1], myWord [1]);
         printf("\nGood Guess!\n");
         printf("\nPlease guess another letter: ");
         scanf(" %c", &guess);

      if ( guess == myWord [3] )
         printf("\n---%c-", myWord [3]);
         printf("\nGood Guess!\n");
         printf("\nPlease guess another letter: ");
         scanf(" %c", &guess);

      if ( guess == myWord [4] )
         printf("\n----%c", myWord [4]);
         printf("\nGood Guess!\n");
         printf("\nPlease guess another letter: ");
         scanf(" %c", &guess);

      if ( if word is completed and guessed correctly )
         printf("\nCongrats! You guessed the secret word!\n");

      else if ( guess != myWord )
         printf("\nSorry. That is not a correct letter. Please guess again:\n");
         scanf(" %c", &guess);

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


numTries = numTries + 1;


if (guess == myWord [0])
   printf("\n %c----", myWord [0]);
   printf("\nGood Guess!\n");
   printf("\nPlease guess another letter: ");
   scanf(" %c", &guess);

您正在将猜测的角色与该单词的不同字符进行比较,但无论如何都不记得哪些字母或正确猜到了多少个字母。 (也许使用一个标志变量)

if ( if word is completed and guessed correctly )
   printf("\nCongrats! You guessed the secret word!\n");


else if ( guess != myWord )
   printf("\nSorry. That is not a correct letter. Please guess again:\n");
   scanf(" %c", &guess);



答案 1 :(得分:0)


#include <stdio.h>

void main()
    char guess, newline;
    char myWord [6] = {'a','p','p','l','e','\0'};               // Initialization of variables
    char dashedArray [6] = {'-','-','-','-','-','\0'};
    int totalTries = 5;
    int currentTries = 0;
    int i, j;

    printf("\nLet's play a game! The objective of the game is to guess my secret word. You will have five chances to guess.\n");
    printf("\nLet's get started!\n");

    for (i=0; i<totalTries; i++)
        printf("\nPlease enter a letter: ");
        scanf("%c\n", &guess);

        for (j=0; j<6; j++)
            if (guess == myWord[j])
                dashedArray[j] = guess;

        printf("Result: %s", dashedArray);


    printf("You lose.");