宏打开文件,然后从一个工作表复制并粘贴到另一个工作表 - 宏文件中指定的文件名

时间:2014-09-08 16:03:09

标签: excel vba excel-vba




1.根据宏文件单元格B6中指定的名称查找文件夹中的“BS”文件 2.根据宏文件单元格B10中指定的名称查找文件夹中的“AL”文件 3.Copy来自BS工作表(其名称与文件本身完全相同)并将其粘贴到名为“BS”的AL文件工作表中




Sub opencopypaste()     
    Dim strFNameBS As String 
    Dim strFNameAL As String
    Dim SourceBSfilename As String
    Dim DestALfilename As String
    Dim SourceBSwkb As Workbook
    Dim DestALwkb As Workbook
    Dim SourceBSsheet As Worksheet
    Dim DestALsheet As Worksheet

    strFNameBS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("test").Range("B6").Value
    'macro looks up for the file with name and path indicated in cell B6 of the macro file
    If FileExists(strFNameBS) Then
    'macro checks if the file exists
    If Not BookOpen(Dir(strFNameBS)) Then Workbooks.Open filename:=strFNameBS
    'if not already open, macro opens it
    MsgBox "The file does not exist!"
    End If
    strFNameAL = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("test").Range("B10").Value
    'macro looks up for the file with name and path indicated in cell B10 of the macro file
    If FileExists(strFNameAL) Then
    'macro checks if the file exists
    If Not BookOpen(Dir(strFNameAL)) Then Workbooks.Open filename:=strFNameAL, Password:="Carnaval"
    'if not already open, macro opens it
    MsgBox "The file does not exist!"
    End If
    Set SourceBSwkb = Workbooks(strFNameBS)
    SourceBSsheet(SourceBSwkb) = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("test").Range("B15").Value
    'workbook from which data will be copied is the BS file indicated above. Worksheet is the one 
    indicated on Cell B15 ("BS xx.xx.xxxx")

    Set DestALwkb = Workbooks(strFNameAL)
    DestALsheet(DestALwkb) = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("test").Range("B17").Value
    'workbook on which data will be copied over is the AL file indicated above. Worksheet is the one 
    indicated on Cell B17 ("BS")
End Sub

Function FileExists(strfullname As String) As Boolean
    FileExists = Dir(strfullname) <> ""
End Function

Function BookOpen(strWBName As String) As Boolean
    Dim wbk As Workbook
    On Error Resume Next
    Set wbk = Workbooks(strWBName)
    If Not wbk Is Nothing Then BookOpen = True
End Function

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