运行一段时间后,OSX Cocoa App UI冻结并无响应

时间:2014-09-05 08:50:07

标签: objective-c multithreading cocoa user-interface nstimer

我的OSX Cocoa App是一个测试应用程序,涉及NSTimers,多线程,UART处理和UI显示。


我的测试应用程序基本上有一个主测试线程,它本身将根据设备数量产生4或8个单独的线程。同时,有一些NSTimers可以检查启动/中止按钮的状态,显示测试时间等。在最初的几次运行中,UI正在平滑更新。 UI显示主要涉及显示测试时间,测试状态和显示每个测试项目结果的NSTableView。说几次测试后,UI开始冻结或无响应。在冻结过程中,在测试结束时,显示测试状态的NSButton会在“运行”状态下冻结。这要求用户使用鼠标点击NSButton,以便将其更新为" PASS"或"失败"。虽然UI看起来是冻结的,但实际上正在运行测试,因为我们可以从控制台日志中看到NSLog消息。

我正在调试此问题,查看内存泄漏并优化算法无济于事。 请帮我解决一下这个问题。


BOOL checkWell1 = FALSE;

if ( ! [appWindow isVisible])

if (!bTestRunning[0] && !pauseTimer1) {
    checkWell1 = TRUE;

if (checkWell1 == TRUE) {
    // UART data buffer

    char *pBuff1 = fetchRdBuff(0);
    char *pBuff2 = fetchRdBuff(1);
    char *pBuff3 = fetchRdBuff(2);
    char *pBuff4 = fetchRdBuff(3);

    if (!(pBuff1 == NULL) && strlen(pBuff1) != 0) {// && [uut1Check state] == 1){ //&& (uutSelected[0] == NSOnState)) {

        NSString *strBuff1 = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:pBuff1];
        NSRange range1 = [strBuff1 rangeOfString:RET_TOP_FIXTURE_START options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];

        // Left button pressed to start test
        if (range1.location != NSNotFound) {
              startByMCU1 = TRUE;

            [self runtest:RUN_NORMAL wellIndex:0];
            startByMCU1 = FALSE;


        range1 = [strBuff1 rangeOfString:RET_TOP_FIXTURE_STOP options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
        if (range1.location != NSNotFound) {

    //Same goes for pBuff2, pBuff3 and pBuff4

- (void)testThreadMainRoutine:(id)argument
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; 

//Initiasation and etc

for (i=0; i<lineCount; i++)
    [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.001];

    if ([testThread[nWellIndex] isCancelled])
        bTestStatus[nWellIndex] = ABORT;
        goto TESTTHREAD_EXIT;

    // Is there any UUT available?
    bContinue = 0;
    for (j=nStartIndex; j<nEndIndex; j++)
        if (uutActive[j])
            bContinue = 1;
    if (bContinue == 0)
        goto TESTTHREAD_EXIT;

    while(bPaused == 0)
        [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
        [self setTextResult:@"Pause" textColor:[NSColor orangeColor] wellIndex:nWellIndex];
    [self setTextResult:@"Running" textColor:[NSColor orangeColor] wellIndex:nWellIndex];

    // Per Command Line
    CommandLine *cmdLine = [cmdArray objectAtIndex:i];

    // Run UUT independently from this command line
    if ([cmdLine independentRun] == INDEPENDENTRUN_START)
        g_nIndependentStart = i;
        g_nIndependentStop = [self independentRunStopIndex];

        // Dispatch independent thread for each active UUT
        for (j=nStartIndex; j<nEndIndex; j++)
            if (uutActive[j])
                g_itemCount[j] = itemCount;

                NSNumber *uutIndex = [NSNumber numberWithInt:j];
                [g_uutThread[j] release];
                g_uutThread[j] = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self 

                [g_uutThread[j] start]; 

        // Waiting till test abort or UUT thread finish
        while ( 1 )
            [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.05];

            // User press button to abort the test
            if ([testThread[nWellIndex] isCancelled])
                // Cancel all UUT thread
                for (j=nStartIndex; j<nEndIndex; j++)
                    if ([g_uutThread[j] isExecuting])
                        [g_uutThread[j] cancel];

                bTestStatus[nWellIndex] = ABORT;


            // Wait until all thread exited, then continue remaining test
            bContinue = 0;
            for (j=nStartIndex; j<nEndIndex; j++)
                if (uutSelected[j])
                    if ([g_uutThread[j] isExecuting])
                        bContinue = 1;
                        [g_uutThread[j] release];
                        g_uutThread[j] = nil;
            // All UUT thread exited
            if ( ! bContinue)

            //if (canUpdate) {
            // Select current test row
            if (itemCount != [self maxCurrentItemCount:nWellIndex])
                itemCount = [self maxCurrentItemCount:nWellIndex];
                NSArray *objArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:nWellIndex],
                                     [NSNumber numberWithInt:itemCount], nil];
                [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(selectCurrentRow:)
                                       withObject:objArray waitUntilDone:YES];

            if (nWellIndex == 0)
                [testTable01 display];
            else if(nWellIndex==1)
                [testTable02 display];
                [testTable03 display];

        // Test abort or UUT fail and aborted
        if (bTestStatus[nWellIndex] == ABORT)
            goto TESTTHREAD_EXIT;

        if (g_nIndependentStop >= lineCount)
            // All test done
            goto TESTTHREAD_EXIT;
            // Continue remaining test
            i = g_nIndependentStop;
            cmdLine = [cmdArray objectAtIndex:i];
            itemCount = [self maxCurrentItemCount:nWellIndex];

    NSArray *objArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:nWellIndex], [NSNumber numberWithInt:itemCount], nil];
    [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(selectCurrentRow:) withObject:objArray waitUntilDone:YES];

    NSString *cmdName = [cmdLine valueForKey:@"cmdName"];
    NSString *cmdParam = [cmdLine valueForKey:@"cmdParam"];
    NSString *itemName = [cmdLine valueForKey:@"itemName"];

    // Clear returnArray
    for (j=nStartIndex; j<nEndIndex; j++)

        if ([cmdLine flag] & FLAG_SKIP) {

            [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] setUnit:@"NA"];
            [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] setLowerLimit:@"NA"];
            [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] setUpperLimit:@"NA"];

            [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] setCmdResult:@"Skipped"];
            [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] setTestResult:@"Skipped"];
            [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] setCmdStatus:SKIPPED];


    if ([cmdName characterAtIndex:0] == '_') // Per UUT command
        // Repeat for all UUT
        for (j=nStartIndex; j<nEndIndex; j++)
            // whether UUT is selected
            if (uutActive[j])
                    // Process test result
                    if (itemName != nil)
                        [self saveUutResult:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] testResult] testItem:itemName uutIndex:j uutStatus:SKIPPED];



                // Before Item Test, save timestamp
                if (itemName != nil)
                    NSString* timeStamp = [[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"\n%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: " timeZone:nil locale:nil];

                    [strPlog[j] appendFormat:@"%@ START %@", timeStamp, itemName];


                // insert to UART log file
                char buff[1024];
                NSString *strInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d: %@, (%@), %@", i, cmdName, cmdParam, itemName];
                sprintf(buff, "\n[Host Executing Cmd]%s\n", [strInfo UTF8String]);
                [self uartDataLogging:j buffer:buff pureUARTData:NO];

                    [self parseCommand:cmdName parameter:cmdParam lineIndex:i uutIndex:j wellIndex:nWellIndex];

                     [self saveCmdReading:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] cmdResult]
                             commandLine:i uutIndex:j lineStatus:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] cmdStatus]];

                // Test Item
                if (itemName != nil)

                        [self saveUutResult:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] testResult]
                                   testItem:itemName uutIndex:j uutStatus:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] cmdStatus]];

                    // After Item Test, save timestamp
                    NSString* timeStamp = [[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"\n%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: " timeZone:nil locale:nil];

                    [strPlog[j] appendFormat:@"%@ FINISH %@", timeStamp, itemName];


                // Fail Stop/Abort
                if ([[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] cmdStatus] == FAIL)
                    if ([cmdLine flag] & FLAG_FAILSTOP)
                        // Stop this UUT test
                        uutActive[j] = 0;

                        if ([[uutBarcode objectAtIndex:j] length] > 0) {
                            [self InstantPudding_Done:j];
                    else if ([cmdLine flag] & FLAG_FAILABORT)
                        bTestStatus[nWellIndex] = ABORT;
                        goto TESTTHREAD_EXIT;

    else // For all active UUT
        // Before Item Test, save timestamp
        for (j=nStartIndex; j<nEndIndex; j++)

            if ([cmdLine flag] & FLAG_SKIP) {

                [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] setUnit:@"NA"];
                [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] setLowerLimit:@"NA"];
                [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] setUpperLimit:@"NA"];

                [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] setCmdResult:@"Skipped"];
                [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] setTestResult:@"Skipped"];
                [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] setCmdStatus:SKIPPED];

                [self saveCmdReading:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] cmdResult] commandLine:i uutIndex:j lineStatus:SKIPPED];

                // Process test result
                if (itemName != nil)
                    [self saveUutResult:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] testResult]
                               testItem:itemName uutIndex:j uutStatus:SKIPPED];


            // whether UUT is selected
            if (uutActive[j])
                if (itemName != nil)
                    NSString* timeStamp = [[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"\n%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: " timeZone:nil locale:nil];
                    [strPlog[j] appendFormat:@"%@ START %@", timeStamp, itemName];

                // insert to UART log file
                char buff[1024];
                NSString *strInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d: %@, (%@), %@", i, cmdName, cmdParam, itemName];
                sprintf(buff, "\n[Host Executing Cmd]%s\n", [strInfo UTF8String]);
                [self uartDataLogging:j buffer:buff pureUARTData:NO];

        if ([cmdLine flag] & FLAG_SKIP) {

        [self parseCommand:cmdName parameter:cmdParam lineIndex:i uutIndex:-1 wellIndex:nWellIndex];

        // Process command return result
        for (j=nStartIndex; j<nEndIndex; j++)
            // whether UUT is selected
            if (uutActive[j])
               [self saveCmdReading:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] cmdResult] commandLine:i uutIndex:j lineStatus:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] cmdStatus]];

                // Process test result
                if (itemName != nil)
                    [self saveUutResult:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] testResult]
                               testItem:itemName uutIndex:j uutStatus:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] cmdStatus]];

                    // After Item Test, save timestamp
                    NSString* timeStamp = [[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"\n%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: " timeZone:nil locale:nil];

                    [strPlog[j] appendFormat:@"%@ FINISH %@", timeStamp, itemName];


                // Fail Stop/Abort
                if ([[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:j] cmdStatus] == FAIL)
                    if ([cmdLine flag] & FLAG_FAILSTOP)
                        // Stop this UUT test
                        uutActive[j] = 0;
                        if ([[uutBarcode objectAtIndex:j] length] > 0) {
                            [self InstantPudding_Done:j];
                    else if ([cmdLine flag] & FLAG_FAILABORT)
                        bTestStatus[nWellIndex] = ABORT;
                        //[loopPool drain];
                        goto TESTTHREAD_EXIT;


    if (itemName != nil)


if (bTestStatus[nWellIndex] != ABORT) {
    for (int i = nStartIndex; i < nEndIndex; i++) {
        if (uutSelected[i] == NSOnState && IPDone[i] == FALSE) {

            [self InstantPudding_DoneForAll:i];

[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];

for (j=nStartIndex; j<nEndIndex; j++)
    strTestTimeRecord[j] = [[NSString stringWithString:strPlog[j]] retain];
    [strPlog[j] release];
    strPlog[j] = nil;

[self showTestStatus:bTestStatus[nWellIndex] wellIndex:nWellIndex];

// Refresh UI to indicate test result
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(afterRun:) withObject:argument waitUntilDone:NO];
[pool release];

- (void)testThreadUUTRoutine:(id)argument
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; 

//Initialisation and etc

NSLog(@"UUT%d starts to run independently...", nUUTIndex+1);

// Run
for (int i=g_nIndependentStart; i<g_nIndependentStop; i++)
    // Per Command Line
    CommandLine *cmdLine = [cmdArray objectAtIndex:i];
    NSString *cmdName = [cmdLine valueForKey:@"cmdName"];
    NSString *cmdParam = [cmdLine valueForKey:@"cmdParam"];
    NSString *itemName = [cmdLine valueForKey:@"itemName"];

    if ([g_uutThread[nUUTIndex] isCancelled])
        goto UUTTHREAD_EXIT;

    if ([cmdLine flag] & FLAG_SKIP) {
        if (itemName != nil) {
            [self saveUutResult:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] testResult]
                       testItem:itemName uutIndex:nUUTIndex


        // Before Item Test, save timestamp
        if (itemName != nil) {
            NSString* timeStamp = [[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"\n%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: " timeZone:nil locale:nil];
            //timeStamp1 = [NSDate date];
            [strPlog[nUUTIndex] appendFormat:@"%@ START %@", timeStamp, itemName];


        // insert to UART log file
        char buff[1024];
        NSString *strInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d: %@, (%@), %@", i, cmdName, cmdParam, itemName];
        sprintf(buff, "\n[Host Executing Cmd]%s\n", [strInfo UTF8String]);
        [self uartDataLogging:nUUTIndex buffer:buff pureUARTData:NO];

    if ([cmdName caseInsensitiveCompare:@"_If"] != NSOrderedSame &&
        [cmdName caseInsensitiveCompare:@"_Else"] != NSOrderedSame &&
        [cmdName caseInsensitiveCompare:@"_EndIf"] != NSOrderedSame &&
        [cmdName caseInsensitiveCompare:@"_Do..."] != NSOrderedSame &&
        [cmdName caseInsensitiveCompare:@"_While"] != NSOrderedSame) {
        [self parseCommand:cmdName parameter:cmdParam lineIndex:i uutIndex:nUUTIndex wellIndex:nWellIndex];

    //_If, _ElseIf and _EndIf
    if ([cmdName caseInsensitiveCompare:@"_If"] == NSOrderedSame) {

        paramArray = [cmdParam componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
        if ([paramArray count] != 2)
            dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^ {
                NSRunAlertPanel(@"Command Execution Error",
                                @"Incorrect parameter number for _If! Command Line %d Ignored!",
                                @"OK", nil, nil, i);


        int nIfLineNo = [[paramArray objectAtIndex:0]intValue];
        if ((nIfLineNo < 0) || (nIfLineNo >= i))
            NSRunAlertPanel(@"Command Execution Error", @"_If statement at line %d has wrong parameter, %d!",
                            @"OK", nil, nil, i, nIfLineNo);

        int nElseLineNo = [[NSApp delegate] getElseLineNo:i];
        int nEndIfLineNo = [[NSApp delegate] getEndIfLineNo:i];
        int nNextStepNo = nEndIfLineNo; // By default jump to _EndIF
        if (nEndIfLineNo == -1)
            NSRunAlertPanel(@"Command Execution Error",
                            @"_IF statement at line %d has no corresponding _ENDIF statement!",
                            @"OK", nil, nil, i);
            continue; // ignore this line
        else if ((nElseLineNo != -1) && (nElseLineNo < nEndIfLineNo)) // Jump to _ELSE
            nNextStepNo = nElseLineNo+1;

        hasIf = TRUE;

        NSString *condition = [paramArray objectAtIndex:1];

        // Condition
        int nIfCondition;

        if ([condition rangeOfString:@"PASS" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location
            != NSNotFound)
            nIfCondition = PASS;
            nIfCondition = FAIL;

        BOOL jumpToIf = FALSE;

        //for (j=StartIndex; j<EndIndex; j++)
            // Active UUT
        if (uutActive[nUUTIndex]) {

            CommandLine *cmdLine = [cmdArray objectAtIndex:nIfLineNo];
            if ([cmdLine lineStatus:nUUTIndex] == nIfCondition) {
                bIfElseFlag[nUUTIndex] = TRUE;
                jumpToIf = TRUE;

            else {
                bIfElseFlag[nUUTIndex] = FALSE;


        if (!jumpToIf)
            i = nNextStepNo-1;
        [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setCmdResult:@"_If"];
        [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setTestResult:@"_If"];
        [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setCmdStatus:PASS];



    if ([cmdName caseInsensitiveCompare:@"_Else"] == NSOrderedSame) {
        if ( ! hasIf)
            NSRunAlertPanel(@"Command Execution Error",
                            @"ElseIf statement at step %d has no corresponding _IF statement!",
                            @"OK", nil, nil, i);

        BOOL bIfDone = TRUE;

        bIfElseFlag[nUUTIndex] = !bIfElseFlag[nUUTIndex];
        if (bIfElseFlag[nUUTIndex])
            bIfDone = FALSE;

        // No UUT jump to _ELSE. Jump directly to _EndIf
        if (bIfDone)
            int nEndIfLineNo = [[NSApp delegate] getEndIfLineNo:i];
            if (nEndIfLineNo == -1)
                NSRunAlertPanel(@"Command Execution Error",
                                @"_ElseIf statement at line %d has no corresponding _EndIf statement!",
                                @"OK", nil, nil, i);
                break; // Stop all UUT test
                i = nEndIfLineNo-1;

        [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setCmdResult:@"_Else"];
        [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setTestResult:@"_Else"];
        [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setCmdStatus:PASS];


    if ([cmdName caseInsensitiveCompare:@"_EndIf"] == NSOrderedSame) {
        if ( ! hasIf)
            NSRunAlertPanel(@"Command Execution Error",
                            @"EndIf statement at line %d has no corresponding _IF statement!",
                            @"OK", nil, nil,  i);

        bIfElseFlag[nUUTIndex] = FALSE;

        hasIf = FALSE;

        [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setCmdResult:@"_EndIf"];
        [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setTestResult:@"_EndIf"];
        [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setCmdStatus:PASS];



    //_Do... and _While
    if ([cmdName caseInsensitiveCompare:@"_Do..."] == NSOrderedSame) {
        g_nDoIndex[nUUTIndex] = i;
        [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setCmdResult:@"_Do"];
        [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setTestResult:@"_Do"];
        [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setCmdStatus:PASS];


    if ([cmdName caseInsensitiveCompare:@"_While"] == NSOrderedSame) {
        // Check validity
        if (g_nDoIndex[nUUTIndex] == -1)
            NSRunAlertPanel(@"Command Execution Error",
                            @"_While statement at line %d has no corresponding _DO... statement!",
                            @"OK", nil, nil, i);

        paramArray = [cmdParam componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
        if ([paramArray count] != 3)
            dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^ {
                NSRunAlertPanel(@"Command Execution Error",
                                @"Incorrect parameter number for _While! Command Line %d Ignored!",
                                @"OK", nil, nil, i);


        int lineNo = [[paramArray objectAtIndex:0]intValue];
        if ((lineNo < 0) || (lineNo >= i))
            NSRunAlertPanel(@"Command Execution Error", @"_While statement at line %d has wrong parameter, %d!",
                            @"OK", nil, nil, i, lineNo);

        if (lineNo == -1)
            NSRunAlertPanel(@"Command Execution Error",
                            @"_While statement at line %d has wrong parameter(%d)!",
                            @"OK", nil, nil, i, lineNo);

        NSString *condition = [paramArray objectAtIndex:1];

        // Condition
        int nWhileResult;

        if ([condition rangeOfString:@"PASS" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location != NSNotFound)
            nWhileResult = PASS;
        else if ([condition rangeOfString:@"FAIL" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location != NSNotFound)
            nWhileResult = FAIL;
            nWhileResult = UNKNOWN;

        // Loop if any UUT not pass
        BOOL bWhileLoop = FALSE;
            // Active UUT
        if (uutActive[nUUTIndex] &&  ! bUUTPass[nUUTIndex])
            CommandLine *cmdLine = [cmdArray objectAtIndex:lineNo];
            if ([cmdLine lineStatus:nUUTIndex] == nWhileResult) {
                if (g_nLoopCount[nUUTIndex] < [[paramArray objectAtIndex:2] intValue])
                    bWhileLoop = TRUE;
                bUUTPass[nUUTIndex] = TRUE; // No need to test this UUT anymore in this _DO..._While loop

        if (bWhileLoop)
            i = g_nDoIndex[nUUTIndex];
            // Do...While loop finished
            g_nDoIndex[nUUTIndex] = -1;
            g_nLoopCount[nUUTIndex] = 1;
            bUUTPass[nUUTIndex] = FALSE;
            [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setCmdResult:@"_While"];
            [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setTestResult:@"_While"];
            [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setCmdStatus:PASS];



        [self saveCmdReading:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] cmdResult]
                 commandLine:i uutIndex:nUUTIndex
                  lineStatus:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] cmdStatus]];

    // Test Item
    if (itemName != nil)

            [self saveUutResult:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] testResult]
                       testItem:itemName uutIndex:nUUTIndex uutStatus:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] cmdStatus]];

        // After Item Test, save timestamp
        NSString* timeStamp = [[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"\n%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: " timeZone:nil locale:nil];

        [strPlog[nUUTIndex] appendFormat:@"%@ FINISH %@", timeStamp, itemName];


    // Fail Stop/Abort
    if ([[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] cmdStatus] == FAIL)
        if ([cmdLine flag] & FLAG_FAILSTOP)
            // Stop this UUT test
            uutActive[nUUTIndex] = 0;

            if ([[uutBarcode objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] length] > 0) {
                [self InstantPudding_Done:nUUTIndex];


            NSLog(@"UUT%d Fail and Stop Test!", nUUTIndex+1);
            goto UUTTHREAD_EXIT;
        else if ([cmdLine flag] & FLAG_FAILABORT)
            bTestStatus[nWellIndex] = ABORT;
          //  [loopPool drain];
            goto UUTTHREAD_EXIT;
        else if ([cmdLine flag] & FLAG_APPLEPASS)
            [[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] setCmdStatus:APPLEPASS];

             [self saveUutResult:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] testResult] testItem:itemName
                       uutIndex:nUUTIndex uutStatus:[[cmdReturn objectAtIndex:nUUTIndex] cmdStatus]];


    if (itemName != nil)


[pool release];

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