如何使用" get"来获取通过Javascript(整数)的Google+计数数量?
在Twitter中例如,我们可以使用URL获取: http://urls.api.twitter.com/1/urls/count.json?url=' + url
对于Google+股票,我发现我们可以获得整个g +图标和使用的股票数量 https://plusone.google.com/_/+1/fastbutton?url=网址
另外,我找到了一种通过发出AJAX请求来获取G +计数的方法
如何通过" get"。
将其作为数字值答案 0 :(得分:0)
我强烈建议您不要像使用原始API查询一样。生成一个简单的API密钥,可以访问Google Developers Console上的Google+ API。
您可以找到指定网址中的帖子,并按如下方式获取活动详情,请注意我使用Google API client for JavaScript:
* Performs the API queries for searching,
* @param {String} searchUrl The Url containing the user ID for searching.
* @param {int} queryCount The number of API calls made.
* @param {String} nextPageToken The next page token for paged api calls.
function searchForUrl(searchUrl, queryCount, nextPageToken){
var userId = searchUrl.split('/')[3];
gapi.client.plus.activities.list({userId: userId,
pageToken: nextPageToken}).execute( function(resp){
handleActivities(resp.items, searchUrl, queryCount, resp.nextPageToken);
* Parses and stores activities from the XMLHttpRequest
* @param {Object} activities The response activity objects as an array.
* @param {String} postUrl The URL of the post.
* @param {int} queryCount The number of API calls.
* @param {string} nextPageToken The next page token.
function handleActivities(activities, postUrl, queryCount, nextPageToken){
for (var activity in activities){
activity = activities[activity];
if (activity['url'] == postUrl){
targetActivity = activity;
document.getElementById('result').value = 'ID is: ' +
activity.id + '\n' +
'PlusCount is: ' + activity.object.plusoners.totalItems + '\n' +
'Replies are: ' + activity.object.replies.totalItems + '\n' +
'Reshares are: ' + activity.object.resharers.totalItems + '\n';
isFound = true;
if (queryCount < maxQueryCount && !isFound){
// throttle calls using timer to avoid reaching query limit
console.log('retrying with ' + nextPageToken);
setTimeout(searchForUrl(postUrl, queryCount, nextPageToken), 100);