在基本灯光上阅读this tutorial后,我决定扩展着色器代码以处理任意数量的灯光。根据我的谷歌搜索结果,推荐的方法是创建一个着色器存储缓冲区对象(SSBO)和一个Lamp结构数组缓冲区来表示灯光:
// all vec3 objects are from glm
struct Lamp {
vec3 pos;
float power;
vec3 color;
vec3 lightDirectionCameraSpace;
// this constructor is omitted in the struct definition in the shaders
Lamp(vec3 a, float b, vec3 c) {
pos = a;
power = b;
color = c;
// global variable
vector<Lamp> lights;
Lamp lmp1(vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f), 40.0f, vec3(0.3f, 0.7f, 0.9f));
Lamp lmp2(vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f), 40.0f, vec3(1.0f, 0.7f, 0.7f));
GLuint LightID;
glGenBuffers(1, &LightID);
glBufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, sizeof(Lamp)*lights.size(), &(lights[0]), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// using binding 0 for the SSBO
glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, LightID);
#version 430
struct Lamp {
vec3 pos;
float power;
vec3 color;
vec3 lightDirectionCameraSpace;
layout(std430, binding = 0) buffer LightArray {
Lamp[] lights;
} LightArr;
void main() {
for (int i = 0; i < LightArr.lights.length(); i++) {
// Vector that goes from the vertex to the light, in camera space. M is ommited because it's identity.
vec3 LightPosition_cameraspace = ( V * vec4(LightArr.lights[i].pos, 1)).xyz;
LightArr.lights[i].lightDirectionCameraSpace = LightPosition_cameraspace + EyeDirection_cameraspace;
#version 430 core
// Ouput data
out vec3 glcolor;
struct Lamp {
vec3 pos;
float power;
vec3 color;
vec3 lightDirectionCameraSpace;
layout(std430, binding = 0) buffer LightArray {
Lamp[] lights;
} LightArr;
void main(){
// Material properties
vec3 MaterialDiffuseColor = texture2D( myTextureSampler, UV ).rgb;
vec3 MaterialAmbientColor = vec3(0.1,0.1,0.1) * MaterialDiffuseColor;
vec3 MaterialSpecularColor = vec3(0.3,0.3,0.3);
glcolor = vec3(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < LightArr.lights.length(); i++) {
// Distance to the light
float distance = length( LightArr.lights[i].pos - Position_worldspace );
// Normal of the computed fragment, in camera space
vec3 n = normalize( Normal_cameraspace );
// Direction of the light (from the fragment to the light)
vec3 l = normalize( LightArr.lights[i].lightDirectionCameraSpace );
// Cosine of the angle between the normal and the light direction,
// clamped above 0
// - light is at the vertical of the triangle -> 1
// - light is perpendicular to the triangle -> 0
// - light is behind the triangle -> 0
float cosTheta = clamp( dot( n,l ), 0,1 );
// Eye vector (towards the camera)
vec3 E = normalize(EyeDirection_cameraspace);
// Direction in which the triangle reflects the light
vec3 R = reflect(-l,n);
// Cosine of the angle between the Eye vector and the Reflect vector,
// clamped to 0
// - Looking into the reflection -> 1
// - Looking elsewhere -> < 1
float cosAlpha = clamp( dot( E,R ), 0,1 );
glcolor +=
// Ambient : simulates indirect lighting
// MaterialAmbientColor +
// Diffuse : "color" of the object
MaterialDiffuseColor * LightArr.lights[i].color * LightArr.lights[i].power * cosTheta / (distance*distance) +
// Specular : reflective highlight, like a mirror
MaterialSpecularColor * LightArr.lights[i].color * LightArr.lights[i].power * pow(cosAlpha,5) / (distance*distance);
// compute total light, then add ambient
// Ambient : simulates indirect lighting
glcolor = MaterialAmbientColor + glcolor;
问题在于,当程序运行时,它只会将第一个灯(这里是蓝色灯)添加到列表中(但显示它非常正确)。我做了一些调试,发现LightArr.lights.length() == 1
float foo;
和float bar;
和vec3 color;
)添加到我的vec3 lightDirectionCameraSpace;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
您的解决方案工作的原因是OpenGL结构包装规则。 OpenGL期望vec3在vec4边界上对齐。有关OpenGL如何在统一块中布局结构的详细信息,请参阅OpenGL 4.3规范的7.6.2节和7.6.2.2节。