答案 0 :(得分:2)
require 'net/smtp'
require 'pubnub'
def SMTPForward(message_text)
# build the headers
email = "From: Your Name <your@mail.address>
To: Destination Address <someone@example.com>
Subject: test message
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 16:26:43 +0900
Message-Id: <unique.message.id.string@example.com>
" + message_text # add the PN message text to the email body
Net::SMTP.start('your.smtp.server', 25) do |smtp| # Send it!
smtp.send_message email,
@my_callback = lambda { |envelope| SMTPForward(envelope.msg) } # Fwd to email
pubnub.subscribe( # Subscribe on channel hello_world, fwd messages to my_callback
:channel => :hello_world,
:callback => @my_callback
答案 1 :(得分:2)
Geremy的回复也是 Ruby 的解决方案,我也附加了 Python 解决方案。今天发送电子邮件的最佳方法是将PubNub与SendGrid等邮件服务提供商配对,你可以在Python中这样做。
您也可以使用Node.JS npm install sendgrid
## Send Email + Publish
publish( 'my_channel', { 'some' : 'data' } )
## Done!
复制/粘贴以下python,以便在发送电子邮件和发布PubNub消息时轻松生活。我们正在与SendGrid电子邮件客户端配对,并附加了pip repo。
## -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
## Send Email and Publish Message on PubNub
## -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
import Pubnub ## pip install Pubnub
import sendgrid ## pip install sendgrid
def publish( channel, message ):
# Email List
recipients = [
[ "john.smith@gmail.com", "John Smith" ],
[ "jenn.flany@gmail.com", "Jenn Flany" ]
# Info Callback
def pubinfo(info): print(info)
# Connection to SendGrid
emailer = sendgrid.SendGridClient( 'user', 'pass', secure=True )
pubnub = Pubnub( publish_key="demo", subscribe_key="demo", ssl_on=True )
# PubNub Publish
pubnub.publish( channel, message, callback=pubinfo, error=pubinfo )
# Email Message Payload
email = sendgrid.Mail()
email.set_from("PubNub <pubsub@pubnub.com>")
email.set_subject("PubNub Message")
## Add Email Recipients
for recipient in recipients:
email.add_to("%s <%s>" % (recipient[1], recipient[0]))
## Send Email
答案 2 :(得分:0)
有一种新的receive PubNub messages as emails方法。使用SendGrid BLOCK,您可以向某个频道订阅PubNub Function,并触发包含消息内容的电子邮件。 SendGrid是用于通过HTTP请求发送电子邮件的API。 PubNub函数是JavaScript事件处理程序,可通过提供的通道在每条PubNub消息上执行。这是SendGrid BLOCK代码。确保您注册了SendGrid并向PubNub Vault(API密钥和密码的安全存储位置)提供凭据。
// Be sure to place the following keys in MY SECRETS
// sendGridApiUser - User name for the SendGrid account.
// sendGridApiPassword - Password for the SendGrid account.
// senderAddress - Email address for the email sender.
const xhr = require('xhr');
const query = require('codec/query_string');
const vault = require('vault');
export default (request) => {
const apiUrl = 'https://api.sendgrid.com/api/mail.send.json';
let sendGridApiUser, sendGridApiPassword, senderAddress;
return vault.get('sendGridApiUser').then((username) => {
sendGridApiUser = username;
return vault.get('sendGridApiPassword');
}).then((password) => {
sendGridApiPassword = password;
return vault.get('sendGridSenderAddress');
}).then((address) => {
senderAddress = address;
// create a HTTP GET request to the SendGrid API
return xhr.fetch(apiUrl + '?' + query.stringify({
api_user: sendGridApiUser, // your sendgrid api username
api_key: sendGridApiPassword, // your sendgrid api password
from: senderAddress, // sender email address
to: request.message.to, // recipient email address
toname: request.message.toname, // recipient name
subject: request.message.subject, // email subject
text: request.message.text + // email text
'\n\nInput:\n' + JSON.stringify(request.message, null, 2)
})).then((res) => {
return request.ok();
}).catch((e) => {
console.error('SendGrid: ', e);
return request.abort();
}).catch((e) => {
console.error('PubNub Vault: ', e);
return request.abort();