在Crystal Reports 2008中,有一个“图形位置”图像属性,可以将其设置为文件路径,因此当报表运行时,它将使用选定的图片文件而不是报表上的图片文件。我尝试通过.NET API设置它,但它只在某些时候工作。
在报告本身中,我将Graphic Location设置为{@LogoPath}
,然后当我通过.NET API运行报告时,我将{@LogoPath}
答案 0 :(得分:0)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
这是我最终使用的,代码在Delpi Prism中。处理的一个尴尬是,如果要替换的图像与报表上的图像大小不同,Crystal不会正确调整大小。另一个问题是我需要手动释放图片对象,否则Crystal有时不会在报告上显示它。
method SetShadingAndLogo(const AReport:ReportDocument); var LogoPath:String; PicObj:PictureObject; Logo:System.Drawing.Image; PicRatio:Double; ContWidth, ContHeight:Double; ContainerRatio:Double; NewDimension:Double; PosAdj:Integer; Scale:Double; begin for each Section:Section in AReport.ReportDefinition.Sections do begin for each RptObj:ReportObject in Section.ReportObjects do begin if RptObj.Name.StartsWith('LOGO', StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) and (RptObj.Kind = ReportObjectKind.PictureObject) then begin //set to company logo LogoPath := "C:\logo.jpg"; PicObj := RptObj as PictureObject; if not System.IO.File.Exists(LogoPath) then PicObj.ObjectFormat.EnableSuppress := true else begin Logo := System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(LogoPath); //work out the aspect ratios of the image and the container PicRatio := Double(Logo.Width) / Double(Logo.Height); //convert twips to pixels //96 is the default dpi for Windows, but should really check Windows settings //instead of hard coding ContWidth := Double(TwipsToPx(PicObj.Width, 96)); ContHeight := Double(TwipsToPx(PicObj.Height, 96)); ContainerRatio := ContWidth / ContHeight; // adjust the size of the container on the report to maintiain the original // image's ratio if PicRatio > ContainerRatio then begin // reset the vertical position to remain centred on the original location // get the new height of the container (in pixels) NewDimension := (ContWidth / Logo.Width) * Logo.Height; // get the movement (in twips) PosAdj := PxToTwips(Integer((ContHeight - NewDimension) / 2), Integer(Logo.VerticalResolution)); // adjust the position PicObj.Top := PicObj.Top + PosAdj; // picture is wider so adjust the height accordingly // need to scale using the logo's dpi to resize correctly Scale := Double(PicObj.Width) / Double(PxToTwips(Logo.Width, Integer(Logo.VerticalResolution))); PicObj.Width := Integer(PicObj.Width * Scale); PicObj.Height := Integer(PicObj.Height * Scale); end else begin // picture is taller and needs to be scaled to height // reset the horizontal position to remain centred on the original location // get the new width of the container (in pixels) NewDimension := (ContHeight / Logo.Height) * Logo.Width; // get the movement (in twips) PosAdj := PxToTwips(Integer((ContWidth - NewDimension) / 2), Integer(Logo.VerticalResolution)); // adjust the position PicObj.Left := PicObj.Left + PosAdj; // picture is taller and needs to be scaled to height // need to scale using the logo's dpi to resize correctly Scale := Double(PicObj.Height) / Double(PxToTwips(Logo.Height, Integer(Logo.VerticalResolution))); PicObj.Width := Integer(PicObj.Width * Scale); PicObj.Height := Integer(PicObj.Height * Scale); end; //must free the logo, otherwise Crystal sometimes doesn't display it on report Logo.Dispose; for each fm:FormulaFieldDefinition in AReport.DataDefinition.FormulaFields do begin if fm.Name.Equals("LogoPath") then fm.Text := """"+LogoPath+""""; end; end; end; end; end; end; method TwipsToPx(const AValue, ADpi:Integer):Integer; begin //convert to twips using specified dpi, 96 is Windows' default dpi Result := System.Convert.ToInt32(Double(AValue) * ADpi / 1440); end; method PxToTwips(const AValue, ADpi:Integer):Integer; begin //convert to pixels using specified dpi, 96 is Windows' default dpi Result := System.Convert.ToInt32(Double(AValue) * 1440 / ADpi); end;
答案 2 :(得分:0)
在“图形位置”公式中,您可能希望执行以下操作: -
您可以通过以下操作动态地在CS文件中设置此参数: -
ParameterFields paramFields = new ParameterFields();
ParameterField paramField = new ParameterField();
ParameterDiscreteValue parameterValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
paramField.Name = "imageUrl";
parameterValue.Value = "**URL FOR IMAGE**";
在报告中,创建“imageUrl”参数字段。通过以下操作: -
1)转到报告并打开左侧的Field Explorer。如果它不在那里你可以通过去 Crystal Report>>归档资源管理器。
这应该有效。 如果有帮助,请告诉我。