// This object contains the configuration that Ampersand uses to build my model.
var config = {
props: {
firstName: 'string',
lastName: 'string'
// Create a Person model with getters, setters, validation etc.
var Person = AmpersandModel.extend(config);
// A basic usage to create an instance of a Person object
var myPerson = new Person({firstName:"John", lastName:"Doe"});
myPerson.firstName = "NewJohn"; // runs the first name setter build by ampersand
MyModel extends Backbone.Model{}
Person extends AmpersandModel{}
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这是我想出的 - 首先我删除了Ampersand.js模块定义。我从未使用过Ampersand,所以只是关闭他们的文档:
declare module ampersand {
interface AmpersandState {
// todo...
interface AmpersandCollection {
// todo...
interface ModelExtendOptions {
parse?: boolean;
parent?: AmpersandState;
collection?: AmpersandCollection;
interface ModelSaveOptions {
patch?: boolean;
interface AmpersandModel<TProps> {
save: (attrs?: TProps, options?: ModelSaveOptions) => void;
// todo: fetch, destroy, sync, etc...
interface AmpersandModelConstructor<TProps, TModel extends AmpersandModel<any>> {
new (attrs: TProps, options?: ModelExtendOptions): TModel;
interface ExtendOptions {
props?: {};
session?: {};
derived?: {};
interface AmpersandModelStatic {
extend: <TProps, TModel extends AmpersandModel<any>>(options: ExtendOptions) => AmpersandModelConstructor<TProps, TModel>;
declare var AmpersandModel: ampersand.AmpersandModelStatic;
// interface for person properties...
interface PersonProps {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
// interface to tie everything together...
interface PersonModel extends PersonProps, ampersand.AmpersandModel<PersonProps> {
// use AmpersandModel's extend method...
var Person = AmpersandModel.extend<PersonProps, PersonModel>({ props: { firstName: 'string', lastName: 'string' } });
// at this point you now have full intellisense/type checking for the constructor and properties.
var me = new Person({ firstName: 'Jeremy', lastName: 'Danyow' });
me.firstName = 'Ron'; // yes!
me.eyeColor = 'Brown'; // compile error!
<强> [Here's a link to run the code in the typescript playground] 强>