Android SQLite更新方法无法更新

时间:2014-09-19 10:06:04

标签: java android database eclipse sqlite


这是我当前的代码,在我的SQLITE Helper类中:

public int updateObject(HomeObject originalObject, HomeObject updatedObject) {
    // 1. get reference to writable DB
    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();

    // 2. create ContentValues to add key "column"/value
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put("name", updatedObject.getName());
    values.put("room", updatedObject.getRoom()); // get title 
    values.put("have", updatedObject.getHave()); // get author

    // 3. updating row
    int i = db.update(TABLE_HomeObjects, //table
            values, // column/value
            KEY_ID+" = "+String.valueOf(originalObject.getId()), // selections
            null ); //selection args

    // 4. close

    return i; 



MySQLiteHelper db = new MySQLiteHelper(this);
Intent intent = getIntent();
String itemName = intent.getStringExtra(LivingRoom.EXTRA_MESSAGE);

// Redacted... There is a large section of code here
// which deals with pulling the newlyEditedName, newlyEditedHave,
// and newlyEditedRoom variables from different places in the view.

HomeObject newlyEditedObject = new HomeObject(newlyEditedName, newlyEditedHave, newlyEditedRoom);
HomeObject originalObject = db.getObject(itemName);
int test = db.updateObject(originalObject, newlyEditedObject);  



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

有两种方法可以解决您的错误。 您可以将代码更改为

int i = db.update(TABLE_HomeObjects, //table
        values, // column/value
        KEY_ID+" = '"+String.valueOf(originalObject.getId()) + "'", // selections
        null ); //selection args


int i = db.update(TABLE_HomeObjects, //table
        values, // column/value
        KEY_ID+" =?", // selections
        new String[]{String.valueOf(originalObject.getId())} ); //selection args