没有结果时LINQ to SQL连接

时间:2010-04-02 02:00:29

标签: c# join linq-to-sql linq-group

给出以下数据库结构 alt text http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26791/tables.png


var images = from img in db.Images
    join imgTags in db.ImageTags on img.idImage equals imgTags.idImage
    join t in db.Tags on imgTags.idTag equals t.idTag
    where img.OCRData.Contains(searchText.Text)
    group img by new { t.TagName } into aGroup
    select new
        GroupName = aGroup.Key.TagName,
        Items = from x in aGroup
        select new ImageFragment()
             ImageID = x.idImage,
             ScanDate = x.ScanTime


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果您在没有相应的标记记录时想要图像记录,则需要在图像标记表上执行左outer join

答案 1 :(得分:0)


var images = from img in db.Images
     join imgTags in db.ImageTags on img.idImage equals imgTags.idImage
     into outerImageRef 
     from outerIR in outerImageRef.DefaultIfEmpty(new ImageTag() { idImage = img.idImage, idTag = -1 })
     join t in db.Tags on imgTags.idTag equals t.idTag
     into outerRefTags 
     from outerRT in outerRefTags.DefaultIfEmpty(new Tag(){ idTag=-1, TagName ="untagged"})
     group img by outerRT.TagName into aGroup
     select new {
         GroupName = aGroup.Key,
         Items = from x in aGroup
             select new ImageFragment() {
                 ImageID = x.idImage,
                 ScanDate = x.ScanTime

希望以上编译因为我没有您的确切环境,我使用自己的数据类型构建了我的解决方案,然后将其转换为您的问题描述。基本上关键部分是额外的intoDefaultIfEmpty行,如果你在传统的sql意义上考虑它,本质上有助于将额外的“行”添加到内存中的大量连接表中。 / p>


//this first query will return a collection of anonymous types with TagName and ImageId,
// essentially a relation from joining your ImageTags x-ref table and Tags so that
// each row is the tag and image id (as Robert Harvey mentioned in his comment to your Q)
var tagNamesWithImageIds = from tag in Tags
       join refer in ImageTags on tag.IdTag equals refer.IdTag
       select new {
           TagName = tag.Name,
           ImageId = refer.IdImage
//Now we can get your solution by outer joining the images to the above relation
// and filling in the "outer join gaps" with the anonymous type again of "untagged"
// and then joining that with the Images table one last time to get your grouping and projection.
var images = from img in Images
     join t in tagNamesWithImageIds on img.IdImage equals t.ImageId
     into outerJoin
     from o in outerJoin.DefaultIfEmpty(new { TagName = "untagged", ImageId = img.IdImage })
     join img2 in Images on o.ImageId equals img2.IdImage
     group img2 by o.TagName into aGroup
     select new {
         TagName = aGroup.Key,
         Images = aGroup.Select(i => i.Data).ToList() //you'll definitely need to replace this with your code's logic. I just had a much simpler data type in my workspace.

希望这是有道理的。 当然,您可以随时将应用程序设置为默认情况下使用“untagged”标记所有内容,或者执行更简单的LINQ查询以创建ImageTag表中不存在的图像ID列表,然后使用union或其他内容。 / p>

答案 2 :(得分:0)


var images = from img in db.Images
                     join imgTags in db.ImageTags on img.idImage equals imgTags.idImage into g
                     from imgTags in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
                     join t in db.Tags on imgTags.idTag equals t.idTag into g1
                     from t in g1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                     where img.OCRData.Contains(searchText.Text)
                     group img by t == null ? "(No Tags)" : t.TagName into aGroup
                     select new
                        GroupName = aGroup.Key,
                        Items = from x in aGroup
                                        select new ImageFragment()
                                            ImageID = x.idImage,
                                            ScanDate = x.ScanTime