我改变了这一部分。我使用了数据集(1,2,1) - (3),(1,4,1) - (5),(2,2,1) - (4),(2,4,1)-6而不是XOR门的训练数据集。
require_once ("class_neuralnetwork.php");
// Create a new neural network with 3 input neurons,
// 4 hidden neurons, and 1 output neuron
$n = new NeuralNetwork(3, 4, 1);
// Add test-data to the network. In this case,
// we want the network to learn the 'XOR'-function
$n->addTestData(array (-1, -1, 1), array (-1));
$n->addTestData(array (-1, 1, 1), array ( 1));
$n->addTestData(array ( 1, -1, 1), array ( 1));
$n->addTestData(array ( 1, 1, 1), array (-1));
// we try training the network for at most $max times
$max = 3;
echo "<h1>Learning the XOR function</h1>";
// train the network in max 1000 epochs, with a max squared error of 0.01
while (!($success = $n->train(1000, 0.01)) && ++$i<$max) {
echo "Round $i: No success...<br />";
// print a message if the network was succesfully trained
if ($success) {
$epochs = $n->getEpoch();
echo "Success in $epochs training rounds!<br />";
echo "<h2>Result</h2>";
echo "<div class='result'>";
// in any case, we print the output of the neural network
for ($i = 0; $i < count($n->trainInputs); $i ++) {
$output = $n->calculate($n->trainInputs[$i]);
echo "<div>Testset $i; ";
echo "expected output = (".implode(", ", $n->trainOutput[$i]).") ";
echo "output from neural network = (".implode(", ", $output).")\n</div>";
echo "</div>";
//echo "<h2>Internal network state</h2>";
// Now, play around with some of the network's parameters a bit, to see how it
// influences the result
$learningRates = array(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1);
$momentum = array(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1);
$rounds = array(100, 500, 1000, 2000);
$errors = array(0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001);
echo "<h1>Playing around...</h1>";
echo "<p>The following is to show how changing the momentum & learning rate,
in combination with the number of rounds and the maximum allowable error, can
lead to wildly differing results. To obtain the best results for your
situation, play around with these numbers until you find the one that works
best for you.</p>";
echo "<p>The values displayed here are chosen randomly, so you can reload
the page to see another set of values...</p>";
for ($j=0; $j<10; $j++) {
// no time-outs
$lr = $learningRates[array_rand($learningRates)];
$m = $momentum[array_rand($momentum)];
$r = $rounds[array_rand($rounds)];
$e = $errors[array_rand($errors)];
echo "<h2>Learning rate $lr, momentum $m @ ($r rounds, max sq. error $e)</h2>";
$i = 0;
while (!($success = $n->train($r, $e)) && ++$i<$max) {
echo "Round $i: No success...<br />";
// print a message if the network was succesfully trained
if ($success) {
$epochs = $n->getEpoch();
echo "Success in $epochs training rounds!<br />";
echo "<div class='result'>";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($n->trainInputs); $i ++) {
$output = $n->calculate($n->trainInputs[$i]);
echo "<div>Testset $i; ";
echo "expected output = (".implode(", ", $n->trainOutput[$i]).") ";
echo "output from neural network = (".implode(", ", $output).")\n</div>";
echo "</div>";
答案 0 :(得分:1)
$n = new NeuralNetwork(3, 4, 4);
$n->addTestData(array (1, 2, 1), array ( 1, -1, -1, -1));
$n->addTestData(array (1, 4, 1), array (-1, 1, -1, -1));
$n->addTestData(array (2, 2, 1), array (-1, -1, 1, -1));
$n->addTestData(array (2, 4, 1), array (-1, -1, -1, 1));
请注意,您的示例可能需要4个以上的隐藏节点。</ p>