
时间:2014-09-26 02:15:20

标签: java eclipse

我的任务是创建执行以下操作的方法getCharAfterNthOccurance(String text,int n,String target):

* If n is not positive, throws an IllegalArgumentException.
* Otherwise, returns the character that follows the nth occurrence of the
* target inside the text.
* If the target does not occur n times within the text, or if the nth
* occurrence is not followed by a character, throws NoSuchElementException.


public static char getCharAfterNthOccurrence (String text, int n, String target)
    // Your implementation goes here.  You will find the two-parameter .indexOf
    // method on strings very helpful.  Do not use any of the .substring methods, 
    // or your program will be too slow.
    if (target.length()>=text.length())
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
    if (n<=0 || text.length()==0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    if (n>text.length()+target.length())
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
    if (nthOccurrence(text,target,n)==-1)
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
    if (target.equals(""))
        return text.charAt(n-1);
    if (n == 1)
        return text.charAt(text.indexOf(target)+target.length());
    return text.charAt(nthOccurrence(text,target,n)-1); 
public static int nthOccurrence(String str, String c, int n)
    int pos = str.indexOf(c);
    while (n-- > 0 && pos != -1)
        pos = str.indexOf(c, pos+1);
    return pos;


public void testGetCharAfterNthOccurrence ()
    assertEquals('a', getCharAfterNthOccurrence("aaaaab", 1, "a"));
    assertEquals('a', getCharAfterNthOccurrence("aaaaab", 2, "a"));
    assertEquals('a', getCharAfterNthOccurrence("aaaaab", 3, "a"));
    assertEquals('a', getCharAfterNthOccurrence("aaaaab", 4, "a"));
    //assertEquals('b', getCharAfterNthOccurrence("aaaaab", 5, "a"));
    assertEquals('d', getCharAfterNthOccurrence("abcdefabcabczabcc", 1, "abc"));
    // assertEquals('a', getCharAfterNthOccurrence("abcdefabcabczabcc", 2, "abc"));
    assertEquals('z', getCharAfterNthOccurrence("abcdefabcabczabcc", 3, "abc"));        
    // assertEquals('d', getCharAfterNthOccurrence("abcDABCd", 1, "ABC"));

被注释掉的那些(//)是目前正在失败的那些,我不知道如何继续。第一个失败的测试用例获得NoSuchElementException,第二个失败的测试用例期望得到&lt; 99&gt;但收到&lt; 97&gt;,第三个失败的测试用例得到NoSuchElementException可能是因为它正在寻找大写字母而没有找到它们。有什么建议吗?

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