
时间:2014-08-10 15:28:15

标签: hardware vhdl spi




这可能听起来很奇怪,所以这就是我到目前为止所做的。有一个名为SPI_REG的寄存器,它包含8位数据,由外部时钟输入和输出。 (主从SPI设备时钟.FPGA是从设备。主设备是Arduino,Raspberry Pi,手机等。)

有一个串行输入和串行输出端口,它连接到主设备。 (MISO和MOSI数据线。)


FPGA内部时钟的运行速度比SPI外部时钟高得多(50 MHz?)。在内部时钟的每个上升沿,我们检查标志是否已设置,这意味着已经传输了8位数据,并且FPGA必须将此数据复制出来,对其执行某些操作并将一些返回数据重新放入下一个SPI时钟。因此,为什么内部时钟必须高得多。


  1. 将字节从SPI寄存器复制到寄存器。
  2. 返回字节从另一个寄存器复制到SPI寄存器。
  3. 总共有3个寄存器。 SPI寄存器,发送寄存器和接收寄存器。

    为了测试程序,我决定填充发送寄存器,接收寄存器的内容与零字节进行异或。 “00000000”(这还没有“做”任何事情。)


    library IEEE;
    use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
    entity interface is
            -- SPI
            SPI_MOSI: in std_logic;
            SPI_MISO: out std_logic;
            SPI_CLK: in std_logic;
            -- FPGA clocks
            SYSTEM_CLK: in std_logic;
    end interface;
    architecture Behavioral of interface is
        -- SPI
        signal SPI_REG: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
        signal SPI_BUFFER_OUT: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Holds most recent 8 bits transferred over SPI
        signal SPI_BUFFER_IN: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Holds next 8 bits to be transferred over SPI
        -- Shift register data
        --DATA_IN: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
        --DATA_OUT: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
        -- SPI interface
        process(SYSTEM_CLK, SPI_CLK)--, AUDIO_CLK, BUSY)
            -- SPI interface
            variable spi_clk_count: integer := 0; -- count 8 data clocks
            variable system_clk_count: integer := 0; -- count system clocks for moving data out and in to spi register
            variable system_clk_flag: boolean := false;
            variable send_data_count: integer := 0;
            -- ADC control
            variable read_data_clock_count: integer := 0; -- count clock pulses for timing the reading of the ADC
            variable convst_flag: integer := 0; -- flag for the convst signal to the ADC
            -- SPI external clock
            if rising_edge(SPI_CLK) then
                -- Clock data out of serial_out (MISO or MOSI)
                if system_clk_flag = false then
                    -- Complete transfers
                    SPI_MISO <= SPI_REG(7);
                    -- Clock data in spi_reg along 1 bit and feed in 1 bit from serial_in (MOSI or MISO)
                    SPI_REG <= SPI_REG(6 downto 0) & SPI_MOSI; -- Concatinate bits
                end if;
                -- Check for full 8 bits
                if spi_clk_count = 7 then
                    spi_clk_count := 0;
                    -- Signal system clock to move byte out of and byte in to register
                    if system_clk_flag = false then
                        -- Set buffer overrun error flag
                        -- Signal data to be clocked out and clocked in anyway
                        system_clk_flag := true;
                    end if;
                    -- Increment spi clock counter
                    spi_clk_count := spi_clk_count + 1;
                end if;
            end if;
            -- System internal clock
            if rising_edge(SYSTEM_CLK) then
                -- To test, return the XOR of the bits with zero (do nothing)
                -- Continue shuffling data if required
                if system_clk_count = 1 then
                    -- Increment system_clock_count
                    -- Change flag to "step 2"
                    system_clk_count := 2;
                    -- This is for debugging purposes
                    SPI_BUFFER_IN <= SPI_BUFFER_OUT xor "00000000";
                elsif system_clk_count = 2 then
                    -- Increment system_clock_count
                    -- Change flag to "step 3"
                    system_clk_count := 3;
                    -- Move data from SPI_BUFFER_IN to register
                    SPI_REG <= SPI_BUFFER_IN;
                elsif system_clk_count = 3 then
                    -- Signal that we are done
                    system_clk_flag := false;
                    -- Reset clock count
                    system_clk_count := 0;
                -- Check for signal for system clock to move data to and from SPI register
                elsif system_clk_flag = true then -- This must be done here because it is the lowest priority of the statements
                    -- Signal for byte shuffling, clock data in and out
                    system_clk_count := 1;
                    -- Move data from SPI register to SPI_BUFFER_OUT register
                    SPI_BUFFER_OUT <= SPI_REG;
                end if;
            end if;
    end Behavioral;



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


作为建议,对每个时钟域使用一个进程,不要使用共享变量,不要使用标志。您需要跨时钟域握手的唯一地方是SPI_BUFFER_OUT。 SPI_BUFFER_IN由系统时钟加载,_OUT由SPI时钟加载。


