我有一个数组,其值为80 82 84 90 94是否可以减去这些值,因此输出可能是0 2 2 6 4? 我编辑了这个问题:现在我想在android游标适配器中使用它,但是当它到达差异的计算时我得到索引超出界限。
public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) {
// here we are setting our data
// that means, take the data from the cursor and put it in views
double weight = cursor.getDouble(cursor
int count=cursor.getCount();
Double[] input = new Double[count];
// Obtaining the number of records
System.out.println("number of records "+input.length);
// Array for storing differences
double[] difference= new double[count ];
difference [0] = 0; // First record difference is 0 only
int i;
// Looping number of records times
for( i=0; i<count-1 ;i++)
System.out.println("i value"+i);
System. out.println(""+input[i]);
// Difference = next record - current record
difference [i]= input [i+1] - input[i];
// System.out.println ("Difference between "+input [i+1]+ " and "+input[i] + " is : " +difference[i]);
答案 0 :(得分:1)
// Setting the input array.
int input[]= {80, 82, 84, 90, 94};
// Obtaining the number of records
int noOfRecords = input.length;
// Array for storing differences
double[] difference= new double[noOfRecords ];
difference [0] = 0; // First record difference is 0 only
// Looping number of records times
for( int i=0; i < noOfRecords -1 ;i++)
// Difference = next record - current record
difference [i+1]= input [i+1] - input[i];
System.out.println ("Difference between "+input [i+1]+ " and "+input[i] + " is : " +difference[i+1]);
System.out.println("My final difference array Output is : "+java.util.Arrays.toString( difference ));
Difference between 82 and 80 is : 2.0
Difference between 84 and 82 is : 2.0
Difference between 90 and 84 is : 6.0
Difference between 94 and 90 is : 4.0
My final difference array Output is : [0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 6.0, 4.0]
double[] difference = new double[noOfRecords ];
int [] difference = new int [noOfRecords];
答案 1 :(得分:1)
对于数组Arr[] = {80 82 84 90 94}
必需输出= {0,2,2,6,4}
output[0] = 0;
for( i=1;i<cursor.getCount();i++)
output[i] = Arr[i]-Arr[i-1];
请注意,输出数组元素是通过使用前一个索引处的元素减去当前索引元素获得的。 实施例82-80 = 2,84-82 = 2,90-84 = 6和94-90 = 4
答案 2 :(得分:0)
int[] numbers={80, 82, 84, 90, 94};
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
if(i < numbers.length - 1)
System.out.println(numbers[i + 1] - numbers[i]);
输出 -