
时间:2014-07-12 03:51:25

标签: ftp filezilla

尝试设置FileZilla以连接到我的FTP,但我有一个时间的bugger。我一直收到这个错误: 服务器在PASV回复中返回了不可路由的私有IP地址 - 我在FZ中启用了被动功能,并尝试将IP地址设置为安装了FZ服务器的PC的IP以及来自我的ISP的IP,但两者都存在以下问题! 下面是日志,有人可以更容易使用FileZilla协助我如何改变这个吗?

000008)7/11/2014 23:45:59 PM - (not logged in) (> Connected, sending welcome message...
(000008)7/11/2014 23:45:59 PM - (not logged in) (> 220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.45 beta
(000008)7/11/2014 23:45:59 PM - (not logged in) (> 220 Hello and welcome to FileZilla
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:04 PM - (not logged in) (> CLNT https://ftptest.net on behalf of
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:04 PM - (not logged in) (> 200 Don't care
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:04 PM - (not logged in) (> USER js
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:04 PM - (not logged in) (> 331 Password required for js
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:05 PM - (not logged in) (> PASS ******
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:05 PM - js (> 230 Logged on
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:05 PM - js (> SYST
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:05 PM - js (> 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:06 PM - js (> FEAT
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:06 PM - js (> 211-Features:
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:06 PM - js (>  MDTM
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:06 PM - js (>  REST STREAM
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:06 PM - js (>  SIZE
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:06 PM - js (>  MLST type*;size*;modify*;
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:06 PM - js (>  MLSD
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:06 PM - js (>  UTF8
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:06 PM - js (>  CLNT
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:06 PM - js (>  MFMT
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:06 PM - js (> 211 End
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:06 PM - js (> PWD
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:06 PM - js (> 257 "/" is current directory.
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:07 PM - js (> TYPE I
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:07 PM - js (> 200 Type set to I
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:07 PM - js (> PASV
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:07 PM - js (> 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,58,202,143)
(000008)7/11/2014 23:46:07 PM - js (> disconnected.

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