
时间:2014-09-25 15:34:03

标签: sql sql-server-2008 tsql



DECLARE @Queued int;
set @Queued = ( 
            select count(STATENAME)as Queued 
from   [EAC].[MessageStore].[MessageProcessingAttemptState] a inner JOIN 
 [EAC].[MessageStore].[MessageProcessingAttempt]  b
ON a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = b.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID
inner join [EAC].[MessageStore].[Message] c
 on b.MessageID = c.MessageID
Where a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = '1'
and c.MessageGroupId = '44'
and b.QueuedTime BETWEEN '2014-09-12' AND '2014-09-16')

Declare @Scheduled int;
set @Scheduled =
(select count(STATENAME)as Scheduled 
from   [EAC].[MessageStore].[MessageProcessingAttemptState] a inner JOIN 
 [EAC].[MessageStore].[MessageProcessingAttempt] b
ON a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = b.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID
inner join [EACatalog2013].[MessageStore].[Message] c
 on b.MessageID = c.MessageID
WHERE a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = '2'
and c.MessageGroupId = '44'
and b.QueuedTime BETWEEN '2014-09-12' AND '2014-09-16')

Declare @NotCompleted int;
set @NotCompleted = @Queued + @Scheduled

DECLARE @Queued1 int;

set @Queued1 = ( 
            select count(STATENAME)as Queued 
from   [EAC].[MessageStore].[MessageProcessingAttemptState] a inner JOIN 
 [EAC].[MessageStore].[MessageProcessingAttempt]  b
ON a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = b.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID
inner join [EACatalog2013].[MessageStore].[Message] c
 on b.MessageID = c.MessageID
Where a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = '1'
and c.MessageGroupId = '45'
and b.QueuedTime BETWEEN '2014-09-12' AND '2014-09-16')

Declare @Scheduled1 int;
set @Scheduled1 =
(select count(STATENAME)as Scheduled 
from   [EAC].[MessageStore].[MessageProcessingAttemptState] a inner JOIN 
 [EAC].[MessageStore].[MessageProcessingAttempt]  b
ON a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = b.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID
inner join [EACatalog2013].[MessageStore].[Message] c
 on b.MessageID = c.MessageID
WHERE a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = '2'
and c.MessageGroupId = '45'
and b.QueuedTime BETWEEN '2014-09-12' AND '2014-09-16')

Declare @NotCompleted1 int;
set @NotCompleted1 = @Queued1 + @Scheduled1

select @NotCompleted as NotCompleted
select @NotCompleted1 as NotCompleted

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




      SUM( case when c.MessageGroupId = '44' AND a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = '1' then 1 else 0 end ) as Queued,
      SUM( case when c.MessageGroupId = '44' AND a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = '2' then 1 else 0 end) as Scheduled,
      SUM( case when c.MessageGroupId = '45' AND a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = '1' then 1 else 0 end) as Queued1,
      SUM( case when c.MessageGroupId = '45' AND a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = '2' then 1 else 0 end) as Scheduled1
      [EAC].[MessageStore].[MessageProcessingAttemptState] a 
         inner JOIN [EAC].[MessageStore].[MessageProcessingAttempt] b
            ON a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = b.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID
            inner join [EAC].[MessageStore].[Message] c
               on b.MessageID = c.MessageID
          a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID IN ( '1', '2' )
      and c.MessageGroupId IN ( '44', '45' )
      and b.QueuedTime BETWEEN '2014-09-12' AND '2014-09-16'

答案 1 :(得分:-1)


select count(STATENAME)as Queued,
    a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID as MessageProcessingAttemptStateID,
    c.MessageGroupId as MessageGroupId,
    b.QueuedTime as QueuedTime
into table_1
from   [EAC].[MessageStore].[MessageProcessingAttemptState] a 
    inner JOIN [EAC].[MessageStore].[MessageProcessingAttempt]  b
        ON a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = b.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID
    inner join [EAC].[MessageStore].[Message] c
        on b.MessageID = c.MessageID

select t.Queued, t.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID
from table_1 t
where MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = '1'
    and MessageGroupId = '44'
    and QueuedTime BETWEEN '2014-09-12' AND '2014-09-16'

select t.Queued, t.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID
from table_1 t
where MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = '2'
    and MessageGroupId = '44'
    and QueuedTime BETWEEN '2014-09-12' AND '2014-09-16'


from   [EAC].[MessageStore].[MessageProcessingAttemptState] a 
    inner JOIN [EAC].[MessageStore].[MessageProcessingAttempt]  b
        ON a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID = b.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID
    inner join [EAC].[MessageStore].[Message] c
        on b.MessageID = c.MessageID



编辑: 在你第一次跑步后改变这个想法吧。

select count(STATENAME)as Queued,
    a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID as MessageProcessingAttemptStateID,
    c.MessageGroupId as MessageGroupId,
    b.QueuedTime as QueuedTime
into table_1

insert into table_1
select count(STATENAME)as Queued,
        a.MessageProcessingAttemptStateID as MessageProcessingAttemptStateID,
        c.MessageGroupId as MessageGroupId,
        b.QueuedTime as QueuedTime