
时间:2010-03-28 03:48:25

标签: c# wpf mvvm asynchronous binding



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

Rob Eisenberg在MIX10 talk期间展示了在MVVM中运行异步操作的非常干净的实现。他在他的博客上发布了源代码。


    public IEnumerable<IResult> ExecuteSearch()
        var search = new SearchGames
            SearchText = SearchText

        yield return Show.Busy();
        yield return search;

        var resultCount = search.Response.Count();

        if (resultCount == 0)
            SearchResults = _noResults.WithTitle(SearchText);
        else if (resultCount == 1 && search.Response.First().Title == SearchText)
            var getGame = new GetGame
                Id = search.Response.First().Id

            yield return getGame;
            yield return Show.Screen<ExploreGameViewModel>()
                .Configured(x => x.WithGame(getGame.Response));
        else SearchResults = _results.With(search.Response);

        yield return Show.NotBusy();


答案 1 :(得分:3)


更新: 抓住上面的建议..有一个关于MVVM的在线视频由Jason Dolinger ...我建议你看一下。这是一种更清晰的方式,视图很薄/不包含任何线程代码。


  • VM ctor缓存Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher对象(主线程)。
  • 更新后备存储(结果)时,请使用 _dispatcher.BeginInvoke( () => _results.AddRange( entries) )以便正确更新用户界面。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

在Shawn Wildermuth的MSDN文章中,他做了类似这样的事情: 看看这里的文章: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dd458800.aspx

以及他最近的博客文章: http://wildermuth.com/2009/12/15/Architecting_Silverlight_4_with_RIA_Services_MEF_and_MVVM_-_Part_1

public interface IGameCatalog
  void GetGames();
  void GetGamesByGenre(string genre);
  void SaveChanges();

  event EventHandler<GameLoadingEventArgs> GameLoadingComplete;
  event EventHandler<GameCatalogErrorEventArgs> GameLoadingError;
  event EventHandler GameSavingComplete;
  event EventHandler<GameCatalogErrorEventArgs> GameSavingError;


public class GameCatalog : IGameCatalog
  Uri theServiceRoot;
  GamesEntities theEntities;
  const int MAX_RESULTS = 50;

  public GameCatalog() : this(new Uri("/Games.svc", UriKind.Relative))

  public GameCatalog(Uri serviceRoot)
    theServiceRoot = serviceRoot;

  public event EventHandler<GameLoadingEventArgs> GameLoadingComplete;
  public event EventHandler<GameCatalogErrorEventArgs> GameLoadingError;
  public event EventHandler GameSavingComplete;
  public event EventHandler<GameCatalogErrorEventArgs> GameSavingError;

  public void GetGames()
    // Get all the games ordered by release date
    var qry = (from g in Entities.Games
               orderby g.ReleaseDate descending
               select g).Take(MAX_RESULTS) as DataServiceQuery<Game>;


  public void GetGamesByGenre(string genre)
    // Get all the games ordered by release date
    var qry = (from g in Entities.Games
               where g.Genre.ToLower() == genre.ToLower()
               orderby g.ReleaseDate
               select g).Take(MAX_RESULTS) as DataServiceQuery<Game>;


  public void SaveChanges()
    // Save Not Yet Implemented
    throw new NotImplementedException();

  // Call the query asynchronously and add the results to the collection
  void ExecuteGameQuery(DataServiceQuery<Game> qry)
    // Execute the query
    qry.BeginExecute(new AsyncCallback(a =>
        IEnumerable<Game> results = qry.EndExecute(a);

        if (GameLoadingComplete != null)
          GameLoadingComplete(this, new GameLoadingEventArgs(results));
      catch (Exception ex)
        if (GameLoadingError != null)
          GameLoadingError(this, new GameCatalogErrorEventArgs(ex));

    }), null);

  GamesEntities Entities
      if (theEntities == null)
        theEntities = new GamesEntities(theServiceRoot);
      return theEntities;