
时间:2014-08-22 20:22:51

标签: ms-access fonts access-vba

我有一个按钮,可以将文本框的字体和大小更改为Tahoma 8pt。按钮事件是:

Private Sub btnSetFont_Click()
    MsgBox ("Setting Inventory Description to Tahoma 8pt")
    Me.InventoryDescription.FontSize = 8
    Me.InventoryDescription.FontName = "Tahoma"
End Sub



Private Sub btnSetFont_Click()
    MsgBox ("Setting Inventory Description to Tahoma 8pt")
    Me.InventoryDescription.Value = "hello"
    Me.InventoryDescription.FontSize = 24
    Me.InventoryDescription.FontName = "Times"
End Sub

当然,文本更改为“hello”,但字体和大小确实会发生变化。 (我使用了Times 24pt,因为文本框的默认值是Tahoma 8pt,我想确保它不仅仅恢复到默认值)这让我觉得文本框需要有重点来进行更改。所以,我试过了:

Private Sub btnSetFont_Click()
    MsgBox ("Setting Inventory Description to Tahoma 8pt")
    Me.InventoryDescription.FontSize = 24
    Me.InventoryDescription.FontName = "Times"
End Sub



我找到了问题的一个方面。文本框.TextFormat设置为Rich Text。如果我将其更改为纯文本,则按钮效果有效。但是,将其设置为Rich Text的原因是允许斜体。所以,我尝试先将其设置为纯文本,然后更改字体/大小,但这也不起作用。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:0)

您的代码使用Access 2010为我工作。


Private Sub cmdDecreaseFont_Click()
     Me.teachersList.FontSize = Me.teachersList.FontSize - 1
End Sub

Private Sub cmdIncreaseFont_Click()
    Me.teachersList.FontSize = Me.teachersList.FontSize + 1
End Sub

然后在表单中添加了几个简单的命令按钮 enter image description here

答案 2 :(得分:0)


我找到的解决方案在下面的函数中。 此功能应由事件过程调用(即更新后或单击时)。

Public Function CleanRichText(strTEXT, strFont, nSize)

    For i = 1 To 9
        strTEXT = Replace(strTEXT, "size=" & i, "size=" & nSize)
    Next i

    strTEXT = Replace(strTEXT, "font face", "font_face")
    strTEXT = Replace(strTEXT, "font" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "face", "font_face")

    Do While InStr(1, strTEXT, "font_face=" & Chr(34)) > 0
        iCut1 = InStr(1, strTEXT, "font_face=" & Chr(34))
        iCut2 = InStr(iCut1 + 12, strTEXT, Chr(34))
        strLeft = Left(strTEXT, iCut1 - 1) & "font_face=Face"
        strRight = Right(strTEXT, Len(strTEXT) - iCut2)
        strTEXT = strLeft & strRight

    Do While InStr(1, strTEXT, "font_face=") > 0
        iCut1 = InStr(1, strTEXT, "font_face=")
        iCut2 = InStr(iCut1 + 12, strTEXT, Chr(32))
        strLeft = Left(strTEXT, iCut1 - 1) & "font face=" & strFont & Chr(32)
        strRight = Right(strTEXT, Len(strTEXT) - iCut2)
        strTEXT = strLeft & strRight
    CleanRichText = strTEXT

End Function

Private Sub Cause_AfterUpdate()

    Me.Cause = CleanRichText(Me.Cause, Me.Cause.FontName, 2)
End Sub

答案 3 :(得分:0)

我开始使用@yves解决方案,但是当“ font”标签包含“ size”属性时,该解决方案将失败,例如:

<font face="Arial" size="5">a colour in it will break?</font>


Public Function CleanRichTextRegEx(ByVal strText As String, _
                               ByVal strFont As String, _
                               ByVal nSize As Integer) As String
    Dim objRegEx As Object
    Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    On Error Resume Next
    With objRegEx
       .Global = True
       'Replace font size
       .Pattern = "size=[0-9]"
       strText = .Replace(strText, " size=" & nSize)
       'Replace font face
       .Pattern = "face=([""'])(?:[\r\n]*(?=(\\?))\2.)*?\1"
       strText = .Replace(strText, "face=" & strFont)
    End With
    Set objRegEx = Nothing
    CleanRichTextRegEx = strText
End Function


richText = "<font face='Arial' size='5'>a colour in it will break?</font>" 
richTextResult = CleanRichTextRegEx(richText, "Arial", 2)