NSDictionary *posts = [dic objectForKey:@"posts"];
if((NSNull*)posts != [NSNull null]){
int counter = 1;
int p_ID;
int p_U_ID;
int p_T_ID;
NSString *p_Message;
NSDate *p_Created;
int p_Flagged;
int p_Rated;
NSString *firstNamePost;
NSString *lastNamePost;
NSString *p_userImage;
for(NSDictionary *dict in posts)
if((NSNull *)[dict objectForKey:@"P_ID"] != [NSNull null]){
p_ID = [[dict objectForKey:@"P_ID"] intValue];
if((NSNull *)[dict objectForKey:@"P_U_ID"] != [NSNull null]){
p_U_ID = [[dict objectForKey:@"P_U_ID"] intValue];
if((NSNull *)[dict objectForKey:@"P_T_ID"] != [NSNull null]){
p_T_ID = [[dict objectForKey:@"P_T_ID"] intValue];
if((NSNull *)[dict objectForKey:@"P_Message"] != [NSNull null]){
p_Message = [dict objectForKey:@"P_Message"];
if((NSNull *)[dict objectForKey:@"P_Created"] != [NSNull null]){
NSString *timestampString = [dict objectForKey:@"P_Created"];
double timestampDate = [timestampString doubleValue];
p_Created = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:timestampDate];
if((NSNull *)[dict objectForKey:@"P_Flagged"] != [NSNull null]){
p_Flagged = [[dict objectForKey:@"P_Flagged"] intValue];
if((NSNull *)[dict objectForKey:@"P_Rated"] != [NSNull null]){
p_Rated = [[dict objectForKey:@"P_Rated"] intValue];
if((NSNull *)[dict objectForKey:@"U_FirstName"] != [NSNull null]){
firstNamePost = [dict objectForKey:@"U_FirstName"];
if((NSNull *)[dict objectForKey:@"U_LastName"] != [NSNull null]){
lastNamePost = [dict objectForKey:@"U_LastName"];
if((NSNull *)[dict objectForKey:@"U_Image"] != [NSNull null]){
p_userImage = [dict objectForKey:@"U_Image"];
PostInfo *postObj = [PostInfo new];
postObj.iD = p_ID;
postObj.userId = p_U_ID;
postObj.threadId = p_T_ID;
postObj.message = p_Message;
postObj.timeStampCreated = p_Created;
postObj.flagged = p_Flagged;
postObj.rated = p_Rated;
postObj.firstName = firstNamePost;
postObj.lastName = lastNamePost;
postObj.userImage = p_userImage;
[postsArray insertObject:postObj atIndex:0];
if(counter == posts.count){
postLastTimestamp = [dict objectForKey:@"P_Created"];
counter += 1;
[tableViewPosts beginUpdates];
[tableViewPosts reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0]] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationFade];
[tableViewPosts endUpdates];
//[tableViewPosts reloadData];
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid update: invalid number of rows in section 0. The number of rows contained in an existing section after the update (11) must be equal to the number of rows contained in that section before the update (10), plus or minus the number of rows inserted or deleted from that section (1 inserted, 1 deleted) and plus or minus the number of rows moved into or out of that section (0 moved in, 0 moved out).'
答案 0 :(得分:1)
[tableViewPosts layoutIfNeeded];
答案 1 :(得分:0)
如果数据已更改,请使用[yourTableView reloadData]刷新,该表将获取所需的数据。如果您知道更改了哪些内容并想要为其设置动画,则还有一些方法可以重新加载部分或几行。