
时间:2014-08-03 17:14:39

标签: php file directory




$scan = scandir('Folder');

foreach($scan as $file)
    if (!is_dir($file))
       $str = "Folder/".$file;
       echo $str;

这允许我生成所有&#39; SubFolder&#39;的字符串列表。在我的文件夹目录中。

我要做的是列出所有&#39; SubSubFolder&#39;在每个子文件夹中,以便我可以创建一个&#39; SubSubFolder&#39;名称与其&#39; SubFolder&#39;组合使用parent并将其添加到数组中。

$scan = scandir('Folder');

foreach($scan as $file)
    if (!is_dir($file))
        $str = "Folder/".$file;
        //echo $str;

        $scan2 = scandir($str);
        foreach($scan2 as $file){
            if (!is_dir($file))
                echo "Folder/SubFolder/".$file;

然而,这不起作用,我不确定是否因为我不能连续scandir()或者我不能再使用$ file。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


function getDirectory( $path = '.', $level = 0 ){

    $ignore = array( 'cgi-bin', '.', '..' );
    // Directories to ignore when listing output. Many hosts
    // will deny PHP access to the cgi-bin.

    $dh = @opendir( $path );
    // Open the directory to the handle $dh

    while( false !== ( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) ){
    // Loop through the directory

        if( !in_array( $file, $ignore ) ){
        // Check that this file is not to be ignored

            $spaces = str_repeat( '&nbsp;', ( $level * 4 ) );
            // Just to add spacing to the list, to better
            // show the directory tree.

            if( is_dir( "$path/$file" ) ){
            // Its a directory, so we need to keep reading down...

                echo "<strong>$spaces -$file</strong><br />";
                getDirectory( "$path/$file", ($level+1) );
                // Re-call this same function but on a new directory.
                // this is what makes function recursive.

            } else {

                //To list folders names only and not the files within comment out the following line.
                echo "$spaces $file<br />.";
                // Just print out the filename
    closedir( $dh );
    // Close the directory handle
getDirectory( "folder" );
// Get the current directory