SAS Proc报告和Proc模板

时间:2014-09-26 08:23:27

标签: sas

我的目标是制作如下所示的报告: enter image description here


ods rtf file="C:\Documents and Settings\trainee1\Desktop\table.rtf" bodytitle style=Journal;
    options nodate nonumber ls=250 ps=300;
    title1 justify =left height =1 font= 'Courier New' c=black "XXXX  Pharmaceuticals Corp" justify = right "Draft";   
    title2 justify =left height =1 font= 'Courier New' c=black "Protocol 5326-02"  j=right 'Page !{thispage} of !{lastpage}';
    title3  justify=center font="Courier new" height=1 "Listing 14.1.3" ;
    title4  justify=center font="Courier new" height=1 "Subject Demographic and Baseline Characteristics by Dose Level";
    title5  justify=center font="Courier new" height=1 "Safety Population";
    footnote1   justify=left font="Courier new" height=1    "Dose Level:  A=14mg qd, B=14mg bid, C=35mg qd, D=35mg bid";
    footnote2   "";
    footnote3   justify=left font="Courier new" height=1    "Cross Reference:  CRF page 3";
    footnote4   justify=left font="Courier new" height=1    "MM/DD/YYYY, ";
    ods escapechar= '!';
proc report data = final nowindows headskip missing split="/"         
        style(header)={just=left vjust=bottom protectspecialchars=off asis=on rules=none} 
         style(column)={axis=on }

    columns CHARA STAT ("Dose Level A (N=XX)" ACTIVE_A PLACEBO_A) ("Dose Level B (N=XX)" ACTIVE_B PLACEBO_B)
            ("Dose Level C (N=XX)" ACTIVE_C PLACEBO_C);
    define CHARA / display "Characteristics" left ;
    define STAT / display "Statistic" left ;
    define ACTIVE_A /display   "STA-5326/  N (%)" ;
    define PLACEBO_A /display   "placebo/  N (%)" ;
    define ACTIVE_B /display   "STA-5326/  N (%)" ;
    define PLACEBO_B /display   "placebo/  N (%)" ;
    define ACTIVE_C /display   "STA-5326/  N (%)" ;
    define PLACEBO_C /display   "placebo/  N (%)" ;

ods rtf close;

enter image description here


proc template; 
define style Styles.Custom; 
parent = Styles.Journal; 
replace fonts / 
    'TitleFont' = ("Courier New",8pt) /* Titles from TITLE statements */
    'TitleFont2' = ("Courier New",8pt) /* Procedure titles ("The _____ Procedure")*/
    'StrongFont' = ("Courier New",8pt) 
    'EmphasisFont' = ("Courier New",8pt) 
    'headingEmphasisFont' = ("Courier New",8pt) 
    'headingFont' = ("Courier New",8pt) /* Table column and row headings */
    'docFont' = ("Courier New",8pt) /* Data in table cells */
    'footFont' = ("Courier New",8pt) /* Footnotes from FOOTNOTE statements */ 
    'FixedEmphasisFont' = ("Courier New",8pt) 
    'FixedStrongFont' = ("Courier New",8pt) 
    'FixedHeadingFont' = ("Courier New",8pt) 
    'BatchFixedFont' = ("Courier New",8pt) 
    'FixedFont' = ("Courier New",8pt); 

当我创建的自定义样式时,这就是我得到的。 B级和剂量水平C被推低。 Actualy我只是减少字体的大小,并且我的assumptinn我应该有更多的空间。我究竟做错了什么?我该如何纠正?

enter image description here

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