每当我尝试输出到文件时,无论是out-file还是export-csv,它都没有正确输出。它要么把长度'和价值或一些长串。我理想情况下要导出到csv,以便我可以操纵数据。功能' DoesItemExist'是一个测试注册表是否存在的功能。这是代码:
#find computers names that start with H or D
$computers=Get-ADComputer -Filter {(name -like "H*") -or (name -like "D*")} -Properties
Name | select name
#save path to csv file
$SaveAs = 'c:\msolhelp\edocs.csv'
#loop through the computers collection
foreach($line in $computers)
#test if computer is online
if(Test-Connection -Cn $line -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -quiet)
#write computer name to file
#test registry path for 64 bit machine
$OS=((Get-WmiObject Win32_Operatingsystem -ComputerName $line).OSArchitecture)
if ($OS = '64-bit')
#if 64 bit check for correct regkey and grab value and appends to file
$regpath = 'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\'
#check for subkey and append value to file
$val = (DoesItemExist -path $regpath -regEntry "PatchLevel")
If ($val) {
Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\" | Select-
Object -Property PatchLevel | Export-Csv -Path $SaveAs -Append -
NoTypeInformation }
else {Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\" |
Select-Object -Property CurrentVersion | Export-Csv -Path $SaveAs -Append -
#if false, it must be a 32 bit machine (different registry path)
#set path for 32 bit machine
$regpath = 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\'
#check for correct subkey
$val = (DoesItemExist -path $regpath -regEntry "PatchLevel")
If ($val) {
Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\" | Select-Object -
Property PatchLevel | Export-Csv -Path $SaveAs -Append -NoTypeInformation }
else {
Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\" | Select-Object -
Property CurrentVersion | Export-Csv -Path $SaveAs -Append -
#if test-connect fails, append file with 'offline'
else {
"$line, offline"
答案 0 :(得分:0)
从我所看到的,您将要将变量保存到文本文件,然后再导入CSV。 Export-CSV实际上并没有按照你的想法行事...我建议你阅读下面的链接..Export-CSV将每个项目视为一个新的数据行,这就是为什么它看起来不正确。 CSV由对象属性决定。