从Boost库c ++循环创建图形

时间:2014-08-26 00:55:46

标签: c++ loops boost graph

我正在尝试将自己从R转换为C ++,并且正在努力解决特定的图形问题。我有一个名为" Gra"如下。

      int main(){
      string Gra[4][5] =   {{"V0", "V1", "V2", "V3", "V4"}, 
                            {"V5", "V6", "NA", "NA", "V7"},
                            {"V8", "V9", "NA", "NA", "V10"},
                            {"V11", "V12", "V13", "V14", "V15"}};

" V0"表示节点和" NA"不是。该矩阵来自名为" base"

   int base[4][5] = {{1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, 
                    {1, 1, 0, 0, 1},
                    {1, 1, 0, 0, 1},
                    {1, 1, 1, 1, 1}};

typedef float Weight;
typedef boost::property<boost::edge_weight_t, Weight> WeightProperty;
typedef boost::property<boost::vertex_name_t, std::string> NameProperty;

typedef boost::adjacency_list < boost::listS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS,
NameProperty, WeightProperty > Graph;

typedef boost::graph_traits < Graph >::vertex_descriptor Vertex;

typedef boost::property_map < Graph, boost::vertex_index_t >::type IndexMap;
typedef boost::property_map < Graph, boost::vertex_name_t >::type NameMap;

typedef boost::iterator_property_map < Vertex*, IndexMap, Vertex, Vertex& > PredecessorMap;
typedef boost::iterator_property_map < Weight*, IndexMap, Weight, Weight& > DistanceMap;

 Graph g;


    Vertex V0 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V0"), g);            // Struggling to implement this in a loop
    Vertex V1 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V1"), g);
    Vertex V2 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V2"), g);
    Vertex V3 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V3"), g); 
    Vertex V4 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V4"), g);
    Vertex V5 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V5"), g);
    Vertex V6 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V6"), g);
    Vertex V7 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V7"), g); 
    Vertex V8 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V8"), g);
    Vertex V9 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V9"), g);
    Vertex V10 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V10"), g);
    Vertex V11 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V11"), g); 
    Vertex V12 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V12"), g);
    Vertex V13 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V13"), g);
    Vertex V14 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V14"), g);
    Vertex V15 = boost::add_vertex(std::string("V15"), g); 


for ( int i=0; i < 4; i++)  // So this will run along all elements of our base vector
  for ( int j=0; j < 5; j++)    // Length is the number of elements in our array
  if( !(Gra[i][j] == "NA")) // Whilst going along each element inspecting whether it is a true node
      Vertex Gra[i][j] = boost::add_vertex(std::Gra[i][j], g);  // This is where the problem is


所以问题来自于使用字符串来定义Vertex类的这个对象。身体可以帮助我吗?我很确定这是一个我正在努力解决的命名惯例问题。如果这个问题得到解决,那么我可以在创建边缘方面解决其余的问题,我也有同样的问题试图调用类的对象&#34; vertex&#34;使用字符串。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

表达式!Gra[i][j] == "NA"不会达到预期效果。它将首先检查Gra[i][j]是否为“false”,然后将布尔结果与字符串"NA"进行比较。


!(Gra[i][j] == "NA")

Gra[i][j] != "NA"



Vertex Vertexes[4][5];
