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* An example method called when a user signs in to an authentication system.
* @param User user represents a generic User object returned by an authentication system on sign in.
public void onUserSignIn(User user) {
// Be careful when creating new trackers -- it is possible to create multiple trackers for the
// same tracking Id.
Tracker t = GoogleAnalytics.getInstance(context).newTracker("UA-XXXX-Y");
// You only need to set User ID on a tracker once. By setting it on the tracker, the ID will be
// sent with all subsequent hits.
t.set("&uid", user.getId());
// This hit will be sent with the User ID value and be visible in User-ID-enabled views (profiles).
t.send(new HitBuilders.EventBuilder().setCategory("UX").setAction("User Sign In").build());
或者,您可以使用Data Import功能从多个来源(例如CRM数据库和SQL数据库)导入外部用户信息,并且您需要将其用户表示映射到您自己的自定义维度。您可以按照“Importing User Data to create AdWords Remarketing Lists”文章中的示例进行操作。它显示了如何使用自定义维度来表示用户ID,然后上传有关该用户的更多自定义维度。
ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-Y', 'auto');
ga('require', 'displayfeatures');
ga('set', 'dimension1', 'NNNN'); // Where NNNN represents the CRM User Id.
ga('send', 'pageview');
请注意,Google Analytics不支持发送个人身份信息,see the TOS。