我希望创建一个Treeview,其中包含工作表中的图像和数据(每行都有一个部件的名称,它的下一个组件和一个由用户填充的图标)。我终于设法让树视图正确填充并包含来自外部源的图像(基于来自各种来源的代码和我自己的一些代码)。 设置图像列表并将其分配给Treeview对我来说仍然是一个谜,但它确实有效。
缺少的是从工作表内部到图像列表而不是从外部源((使用iml.ListImages.Add 1, "img1", LoadPicture("C:\Temp\red.jpg")
(结果为" 13")或.Name
(返回"图片1&#34) ;例如)或.TopLeftCell.Address
(返回" $ C $ 1"例如)等等。所以我知道我可以访问它们并引用正确的对象。
当我尝试使用iml.ListImages.Add 1, "img1", Sheet1.Shapes(1)
当我尝试使用iml.ListImages.Add 1, "img1", Sheet1.Shapes(1).Picture
当我尝试使用iml.ListImages.Add 1, "img1", Sheet1.Shapes(1).CopyPicture
编辑: 所有这些都发生在用户表单中。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
在您的用户表单上创建一个框架: Frame http://im88.gulfup.com/Moy8I6.png
将框架的可见属性设置为" False ": Visible http://im88.gulfup.com/sAIQqh.png
通过添加图片控件插入图像并加载图像,您可以根据需要添加任意数量的图像: Images http://im88.gulfup.com/oas0EQ.png
为图片命名: Name http://im88.gulfup.com/cIO317.png
Drag http://im88.gulfup.com/1fOSut.png Move Away http://im88.gulfup.com/Q1fzKd.png
Form View http://im88.gulfup.com/X1UVRB.png
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
' Image1 is the name of the created picture control
UserForm3.Controls.Item("Image1").Picture = UserForm3.Controls.Item(UserForm3.ComboBox1.Value).Picture
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
UserForm3.ComboBox1.AddItem "Argentina"
UserForm3.ComboBox1.AddItem "Brazil"
UserForm3.ComboBox1.AddItem "Chile"
End Sub
Result http://im88.gulfup.com/MSqyHF.png
答案 1 :(得分:0)
@SiddhartRout提供了上述评论中的替代方案:“Stephen Bullen的PastePicture代码”如HERE所示。这是我发现的唯一替代方法,它不需要超出文件范围而且工作正常(在示例文件上;仍在等待更大的示例测试)。 谢谢大家的帮助。
我想用代码等上传文件,但我不知道该怎么做,所以我粘贴了代码“心脏”的一部分。还有两个模块:一个用于调用userform和Stephen Bullen的模块。下面的代码被添加到用户表单本身,它包含树视图,“确定”按钮和两个名为“RED”和“GREEN”的图像,它们只是相应颜色的小方块jpgs。我希望这会有所帮助。
' based on macros written 19991217 by Ole P. Erlandsen, ope@erlandsendata.no
Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i As Integer, strNodes As String, lngSelCount As Long
lngSelCount = 0
strNodes = "Checked Items" & Chr(13) & "Index, Key, Text:" & Chr(13)
For i = 1 To TreeView1.Nodes.Count
With TreeView1.Nodes(i)
If .Checked Then
strNodes = strNodes & .Index & "; " & .Key & "; " & .Text & "; " & .Image & Chr(13)
lngSelCount = lngSelCount + 1
End If
End With
Next i
strNodes = strNodes & Chr(13) & "Count of Checked Items: " & lngSelCount
strNodes = strNodes & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
"Selected Item" & Chr(13) & "Index, Key, Text:" & Chr(13)
With TreeView1.SelectedItem
strNodes = strNodes & .Index & "; " & .Key & "; " & .Text & "; " & .Image & Chr(13)
End With
MsgBox strNodes, , "TreeView1 Output"
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Author: Paulo Mendonça 02/September/2014 ppmendonca@hotmail.com
Dim oNode, oParent As Node
Dim oCell As Range
Dim oShape As Shape
Dim iml As ImageList
Dim oImage, oSheet, oDataColumn As String
Dim oParentColumnOffset, oImageColumnOffset, oInitialDataRow As Integer
Dim oFound As Boolean
oSheet = "Sheet2"
oDataColumn = "A"
oInitialDataRow = 2
oImageColumnOffset = 2
oParentColumnOffset = 1
'create new ImagList and populate it
Set iml = New ImageList
'iml.ImageHeight = 256
'iml.ImageWidth = 256
iml.ListImages.Add 1, "red", RED.Picture 'defined in UserForm1 and set to invisible
iml.ListImages.Add 2, "green", GREEN.Picture 'defined in UserForm1 and set to invisible
For Each oShape In Sheets(oSheet).Shapes 'look up every shape in the sheet (including non-pictures and add a picture of it in iml
If oShape.Type = 13 Then 'if is picture
If Not PictureKeyExists(oShape.TopLeftCell.Address, iml) Then 'find if picture key exists, if not add it
oShape.CopyPicture xlScreen, xlBitmap 'copy shape to clipboard
iml.ListImages.Add 3, oShape.TopLeftCell.Address, PastePicture(xlBitmap) 'add a picture of the clipboard contents to iml with key = to shapes top left corner cell address
'NOTE: eventhough the index is set to 3 the actual index of the pictures gets incremented automatically
Else 'if yes report to user and don't add it
MsgBox "More than one image in cell " & oShape.TopLeftCell.Address & "." & Chr(13) & _
"Only one will be used."
End If
End If
'set TreeView1 formats etc.
With TreeView1
Set .ImageList = iml
.Indentation = 14
.LabelEdit = tvwManual
.HideSelection = False
.CheckBoxes = True
.Style = tvwTreelinesPlusMinusPictureText
.BorderStyle = ccFixedSingle
End With
'populate TreeView1
With TreeView1.Nodes
Set oNode = .Add(, , "Root", "Root Node") 'add root node; key = "Root"
oNode.Expanded = True
'look up all cells from A2 to last cell with content in it and add it to TreeView1
For Each oCell In Sheets(oSheet).Range(oDataColumn & oInitialDataRow, Sheets(oSheet).Range(oDataColumn & "65536").End(xlUp)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
'find if parent exists
Set oParent = Nothing
For Each oNode In TreeView1.Nodes
If oNode.Text = oCell.Offset(0, oParentColumnOffset).Value Then
Set oParent = oNode
Exit For
End If
'find if picture exists, if yes use it, if not use "RED"
If PictureKeyExists(oCell.Offset(0, oImageColumnOffset).Address, iml) Then
oImage = oCell.Offset(0, oImageColumnOffset).Address
oImage = "red"
End If
'add node
If oParent Is Nothing Then 'if parent not found add as child to root; key = name
Set oNode = .Add("Root", tvwChild, oCell.Value, oCell.Value, oImage)
oNode.Expanded = False
Else 'add as child to parent found previously; key = name concatenated to parent node key
Set oNode = .Add(oParent.Key, tvwChild, oParent.Key & "|" & oCell.Value, oCell.Value, oImage)
oNode.Expanded = False
End If
End With
End Sub
Function PictureKeyExists(oKey As String, oImageList As ImageList) As Boolean
'Author: Paulo Mendonça 29/August/2014 ppmendonca@hotmail.com
Dim oPicture As ListImage
PictureKeyExists = False
For Each oPicture In oImageList.ListImages
If oPicture.Key = oKey Then
PictureKeyExists = True
Exit For
End If
End Function