RESTEasy JSON异常响应:发送对象列表

时间:2014-09-13 11:55:12

标签: java json web-services exception-handling resteasy

我有基于RESTEasy webservices和会话bean的Web客户端(HTML5)和后端服务器。在我的服务器端代码中,我正在迭代对象列表和每个对象,我正在执行一些业务逻辑:

List<TestTO> failedTestList = new ArrayList<TestTO>();
for (TestTO testTO : testTOList) {
    try {
        // some weired business logic :P
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Unable to create data -" + e.getMessage());

if (!failedTestList.isEmpty()) {
   // throw custom exception embedded with failed TO list 


public class CustomExceptionHandler implements ExceptionMapper<CustomException> {

    public CustomException getCustomErrorCode(final CustomException customException) {

        // Some logic to get cause and set error code
        return customException;

    public Response toResponse(final CustomException customException) {

        return Response.serverError().entity(
                "{\"Error Code\":\"" + getCustomErrorCode(customException).getErrorCode() + "\", "
                        + "\"Error Message\":\"" + customException.getLocalizedMessage() + "\"}").build();


请给我一个想法并链接到参考,如何实现这样的要求。请注意,我的客户希望以JSON格式进行响应。如果您需要更多信息,请告诉我。 感谢。

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