当英雄跳上平台并上升时,我想制作游戏。它是Doodle Jump游戏类型。
SKNode *world;
SKSpriteNode *hero;
// setting the physicsBody
// add categoryBitMask = heroCat;
// add contactTestBitMask = platformCat;
// add collisionBitMask = 0;
SKSpriteNode *platform;
// setting the physicsBody
// add categoryBitMask = platformCat;
// add collisionBitMask = 0;
中// Only bounce the hero if he's falling
if (hero.physicsBody.velocity.dy < 0){
hero.physicsBody.velocity = CGVectorMake(hero.physicsBody.velocity.dx, 500.0f);
// if the game is started and the hero position is > 0 and hero position > the new max hero y
if(self.isStarted && hero.position.y > 0 && hero.position.y > _maxHeroY){
CGPoint positionInScene = [self convertPoint:hero.position fromNode:hero.parent];
world.position = CGPointMake(world.position.x, world.position.y -positionInScene.y);
到目前为止一直很好,但我注意到有时我可以跳到: 在didSimulatePhysics中,我还在随机Y上创建了新平台,其中包含来自preveos平台的固定x值 当英雄上升世界位置变化 英雄正在堕落 他不在平台之上但是能够接触到他的身体,这是错误的,因为只有当脚在平台上方时才必须跳起来
// hero position in the world
CGPoint positionInScene = [self convertPoint:hero.position fromNode:node.parent];
// platform position in the world
CGPoint positionInSceneP = [self convertPoint:node.position fromNode:node.parent];
// get the positon of the bottom edge of the hero (the feet)
int heroBottomEdge = positionInScene - hero.frame.size.height/2;
// get the positon of the top edge of the platfrom
int platformTopEdge = positionInScene - node.frame.size.height/2;
// Only bounce the hero if he's falling and the bottom edge of the hero node(the feet) is above the platform top edge or or equal to jump
if (hero.physicsBody.velocity.dy < 0 && heroBottomEdge >= platformTopEdge){
hero.physicsBody.velocity = CGVectorMake(hero.physicsBody.velocity.dx, 500.0f);
问题在于,有时platformTopEdge更大,而且heroBottomEdge和其他英雄通过平台而不会跳跃 我也尝试使用hero.position.y和node.position.y,但效果是相同的