我使用最新版本的YII v1.1.14: 我使用以下代码创建控制器:
class MyController extends CController
public $layout='//layouts/column1';
public $menu=array();
public $breadcrumbs=array();
public $resourceUrl = '';
public $pageTitle = '' ;
public $pageSubTitle = '';
public $baseUrl = '' ;
public $themeUrl ='';
public $additionalJS = '' ;
public $currentMenu = '' ; // for menu highlighting (use small case)
public function init(){
$this->themeUrl = YII::app()->theme->baseUrl;
$this->resourceUrl = YII::app()->theme->baseUrl.'/resources/';
$this->pageTitle = strtoupper(Yii::app()->controller->id) ;
$this->baseUrl = YII::app()->baseUrl;
$this->currentMenu = 'home';
public function isCurrentMenu($topic){
if($this->currentMenu == $topic)
return 'current-menu-item';
class DashboardController extends MyController
public $active = 'dashboard';
public $pageTitle = 'Dashboard';
public $pageSubTitle = 'manage your inventory and all stuff';
public $layout = '//layouts/dashboard';
public function filters()
return array( 'accessControl' ); // perform access control for CRUD operations
public function accessRules()
return array(
array('allow', // allow authenticated user to perform 'create' and 'update' actions
//'expression'=>'Yii::app()->user->roles== "admin"',
array('allow', // allow admin user to perform 'admin' and 'delete' actions
array('allow', // allow admin user to perform 'admin' and 'delete' actions
array('deny', // deny all users
public function actionCreateStuff()
public function actionIndex()
//echo Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('user');exit;
// enable cookie-based authentication
当我尝试使用谷歌浏览器访问该页面时,访问规则不起作用,它只允许访问该页面...但是使用Mozilla Firefox,它通过首先登录到登录页面做了正确的事情。
PHP notice Trying to get property of non-object D:\xampp\htdocs\buntelangame\themes\initializr\views\layouts\dashboard.php(75) 63 <a href="javascript:;" class="menu-toggler responsive-toggler" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse"> 64 </a> 65 <!-- END RESPONSIVE MENU TOGGLER --> 66 <!-- BEGIN TOP NAVIGATION MENU --> 67 <div class="top-menu"> 68 <ul class="nav navbar-nav pull-right"> 69 70 <!-- BEGIN USER LOGIN DROPDOWN --> 71 <li class="dropdown dropdown-user"> 72 <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-hover="dropdown" data-close-others="true"> 73 <img alt="" class="img-circle" src="<?php echo $this->themeUrl; ?>/assets/admin/layout/img/avatar3_small.jpg"/> 74 <span class="username"> 75 <?php echo Yii::app()->session['user']->nama_lengkap;?> </span> 76 <i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i> 77 </a> 78 <ul class="dropdown-menu"> 79 <li> 80 <a href="extra_profile.html"> 81 <i class="icon-user"></i> My Profile </a> 82 </li> 83 <li> 84 <a href="inbox.html"> 85 <i class="icon-envelope-open"></i> My Inbox <span class="badge badge-danger"> 86 3 </span> 87 </a> Stack Trace #0 + D:\yii\bin\framework\web\CBaseController.php(126): require("D:\xampp\htdocs\buntelangame\themes\initializr\views\layouts\das...") #1 + D:\yii\bin\framework\web\CBaseController.php(95): CBaseController->renderInternal("D:\xampp\htdocs\buntelangame\themes\initializr\views//layouts/da...",
dashboard / index
此页面将是 包含,st ...“),true) #2
+ D:\ yii \ bin \ framework \ web \ CController.php(784):CBaseController-&gt; renderFile(“D:\ xampp \ htdocs \ buntelangame \ themes \ initializr \ views // layouts / da ...”, array(“content”=&gt;“dashboard / index
此页面将是 包含,st ...“),true) #3
- D:\ xampp \ htdocs \ buntelangame \ protected \ controllers \ DashboardController.php(46): CController-&gt; render(“index”,array()) 41} 42 43公共功能actionIndex() 44 { 45 // echo Yii :: app() - &gt; user-&gt; checkAccess('user');退出; 46 $ this-&gt; render('index',array()); 47} 48 49公共函数actionListStuff() 50 { 51 $ this-&gt; render('listStuff'); #4
+ D:\ yii \ bin \ framework \ web \ actions \ CInlineAction.php(49):DashboardController-&gt; actionIndex() #5
+ D:\ yii \ bin \ framework \ web \ CController.php(308):CInlineAction-&gt; runWithParams(array(“/ dashboard / index”=&gt;“”)) #6
+ D:\ yii \ bin \ framework \ web \ filters \ CFilterChain.php(133):CController-&gt; runAction(CInlineAction) #7
+ D:\ yii \ bin \ framework \ web \ filters \ CFilter.php(40):CFilterChain-&gt; run() #8
+ D:\ yii \ bin \ framework \ web \ CController.php(1145):CFilter-&gt; filter(CFilterChain) #9
+ D:\ yii \ bin \ framework \ web \ filters \ CInlineFilter.php(58):CController-&gt; filterAccessControl(CFilterChain) #10
+ D:\ yii \ bin \ framework \ web \ filters \ CFilterChain.php(130):CInlineFilter-&gt; filter(CFilterChain) #11
+ D:\ yii \ bin \ framework \ web \ CController.php(291):CFilterChain-&gt; run() #12
+ D:\ yii \ bin \ framework \ web \ CController.php(265):CController-&gt; runActionWithFilters(CInlineAction, 阵列( “AccessControl的”)) #13
+ D:\ yii \ bin \ framework \ web \ CWebApplication.php(282):CController-&gt; run(“index”) #14
+ D:\ yii \ bin \ framework \ web \ CWebApplication.php(141):CWebApplication-&gt; runController(“dashboard / index”) #15
+ D:\ yii \ bin \ framework \ base \ CApplication.php(180):CWebApplication-&gt; processRequest() #16
- D:\ xampp \ htdocs \ buntelangame \ index.php(13):CApplication-&gt; run() 08定义('YII_DEBUG')或定义('YII_DEBUG',真); 09 //指定每条日志消息中应显示多少级别的调用堆栈 10定义('YII_TRACE_LEVEL')或定义('YII_TRACE_LEVEL',3); 11 12 require_once($ yii); 13 Yii :: createWebApplication($ config) - &gt; run(); 2014-07-11 18:43:39 Apache / 2.4.9(Win32)OpenSSL / 1.0.1g PHP / 5.5.11 Yii Framework / 1.1.14
编辑: 它在icognito模式下工作。 我的谷歌浏览器版本:版本35.0.1916.153米