# Get 30 threads
threads = Thread.objects.all()[:30]
threads_id = [o.pk for o in threads]
# Extra info about threads that the user have visited
visited_threads = VisitedThread.objects.filter(pk__in=threads_id, user=request.user)
# I want to loop the visited_threads and add info to thread in threads with new info
for visited_thread in visited_threads:
# Here I want to add things to thread (visited_thread.thread), something like:
# thread.has_unread_post = thread.post_count > visited_thread.post_count
答案 0 :(得分:3)
threads = Thread.objects.all()[:30]
threads_by_pk = dict((t.pk, t) for t in threads)
# Extra info about threads that the user have visited
visited_threads = VisitedThread.objects.filter(pk__in=threads_by_pk.keys(), user=request.user)
# I want to loop the visited_threads and add info to thread in threads with new info
for visited_thread in visited_threads:
thread = threads_by_pk[visited_thread.pk]
thread.has_unread_post = thread.post_count > visited_thread.post_count