ENGL 1301|none
ENGL 1302|ENGL 1301|none
MATH 1323|none
MATH 1376|MATH 1323|none
MATH 1425|MATH 1323|MATH 1376|none
ENGL 1301
MATH 1323
ENGL 1302
-declare struct node {
char* class;
int found;
struct node* next;
struct node* head;
/*building the hash table data structure*/
-read each line of degree
tokenize to get main class
hash main class and return index to place in hash table
copy main class into struct node class
set found value to 0
tokenize to get pre-req classes
add each pre-req to a linked list inside each node in the hash table/*possible?*/
/*reading completed classes and connecting them with hash table through "found" value*/
-read each line of completed
send line(class) to be hashed returning [index]
search through hash table[index] "nodes" for matching class
if class is in hash table change found value to 1
/*printing classes eligible to take*/
-iterate through hash table
-if "found" value in "node"(struct node) = 1 go to next node
-if "found" value in node = 0(means class has not been taken)
iterate through linked list(list of pre-reqs) in that node
send pre-req to be hashed and return [index] value
search hashtable[index] to find pre-req class in hastable
if "found" = 1 return value 1 to continue through the pre-req linked list
if "found" = 0 return value 0 to indicate that pre req has not been met and contine iterating through hash table