我使用Angular-UI-Router作为我的首选路由方法,使用Ruby on Rails 4作为我的后端API。我正在构建一个基于用户的应用程序(因为将有数百/数千个用户)。每个用户都有自己的帐户来存放他们的信息,并且可以进行编辑。每个用户已经拥有一个authentication_token,当他们登录时,他们会在服务器端生成,存储在数据库中,然后在登录时将客户端存储为临时cookie。
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (event, next, toState) {
// Restrict access if authorization is required from state data ("authRequired" is defined in module config files as part of the state definitions)
if (next.data.authRequired) {
Auth.getCurrentUser().then(function(user) {
// Validate the user's token by checking if the "auth_token" cookie matches the user's API auth_token
var user_token = user.auth_token;
var auth_token = $cookieStore.get('auth_token');
var validateAuthToken = (function() {
return (auth_token === user_token) ? true : false;
// Validate the user's ID by checking if the "uid" cookie matches the ID of the state param that is being requested.
var uid = $cookieStore.get('uid');
var sid = parseInt(toState.id);
var validateUserID = (function() {
return (uid === sid) ? true : false;
// If either validation is false, restrict access
if (validateAuthToken && validateUserID === false) {
if (Auth.isLoggedIn() === true) {
// user is not allowed
alertService.showAlert(AUTH_EVENTS.notAuthorized, 'alert-danger');
} else {
// user is not logged in
alertService.showAlert(AUTH_EVENTS.notAuthenticated, 'alert-danger');