我附上了一段代码,我真的更专注于if ... else if。
<script src="scripts/jQuery.js"></script>
<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
/*********** jQuery Accordion Menu ****************/
$('.btn_countries, .btn_regions').hide();
$('.mainbar > ul > span ul').each(function(index, element){
var count = $(element).find('li').length;
$('.mainbar > ul > span > a').click(function() {
var checkElement = $(this).next();
$('.mainbar span').removeClass('active');
if((checkElement.is('ul')) && (checkElement.is(':visible'))) {
if((checkElement.is('ul')) && (!checkElement.is(':visible'))) {
$('.mainbar ul ul:visible').slideUp('normal');
if($(this).closest('span').find('ul').children().length == 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
/*********** jQuery Accordion Menu End****************/
/*********** jQuery load XML ****************/
function xmlFunction( xmlUrl ) {
$.get( xmlUrl, function ( d ) {
$( 'body' ).append( '<dl />' );
$( d ).find( 'company' ).each( function () {
var $company = $( this ),
name = $company.attr( "name" ),
certification = $company.find( 'certification' ).text(),
employee = $company.find( 'employee' ).text(),
quote = $company.find( 'quote' ).text(),
industry = $company.find( 'industry' ).text(),
signature = $company.find( 'signature' ).text(),
title = $company.find( 'title' ).text(),
url = $company.find( 'url' ).text(),
imageurl = $company.attr( 'imageurl' ),
html = '';
html += '<dd> <span class="loadingPic" alt="Loading" />';
html += '<div class="container">';
html += '<div class="content">';
html += '<div class="maincontent">';
html += '<div class="logoblock">';
html += '<img class="companyLogo" alt="" src="' + imageurl + '" />';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="contentblock">';
html += '<h1 class="name">' + name + '</h1>';
html += '<h2 class="certification">' + certification + '</h2>';
html += '<p class="employee">' + employee + '</p>';
html += '<p class="industry"> ' + industry + '</p>';
html += '<p class="quote"> ' + quote + '</p>';
html += '<p class="signature"> ' + signature + '</p>';
html += '<p class="title"> ' + title + '</p>';
html += '<a class="url"> ' + url + '</a>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</dd>';
$('#global').append( $( html ));
//show after appending all
$( '#global' ).show();
//when dom is ready
//listener for click on all our buttons
$( 'button.someCommonClass' ).on( 'click', function ( e ) {
var $this = $( this );
//using return after calling our function, so we don't need to care with so many 'else if'
//easier to read IMO
if ( $this.hasClass( 'btn_globalImg' ) ) {
xmlFunction( 'inc/Global_BestEmployers.xml' );
if ( $this.hasClass( 'btn_regionalImg' ) ) {
xmlFunction( 'inc/Regional_BestEmployers.xml' );
if ( $this.hasClass( 'btn_countriesImg' ) ) {
xmlFunction( 'inc/Countries_BestEmployers.xml' );
/*********** jQuery load XML End****************/
<div class="mainbar">
<ul class="btn_container">
<span><a href='#' class="btn_globalImg"></a></span>
<span><a href='#' class="btn_regionalImg"></a>
<ul class="btn_regions">
<li><a href='#' class="btn_africaImg"></a></li>
<li><a href='#' class="btn_asiaImg"></a></li>
<li><a href='#' class="btn_eurImg"></a></li>
<li><a href='#' class="btn_latinImg"></a></li>
<li><a href='#' class="btn_northImg"></a></li>
<span><a href='#' class="btn_countriesImg"><span></span></a>
<ul class="btn_countries">
<li><a href='#' class="btn_africaImg"></a></li>
<li><a href='#' class="btn_asiaImg"></a></li>
<li><a href='#' class="btn_eurImg"></a></li>
<li><a href='#' class="btn_latinImg"></a></li>
<li><a href='#' class="btn_northImg"></a></li>
<div id="global">
答案 0 :(得分:2)
var $this = $(this);
if($this.hasClass('btn_globalImg')) {
$.get('inc/Global_BestEmployers.xml', function(d){ ... });
} else if ($this.hasClass('btn_regionalImg')) {
$.get('inc/Global_BestEmployers.xml', function(d){ ... });
} else if ($this.hasClass('btn_countriesImg')) {
$.get('inc/Global_BestEmployers.xml', function(d){ ... });
答案 1 :(得分:0)
<div id="global">My global div</div>
<button class="someCommonClass btn_countriesImg">My btn_countriesImg</button>
<button class="someCommonClass btn_regionalImg">My btn_regionalImg</button>
<button class="someCommonClass btn_globalImg">My btn_globalImg</button>
//Since you are doing the same thing for all, let's make it a reusable function
function myAwesomeFunction( xmlUrl ) {
$.get( xmlUrl, function ( d ) {
//hiding here
$( '#global' ).hide();
$( 'body' ).append( '<dl />' );
$( d ).find( 'company' ).each( function () {
//no need of all var var var..
//declaring all at once into one var - that's called 'var lifting'
var $company = $( this ),
name = $company.attr( "name" ),
certification = $company.find( 'certification' ).text(),
employee = $company.find( 'employee' ).text(),
quote = $company.find( 'quote' ).text(),
industry = $company.find( 'industry' ).text(),
signature = $company.find( 'signature' ).text(),
title = $company.find( 'title' ).text(),
url = $company.find( 'url' ).text(),
imageurl = $company.attr( 'imageurl' ),
html = '';
html += '<dd> <span class="loadingPic" alt="Loading" />';
html += '<div class="container">';
html += '<div class="content">';
html += '<div class="maincontent">';
html += '<div class="logoblock">';
html += '<img class="companyLogo" alt="" src="' + imageurl + '" />';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="contentblock">';
html += '<h1 class="name">' + name + '</h1>';
html += '<h2 class="certification">' + certification + '</h2>';
html += '<p class="employee">' + employee + '</p>';
html += '<p class="industry"> ' + industry + '</p>';
html += '<p class="quote"> ' + quote + '</p>';
html += '<p class="signature"> ' + signature + '</p>';
html += '<p class="title"> ' + title + '</p>';
html += '<a class="url"> ' + url + '</a>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</dd>';
$( '#global' ).append( $( html ) );
//NOTE: I would prefer using document fragment here and append once at the end
//Has lot better performance and less browser repaint/reflow.
//But I'll let that one for you to search and learn
} );
//show after appending all
$( '#global' ).show();
} );
//when dom is ready
$( document ).ready( function () {
//listener for click on all our buttons
$( 'button.someCommonClass' ).on( 'click', function ( e ) {
var $this = $( this );
//using return after calling our function, so we don't need to care with so many 'else if'
//easier to read IMO
if ( $this.hasClass( 'btn_globalImg' ) ) {
myAwesomeFunction( 'inc/Global_BestEmployers.xml' );
if ( $this.hasClass( 'btn_regionalImg' ) ) {
myAwesomeFunction( 'inc/Global_BestEmployers.xml' );
if ( $this.hasClass( 'btn_countriesImg' ) ) {
myAwesomeFunction( 'inc/Global_BestEmployers.xml' );
} );
} );
如果评论没有解释,请告诉我: - )