Public Buffer() As Byte
Private m_Buffer() As Byte
Public Property Let Buffer(buf() As Byte)
m_Buffer = buf
End Property
Public Property Get Buffer() As Byte()
Buffer = m_Buffer
End Property
Public Sub Main()
Dim buf() As Byte
ReDim buf(0 To 4)
buf(0) = 1
buf(1) = 2
buf(2) = 3
buf(3) = 4
Dim oBuffer As clsTest
Set oBuffer = New clsTest
'Test #1, the assignment
oBuffer.Buffer = buf 'Success!
'Test #2, get the value of an index in the array
' Debug.Print oBuffer.Buffer(2) 'Fail
Debug.Print oBuffer.Buffer()(2) 'Success! This is from GSerg's comment
'Test #3, change the value of an index in the array and verify that it is actually modified
oBuffer.Buffer()(2) = 27
Debug.Print oBuffer.Buffer()(2) 'Fail, diplays "3" in the immediate window
End Sub
测试#1工作正常,但测试#2中断, Buffer
测试#2现在有效! GSerg指出,为了正确调用Property Get Buffer()
测试#3失败 - 将原始值3打印到立即窗口。 GSerg在他的评论中指出Public Property Get Buffer()
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Private Declare Sub VariantCopy Lib "OleAut32" (pvarDest As Any, pvargSrc As Any)
Private m_Buffer() As Byte
Public Property Let Buffer(buf As Variant)
m_Buffer = buf
End Property
Public Property Get Buffer() As Variant
Buffer = GetByRefVariant(m_Buffer)
End Property
Private Function GetByRefVariant(ByRef var As Variant) As Variant
VariantCopy GetByRefVariant, var
End Function
Public Sub Main()
Dim buf() As Byte
ReDim buf(0 To 4)
buf(0) = 1
buf(1) = 2
buf(2) = 3
buf(3) = 4
Dim oBuffer As clsTest
Set oBuffer = New clsTest
'Test #1, the assignment
oBuffer.Buffer = buf 'Success!
'Test #2, get the value of an index in the array
Debug.Print oBuffer.Buffer()(2) 'Success! This is from GSerg's comment on the question
'Test #3, change the value of an index in the array and verify that it is actually modified
oBuffer.Buffer()(2) = 27
Debug.Print oBuffer.Buffer()(2) 'Success! Diplays "27" in the immediate window
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Option Explicit
Dim ArrayStore() As Byte
Public Sub AssignArray(vInput As Variant, Optional lItemNum As Long = -1)
If Not lItemNum = -1 Then
ArrayStore(lItemNum) = vInput
ArrayStore() = vInput
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetArrayValue(lItemNum As Long) As Byte
GetArrayValue = ArrayStore(lItemNum)
End Function
Public Function GetWholeArray() As Byte()
ReDim GetWholeArray(LBound(ArrayStore) To UBound(ArrayStore))
GetWholeArray = ArrayStore
End Function
Sub test()
Dim buf() As Byte
Dim bufnew() As Byte
Dim oBuffer As New clsTest
ReDim buf(0 To 4)
buf(0) = 1
buf(1) = 2
buf(2) = 3
buf(3) = 4
oBuffer.AssignArray vInput:=buf
Debug.Print oBuffer.GetArrayValue(lItemNum:=2)
oBuffer.AssignArray vInput:=27, lItemNum:=2
Debug.Print oBuffer.GetArrayValue(lItemNum:=2)
bufnew() = oBuffer.GetWholeArray
Debug.Print bufnew(0)
Debug.Print bufnew(1)
Debug.Print bufnew(2)
Debug.Print bufnew(3)
End Sub
答案 2 :(得分:0)
Mainclass tCurve
Private pMaxAmplitude As Double
Private pCurvePoints() As cCurvePoint
Public cDay As Date
Public MaxGrad As Double
Public GradChange As New intCollection
Public TideMax As New intCollection
Public TideMin As New intCollection
Public TideAmplitude As New intCollection
Public TideLow As New intCollection
Public TideHigh As New intCollection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ReDim pCurvePoints(1 To 1500)
ReDim curvePoints(1 To 1500) As cCurvePoint
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 1500
Set Me.curvePoint(i) = New cCurvePoint
End Sub
Public Property Get curvePoint(Index As Integer) As cCurvePoint
Set curvePoint = pCurvePoints(Index)
End Property
Public Property Set curvePoint(Index As Integer, Value As cCurvePoint)
Set pCurvePoints(Index) = Value
End Property
Option Explicit
Private pSlope As Double
Private pCurvature As Double
Private pY As Variant
Private pdY As Double
Private pRadius As Double
Private pArcLen As Double
Private pChordLen As Double
Public Property Let Slope(Value As Double)
pSlope = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Slope() As Double
Slope = pSlope
End Property
Public Property Let Curvature(Value As Double)
pCurvature = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Curvature() As Double
Curvature = pCurvature
End Property
Public Property Let valY(Value As Double)
pY = Value
End Property
Public Property Get valY() As Double
valY = pY
End Property
Public Property Let Radius(Value As Double)
pRadius = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Radius() As Double
Radius = pRadius
End Property
Public Property Let ArcLen(Value As Double)
pArcLen = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ArcLen() As Double
ArcLen = pArcLen
End Property
Public Property Let ChordLen(Value As Double)
pChordLen = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ChordLen() As Double
ChordLen = pChordLen
End Property
Public Property Let dY(Value As Double)
pdY = Value
End Property
Public Property Get dY() As Double
dY = pdY
End Property
这将创建一个tCurve,其中包含1500 tCurve.Curvepoints()。dY(例如)