
时间:2010-03-18 08:45:57

标签: c string malloc


(3) + 2
((3) + 2) / 4
(((3) + 2) / 4) x 5
((((3) + 2) / 4) x 5) + 14
... and so on

所以基本上,第二个调用得到3并且向它追加+ 2,第三个调用被传递(3)+ 2等等。我的递归函数原型看起来像这样:

void calc_rec(int input[], int length, char * previous_string);


 * dynamically allocate and append new string to old string and return a pointer to it
 char * strapp(char * old, char * new)
     // find the size of the string to allocate
     int len = sizeof(char) * (strlen(old) + strlen(new));

     // allocate a pointer to the new string
     char * out = (char*)malloc(len);

     // concat both strings and return
     sprintf(out, "%s%s", old, new);

     return out;

 * returns a pretty math representation of the calculation op
 char * mathop(char * old, char operand, int num)
     char * output, *newout;
     char fstr[50]; // random guess.. couldn't think of a better way.
     sprintf(fstr, " %c %d", operand, num);
     output = strapp(old, fstr);
     newout = (char*)malloc( 2*sizeof(char)+sizeof(output) );
     sprintf(newout, "(%s)", output);
     return newout;  

void test_mathop()
    int i, total = 10;
    char * first = "3";
    printf("in test_mathop\n");
    while (i < total)
        first = mathop(first, "+", i);
        printf("%s\n", first);

strapp()返回一个指向新附加字符串(工作)的指针,mathop()应该使用旧计算字符串(“(3)+2”),一个字符操作数('+',' - '等等)和一个int,并返回一个指向新字符串的指针,例如“((3)+2)/ 3”。知道我搞砸了什么吗?感谢。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



newout = (char*)malloc( 2*sizeof(char)+sizeof(output) );



此外,我建议 strstr strcat来连接字符串。

答案 1 :(得分:2)


int len = sizeof(char) * (strlen(old) + strlen(new));

最后没有为NULL char分配空间。所以你需要分配一个额外的char。

答案 2 :(得分:2)


char * append_strings(const char * old, const char * new)
    // find the size of the string to allocate
    size_t len = strlen(old) + strlen(new) + 1;

    // allocate a pointer to the new string
    char *out = malloc(len);

    // concat both strings and return
    sprintf(out, "%s%s", old, new);

    return out;


  • 输入字符串未更改,因此应将其声明为const
  • 添加一个新缓冲区所需的大小,以便为终结符留出空间。
  • 字符串长度最好存储在size_t类型的变量中。
  • sizeof (char)删除了不必要的缩放。
  • 请勿投回malloc()
  • 不要定义名称以str开头的函数,即保留空格。评论者指出,谢谢!


char * append_strings(const char * old, const char * new)
    // find the size of the string to allocate
    const size_t old_len = strlen(old), new_len = strlen(new);
    const size_t out_len = old_len + new_len + 1;

    // allocate a pointer to the new string
    char *out = malloc(out_len);

    // concat both strings and return
    memcpy(out, old, old_len);
    memcpy(out + old_len, new, new_len + 1);

    return out;


答案 3 :(得分:0)

感谢所有回复,他们非常有帮助 - 尤其是strcat建议,并发现我需要为'\ 0'字符分配空间。我最终使用realloc来“拉伸”字符串并附加前导和尾随字符。我还删除了strapp(append_strings)函数,并将其全部用于mathop。方法如下:

 * returns a pretty math representation of the calculation op
 char * mathop(char * previous, char operand, float num)
     char *output, *temp, calculation[50];
     size_t newlen;

     // copy the previous data into the temp string     
     temp = (char*)malloc( strlen(previous) + 1 );
     output = (char*)malloc(2);

     strcpy(temp, previous);
     strcpy(output, "(\0");

     // create the string portion to append to the output
     sprintf(calculation, " %c %.1f)\0", operand, num);

     // reallocate the output to append the additional string
     newlen = strlen(temp) + strlen(calculation) + 1;
     temp = realloc(temp, newlen);

     // append the new data to output
     strcat(temp, calculation);
     output = realloc(output, strlen(temp) + 2);
     strcat(output, temp);
     printf("%s\n", output);

     return output;  
