prompt = '> ' #This was here for my game. I just used it as a test for def thing()
def thing():
global prompt #global works like it should here.
paint = prompt #changed so I can print it but I'm sure I could have just skipped this.
return paint #I could have probably put prompt here without the previous line just fine.
print thing() #test looks good.
text = "" # I added this to see if I could figure out what's going on.
# I don't get an error when this is here but it's not what I'm looking to do.
class grid_object:
x = 1 # x of grid
y = 1 # y of grid
player_here = '0' #0 = the player was never here. - = the player was here. X = the player is here.
text = " " # I change this with another function below. This is what I'm trying to access.
been_here_text = " " # I change this with another function below.
been_here_before_bool = False #This gets toggled elsewhere.
def text_to_type(self):
global text #So this will point to the text up top but what I want is the text in the class.
#How do I get the text I want? That is my question to you guys.
to_print = text #Probably don't need this like the test above.
return to_print
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class grid_object(object): # inherit from object for new-style classes
def __init__(self): # when you instantiate the class, this function runs
self.x, self.y = 1, 1
self.player_here = '0'
self.text = " "
self.been_here_text = " "
self.been_here_before_bool = False
def text_to_type(self):
return self.text
# this whole function is silly, just reference
# self.text any time you would do grid_object().text_to_type()
>>> obj = grid_object()
>>> obj.text
" "
>>> obj.x
>>> obj.y
>>> obj.been_here_before_bool