// path and name of the file
$filetxt = 'http://alkha.com/codecall/formdata.txt';
// check if all form data are submited, else output error message
if(isset($_POST['title']) && isset($_POST['uploadedimage'])) {
// if form fields are empty, outputs message, else, gets their data
if(empty($_POST['title']) || empty($_POST['uploadedimage'])) {
echo 'All fields are required';
else {
// gets and adds form data into an array
$data = array(
'title'=> $_POST['title'],
'uploadedimage'=> $_POST['uploadedimage'],
// path and name of the file
$filetxt = 'http://alkha.com/codecall/formdata.txt';
$arr_data = array(); // to store all form data
// check if the file exists
if(file_exists($filetxt)) {
// gets json-data from file
$jsondata = file_get_contents($filetxt);
// converts json string into array
$arr_data = json_decode($jsondata, true);
// appends the array with new form data
$arr_data[] = $data;
// encodes the array into a string in JSON format (JSON_PRETTY_PRINT - uses whitespace in json-string, for human readable)
$jsondata = json_encode($arr_data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
// saves the json string in "data.txt" (in "dirdata" folder)
// outputs error message if data cannot be saved
if(file_put_contents($filetxt, $jsondata)) echo 'Data successfully saved';
else echo 'Tidak dapat menyimpan data di "dirdata/data.txt"';
else echo 'Form fields not submited';