MATLAB - 如何用零替换每列中的第一个NaN?

时间:2014-09-14 05:06:30

标签: matlab loops matrix nan


12    16    10
11    13    9
8     10    7 
7     6     5
4     1     4
2     NaN   2
NaN   NaN   1
NaN   NaN   NaN



12    16    10
11    13    9
8     10    7 
7     6     5
4     1     4
2     0     2
0     NaN   1
NaN   NaN   0



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


[m,n] = size(A) %// get size of input data
[v,ind] = max(isnan(A))  %// positions of first nans in each column
ind2 = bsxfun(@plus,ind,[0:n-1]*m)  %// linear indices of those positions
A(ind2(v))=0 %// set values of all those positions to zero

代码在示例输入上运行(稍微不同于有问题的示例) -

A (Input) =
    12    16    10
    11    13     9
     8    10     7
     7     6     5
     4     1     4
     2   NaN     2
     4   NaN     1
     1   NaN   NaN

A (Output) =
    12    16    10
    11    13     9
     8    10     7
     7     6     5
     4     1     4
     2     0     2
     4   NaN     1
     1   NaN     0


如果您想使用sum(~isnan(A)代码,这可能会形成另一种方法,但请注意,这假设一旦NaN元素开始出现在列中,就没有数值,因此#1是更安全的。这是方法#2的代码 -

[m,n] = size(A); %// get size of input data
ind = sum(~isnan(A))+1; %// positions of first nans in each column
v = ind<=m; %// position of valid ind values
ind2 = bsxfun(@plus,ind,[0:n-1]*m);  %// linear indices of those positions
A(ind2(v))=0 %// set values of all those positions to zero

答案 1 :(得分:5)

Divakar的解决方案运行良好,但作为替代解决方案,您可以使用两个嵌套cumsum来获取每行第一个NaN的掩码,并使用它将这些值重置为0; < / p>
A =    
    12    16    10
    11    13     9
     8    10     7
     7     6     5
     4     1     4
     2   NaN     2
   NaN     7     1
   NaN   NaN   NaN

>>> A(cumsum(cumsum(isnan(A))) == 1) = 0

A =

    12    16    10
    11    13     9
     8    10     7
     7     6     5
     4     1     4
     2     0     2
     0     7     1
   NaN   NaN     0

答案 2 :(得分:2)


[ii jj] = find(isnan(A)); %// rows and columns of NaNs
ind = accumarray(jj,ii, [], @min); %// minimum row for each column with NaNs
ind = ind(ind~=0); %// a 0 indicates no NaNs in that column, so it should be removed
A(size(A,1)*(unique(jj)-1)+ind) = 0; %// set those entries to 0 using linear indexing


A = [ 12    16    10
      11    13     9
       8    10     7
       7     6     5
       4     1     4
       2   NaN     2
       4   NaN   NaN
       1     5   NaN ]


A = 
    12    16    10
    11    13     9
     8    10     7
     7     6     5
     4     1     4
     2     0     2
     4   NaN     0
     1     5   NaN