roxygen2错误:roxygen block开始失败... @data是一个未知密钥

时间:2014-08-12 17:53:52

标签: r roxygen2

在最近升级到R 3.1.1之后,当在RStudio中使用devtools :: document时(Ctrl + Shift + D),曾经给我发出旧R版本警告的内容现在会抛出此错误:

==> devtools::document(roclets=c('rd', 'collate', 'namespace'))

Updating spectrometry documentation
Loading spectrometry
First time using roxygen2 4.0. Upgrading automatically...
Error: Failure in roxygen block beginning sphereLeafReflectance.R:1
@data is an unknown key
Execution halted

Exited with status 1.

我用谷歌搜索并阅读了roxygen2的文档,但没有找到我的问题的解决方案。 @data是外部包中的一个插槽(" hyperSpec"),我的包中的类继承该插槽。这是定义我的类的psr3500Spec.R文件:

#' Constructor for objects of type 'psr3500Spec'
#' @title psr3500Spec class definition
#' @aliases psr3500Spec
#' @param file Character. Filename of a valid .sed file. Mandatory
#' @param datatype Character. Type of spectral data to add to object. Possible 
#' values are: RadRef/RadTarget/Reflect. Mandatory
#' @return psr3500Spec object, inheriting from 'hyperSpec' object
#' @export
psr3500Spec <- setClass("psr3500Spec", representation(datatype = "character"), 
    contains = "hyperSpec")

#' Initialize method for objects of type 'psr3500Spec'
#' @keywords internal
setMethod("initialize", "psr3500Spec", 
    function(.Object, ..., file = character(), datatype = character()) {

if(nargs() > 1) {
    stop("Not a valid SED file")

  if (!(datatype %in% c("RadRef", "RadTarget", "Reflect")))
    stop("Not a valid datatype. Possible values are: RadRef/RadTarget/Reflect")

  data <- readSedData(file)
  meta <- readSedMetadata(file)
  meta$datatype <- datatype
  meta$FileName <- file

  di <- grep(datatype, names(data))
  wi <- grep("Wvl", names(data))

  .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, data = meta, 
    spc = matrix(data[, di], nrow = 1), wavelength = data[, wi])

    "RadRef" = {
      spclab <- paste0("Reference Radiance (", meta$Units, ")")
    "RadTarget" = {
      spclab <- paste0("Target Radiance (", meta$Units, ")")
    "Reflect" = {
      spclab <- "Reflectance [unitless]"

  .Object@label <- list(.wavelength = paste0("Wavelength (nm)" ), 
    spc = spclab)


} else {
  .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)   

} )


#' Integrating sphere leaf reflectance 
#' Calculates leaf reflectance from radiance measurements made with an 
#' integrating sphere, removing the contribution from the measured stray light
#' @param Fsr psr3500Spec object. Radiance of a target (leaf) on the sample port
#' of the sphere measured in reflectance mode
#' @param Fsw psr3500Spec object. Radiance of a reference surface measured in 




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我只是复制粘贴Tyler的评论使其更明显:“@”字符在示例代码中不起作用。 它使roxoygen2崩溃。


#' xgb.importance(agaricus.test$data@@Dimnames[[2]], 'xgb.model.dump')


#' xgb.importance(agaricus.test$data@Dimnames[[2]], 'xgb.model.dump')