
时间:2014-08-06 05:50:25

标签: gnuplot

这是我的gnuplot digram。我的数据是:

enter image description here


enter image description here

  1. 从线上的每个点开始。创建一个到X和Y的行:
  2. 将点的颜色更改为红色以外的其他颜色。
  3. 这是我的情节剧本:

    set terminal png size 900,600 enhanced font "Helvetica,20" 
    set output 'All recived Packet in the network per second.png'
    set grid
    set xlabel "Transmision Range"
    set ylabel "All of recived Packet in the network per second"
    set title "Recive Packet pre second"
    plot  "NumOfRcvPkt.dat" using 2:3 title 'Transmision Range' with  linespoints


    0 15 124
    1 20 105
    2 25 82

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


xmin=14 ; ymin=80
set xrange [xmin:*] ; set yrange [ymin:*]
plot "data" u 2:3 w l lc rgb "red", \
"" u 2:3 w p pt 7 lc rgb "blue", \
"" u (xmin):3:($2-xmin):(0) w vectors nohead lt 2 lc rgb "black", \
"" u 2:(ymin):(0):($3-ymin) w vectors nohead lt 2 lc rgb "black"


然后,对于plot命令,第一行用红线绘制数据,第二行用蓝色圆圈绘制数据,第三行绘制水平黑色虚线,第四行绘制垂直虚线。为了让您的终端接受虚线样式(使用lt 2选择),您需要添加dashed,例如set term png dashed


enter image description here