
时间:2014-08-19 10:25:18

标签: dll vb6 licensing ocx

我想在visual basic中与串口通信。我在Windows XP sp3上安装VB6。

我下载了 mscomm32.ocx 并将其放在C:\Windows\SystemC:\Windows\System32目录中,并通过命令行<中的regsvr32成功注册/ strong>如下所示:

enter image description here

enter image description here

然后,当我打开Visual-Basic组件时,我可以看到 Microsoft Common Control 6 ,然后将其添加到工具栏: enter image description here

但是当我点击它以将其添加到表单时,出现以下错误: enter image description here





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VB6Cli.exe Fixes License Problems with Visual Basic 6.0


Q194751: FILE: VB6Cli.exe Fixes License Problems with Visual Basic 6.0
Article: Q194751
Product(s): Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows
Version(s): 6.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbfile kbtophit kbActiveX kbCtrl kbLicensing kbVBp600 kbGrpDSVB kbDSupport
Last Modified: 28-MAR-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows, version 6.0 
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows, version 6.0 
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, version 6.0 


VB6Cli.exe is a utility that fixes design-time licenses used by ActiveX controls
installed with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.

NOTE: If you encounter this issue with Visual Basic version 5.0, please see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q181854 FILE: VB5cli.exe Fixes Visual Basic 5.0 Control Installation Problem


The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download


Release Date: Oct-26-1998

For additional information about how to download Microsoft Support files, click
the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services

Microsoft used the most current virus detection software available on the date of
posting to scan this file for viruses. Once posted, the file is housed on secure
servers that prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.

   FileName               Size
  VBC6.EXE                 32k
  ENTDAT.DLL               32k
  LRNDAT.DLL               28k
  PRODAT.DLL               28k
  README.TXT               5k

Contents of the README.TXT file included in VB6CLi.exe:

What is VB6Cli.exe?

VB6Cli.exe is a utility that is designed to fix design-time license problems with
ActiveX Controls that ship with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. The utility does not
fix third-party controls or controls that are not normally installed by
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, nor does it enable the use of Remote Data Object
(RDO) objects in Visual Basic 6.0 Professional Edition. If you try to use RDO in
Visual Basic 6.0 Professional Edition, you may also encounter symptoms II and IV
below. The only way to enable RDO is to install Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise

VB6Cli.exe will help correct problems with the following symptoms:

Symptom I:

When trying to site a control within a project, Microsoft Visual Basic raises the
following error dialog:

  License Information For This Component Not Found. You Do Not Have An
  Appropriate License To Use This Functionality In The Design Environment.

Symptom II:

When trying to compile a project, Microsoft Visual Basic raises the following
error dialog:

  Compile Error : Permission Denied

Symptom III:

When using the Application Wizard, Microsoft Visual Basic raises an error dialog
similar to:

  60: Method ~ of Object ~ failed

Symptom IV:

When trying to run a project, Microsoft Visual Basic raises the following error

  Runtime Error '429' : ActiveX Component Can't Create Object

Which ActiveX controls does VB6Cli.exe work with?

The following is a list of ActiveX controls that VB6Cli.exe can fix:

ActiveX Control                     FileName        Version      Edition
ADO Data Control 6.0                 MSADODC.OCX    6.00.8171    L,P,E
Chart Control 6.0                   MSCHRT20.OCX    6.00.8177      P,E
Comm Control 6.0                    MSCOMM32.OCX    6.00.8169      P,E
Common Dialog Control 6.0           COMDLG32.OCX    6.00.8169    L,P,E
Data Bound List Controls 6.0        DBLIST32.OCX    6.00.8169    L,P,E
DataGrid Control 6.0                MSDATGRD.OCX    6.00.8169    L,P,E
DataList Controls 6.0               MSDATLST.OCX    6.00.8169    L,P,E
DataRepeater Control 6.0            MSDATREP.OCX    6.00.8169      P,E
FlexGrid Control 6.0                MSFLXGRD.OCX    6.00.8169    L,P,E
Hierarchical FlexGrid Control 6.0   MSHFLXGD.OCX    6.00.3005    L,P,E
Internet Transfer Control 6.0         MSINET.OCX    6.00.8169      P,E
MAPI Controls 6.0                   MSMAPI32.OCX    6.00.8169      P,E
Masked Edit  Control 6.0            MSMASK32.OCX    6.00.8169      P,E
Multimedia Control 6.0                 MCI32.OCX    6.00.8169      P,E
PictureClip Control 6.0             PICCLP32.OCX    6.00.8169      P,E
RemoteData Control 6.0               MSRDC20.OCX    6.00.8169        E
Rich Textbox Control 6.0            RICHTX32.OCX    6.00.8169    L,P,E
SysInfo Control 6.0                  SYSINFO.OCX    6.00.8169      P,E
Tabbed Dialog Control 6.0           TABCTL32.OCX    6.00.8169    L,P,E
Windows Common Controls-3 6.0       COMCT332.OCX    6.00.8169      P,E
Windows Common Controls 5.0 (SP2)   COMCTL32.OCX    6.00.8022    L,P,E
Windows Common Controls 6.0         MSCOMCTL.OCX    6.00.8177    L,P,E
Windows Common Controls-2 5.0 (SP2) COMCT232.OCX    6.00.8022    L,P,E
Windows Common Controls-2 6.0       MSCOMCT2.OCX    6.00.8177    L,P,E
Winsock Control 6.0                 MSWINSCK.OCX    6.00.8169      P,E

L = Learning Edition
P = Professional Edition
E = Enterprise Edition

How do I use VB6Cli.exe?

VB6Cli.exe requires that an edition of Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 be installed on
the system where the utility is going to be used.

Before running the VB6Cli.exe utility, make sure there are no other applications

Simply double-click on VB6Cli.exe through the Windows Explorer. The utility
detects Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, and installs the required design-time
licenses for the edition detected.

If successful, you will see a dialog box similar to the following:

  "Enterprise Design Licenses Have Been Installed Successfully"

VB6Cli.exe also offers a silent mode. Running the VB6Cli.exe from a command
prompt with a "/q" will run the utility without any user interface. Result codes
can be captured and used by other applications to test if the licenses were

Result Codes And Error Messages

Exit Code 0   : Licenses for that Edition were installed
Exit Code 1   : Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 was not detected on this system
Exit Code 2   : Could Not Load A Support Utility Library
Exit Code 3,4 : At Least 1 Design License Was Not Properly Installed
Exit Code 5   : Unable To Install Any Design Licenses
Exit Code 6   : There Was An Unspecified Error With The VBC6 Utility


The utility discussed in this article is provided "as is" and Microsoft does not
guarantee that it can be used in all situations. Although Microsoft support
engineers can help with the use of this product, it is not supported. Use this
tool at your own risk.


For additional information, please see the following articles in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:

  Q194784 INFO: Controls Shipped with Visual Basic 6.0

  Q181854 FILE: VB5cli.exe Fixes Visual Basic 5.0 Control Installation Problem

答案 1 :(得分:0)



您可以从安装了 VisualStudio6 的机器复制。 我将使用 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon 来检测这一点。