%# Shape to be traced
bw = zeros(200);
bw(20:40,20:180) = 1;
bw(20:180,90:110) = 1;
bw(140:180,20:185) = 1;
%# Boundary finding section
[Boundary] = bwboundaries(bw); %Traces the boundary of each section.
figure, imshow(bw); hold on;
colors=['b' 'g' 'r' 'c' 'm' 'y'];
for k = 1:length(Boundary)
perim = Boundary{k}; %Obtains perimeter coordinates (as a 2D matrix) from the cell array.
cidx = mod(k,length(colors))+1;% Obtains colours for the plot
plot(perim(:,2), perim(:,1),...
Coordmat = cell2mat(Boundary) %Converts the traced regions to a matrix.
X = Coordmat(:,1)
Y = Coordmat(:,2) % This gives the edge coordinates in matrix form.
%% Corner finding section (from Jonas' answer to a previous question.
%# Get corners
cornerProbability = cornermetric(bw);
cornerIdx = find(cornerProbability==max(cornerProbability(:)));
%# Label the image. bwlabel puts 1 for the first feature, 2 for the second, etc.
%# Since concave corners are placed just outside the feature, grow the features.
%# A little before labeling
bw2 = imdilate(bw,ones(3));
labeledImage = bwlabel(bw2);
%# Read the feature number associated with the corner.
cornerLabels = labeledImage(cornerIdx);
%# Find all corners that are associated with feature 1.
corners_1 = cornerIdx(cornerLabels==1)
[Xcorners, Ycorners] = ind2sub(200,corners_1) % Convert subscripts
Xfin = zeros(length(X),1)
for i = Xcorners
XFin(i) = Xcorners
if i~= Xcorners
XFin(i) = []
答案 0 :(得分:0)
为了使其工作,你必须将边界作为4连接边界(即写Boundary = bwboundaries(bw,4);
%# Shape to be traced
% bw = zeros(200);
% bw(20:40,20:180) = 1;
% bw(20:180,90:110) = 1;
% bw(140:180,20:185) = 1;
%# alternative shape
bw = zeros(100);
bw(40:80,40:80) = 1;
%# Boundary Finding Section
[Boundary] = bwboundaries(bw,4); %Traces the boundary of each section
figure, imshow(bw); hold on;
colors=['b' 'g' 'r' 'c' 'm' 'y'];
for k=1:length(Boundary)
perim = Boundary{k}; %Obtains perimeter coordinates (as a 2D matrix) from the cell array
cidx = mod(k,length(colors))+1;% Obtains colours for the plot
plot(perim(:,2), perim(:,1),...
Coordmat = cell2mat(Boundary) %Converts the traced regions to a matrix
X = Coordmat(:,1)
Y = Coordmat(:,2) % This gives the edge coordinates in matrix form
%% Corner Finding Section (from Jonas' answer to a previous question
%# get corners
cornerProbability = cornermetric(bw);
cornerIdx = find(cornerProbability==max(cornerProbability(:)));
%# Label the image. bwlabel puts 1 for the first feature, 2 for the second, etc.
%# Since concave corners are placed just outside the feature, grow the features
%# a little before labeling
bw2 = imdilate(bw,ones(3));
labeledImage = bwlabel(bw2);
%# read the feature number associated with the corner
cornerLabels = labeledImage(cornerIdx);
%# find all corners that are associated with feature 1
corners_1 = cornerIdx(cornerLabels==1)
[Xcorners, Ycorners] = ind2sub(size(bw),corners_1) % Convert subscripts
%% Here comes the new part
%# count corners
nCorners = length(Xcorners);
%# corner2boundaryIdx will contain the index of the boundary pixel
%# corresponding to a given corner
corner2boundaryIdx = zeros(nCorners,1);
%# remove last entry of Coordmat, because the first and the last pixel are
%# repeated
Coordmat(end,:) = [];
%# loop since we need to tread convex and concave corners differently
for i = 1:nCorners
%# find distance of corner to boundary
dist = sqrt((Coordmat(:,1)-Xcorners(i)).^2 + (Coordmat(:,2)-Ycorners(i)).^2);
%# find index of closest boundary pixel. Use find
%# instead of 2nd output of min, because we need to know how
%# many closest indices there are in order to distinguish
%# concave and convex corners. Convex corners are directly
%# on the boundary, thus there is one minimum distance (0).
%# Concave corners are just outside the boundary, thus, there
%# are two minimum distances (1)
minDistIdx = find(dist == min(dist));
%# count how many minimum distances we have
switch length(minDistIdx)
case 1
%# convex corners. Everything is simple
corner2boundaryIdx(i) = minDistIdx;
case 2
%# concave corners. Take the index right in the middle. Note
%# for this to work, you need to have 4-connected boundaries,
%# otherwise, the concave corner is not part of the boundary
%# becasue the boundary jumps along the diagonal.
%# If you have to use 8-connected boundaries, the 'good'
%# difference is 1, and you need to calculate the coordinate of
%# the concave corner from the "corner" and the two adjacent
%# boundary pixels.
if diff(minDistIdx) == 2
corner2boundaryIdx(i) = mean(minDistIdx);
error('boundary starts/stops at concave corner - case not handled yet')
error('%i minDist found for corner # %i',length(minDistIdx),i)
%# All that is left to do is read the boundary pixel coordinates in the
%# right order
corner2boundaryIdx = sort(corner2boundaryIdx);
orderedCorners = Coordmat(corner2boundaryIdx,:);
%# plot corner numbers for confirmation
hold on
for i = 1:nCorners