
时间:2014-08-16 14:37:23

标签: html localization internationalization trac genshi

我们已自定义Trac实例以显示newticket page的其他内容,并显示以下site.html文件(如documentation中所述):

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
    <form py:match="div[@id='content' and @class='ticket']/form[@action='/newticket#ticket']" py:attrs="select('@*')">
      <div class="warning">
        <p>You are about to create a new JOSM ticket.
        <p>Please make sure to always use this link in <a href="wiki/Help/Action/About">About Dialog</a> (Shift-F1) to come here:</p>
        <img src="raw-attachment/wiki/Help/Action/About/bugreport_small.png" alt="Bug report link in About dialog" height="53" width="361" />
        <p>Clicking on this link prefills the bug report with useful information for us (<a href="wiki/Help/Action/ShowStatusReport">Status Report</a>).
        <p>In any case, don't be shy :) Please let us a way to contact you if needed (either by <a href="register">creating an account</a> or entering your e-mail address below (it won't be publicly visible but will allow us to reach you, and you will be notified about ticket progress).


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

不幸的是,在proposal for custom labels之类的东西被实现之前,这并不容易。

目前,它需要将其他msgids添加到Trac核心PO文件并重新编译和安装该自定义Trac版本 - 非常难看,并且不像模板那样可以远程修改。


答案 1 :(得分:0)



<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
    <form py:match="div[@id='content' and @class='ticket']/form[@action='/newticket#ticket']" py:attrs="select('@*')">
      <div class="warning">
        <table style="border:0; border-collapse:separate; border-spacing:0 10px" class="wiki">
        <tr><td style="background:#FFFC75; border:1px solid #ccc; border-right:0" valign="top">
        <p id="josm_warning_01">You are about to create a new JOSM ticket.
        <p id="josm_warning_02">Please make sure to always use <a href="wiki/Help/Action/ReportBug">Help/Report bug</a> or this link in <a href="wiki/Help/Action/About">About Dialog</a> (Shift-F1) to come here:</p>
        <img src="raw-attachment/wiki/Help/Action/ReportBug/reportbug.png" alt="Bug report menu entry" height="84" width="207" />
        <img src="raw-attachment/wiki/Help/Action/About/bugreport_small.png" alt="Bug report link in About dialog" height="53" width="361" />
      <script type="text/javascript">

if (navigator.language.indexOf('fr') == 0) {
  document.getElementById("josm_warning_01").innerHTML = 'Vous êtes sur le point de créer un nouveau ticket JOSM.';
  document.getElementById("josm_warning_02").innerHTML = 'S\'il vous plaît, assurez-vous de toujours utiliser <a href="wiki/Help/Action/ReportBug">Aide/Rapporter un bug</a> ou ce lien dans la <a href="wiki/Help/Action/About">fenêtre À propos</a> (Shift-F1) pour venir ici:';

} else if (navigator.language.indexOf('de') == 0) {
  document.getElementById("josm_warning_01").innerHTML = 'Sie sind dabei, ein neues JOSM-Ticket zu erstellen.';
  document.getElementById("josm_warning_02").innerHTML = 'Bitte nutzen Sie immer <a href="wiki/De:Help/Action/ReportBug">Hilfe → Fehler melden</a> oder diesen Link im <a href="wiki/De:Help/Action/About">"Über JOSM..."-Fenster</a>, um hierher zu gelangen:';