当我在本地设置所有内容(Visual Studio 2013,IIS Express)时,一切都运行良好。我可以输入我的标准,我的代码执行它应该做的事情,最终调用我们的内部DLL,DLL通过它的例程,最终调用第三方DLL,结果返回并显示在浏览器中,正如人们所期望的那样。但是,当我在IIS中的Web服务器上设置它时,出现了问题。
我现在使用IIS 8.5在Server 2012 R2上设置了应用程序。我已在本地计算机上复制了目录结构,并进行了调试以确保正在使用正确的路径并检查了文件权限。无论如何,当我启动网络应用程序时,我会做出选择,但应用程序会卡在等待屏幕上。
虽然我实际上无法在Web服务器上进行调试,但我已经能够通过放置" MsgBox("测试")和#34来跟踪问题到何时调用第三方DLL ;沿着代码路径,直到它停止抛出有关在客户端代码(或类似的东西)中显示服务器端消息的错误。错误在第三方DLL调用时停止。我已经运行了几个Fiddler跟踪,并且最终到达第三方DLL的对我的函数的调用永远不会收到响应。
-= Fiddler Event Log =-
16:06:25:8250 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. https://github.com/ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
16:06:25:8280 !SecureClientPipeDirect failed: System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception. < The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted on pipe to (CN=osce11.icrc.trendmicro.com, O=DO_NOT_TRUST, OU=Created by http://www.fiddler2.com).
16:06:25:9110 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. https://github.com/ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
16:06:25:9110 !SecureClientPipeDirect failed: System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception. < The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted on pipe to (CN=osce11.icrc.trendmicro.com, O=DO_NOT_TRUST, OU=Created by http://www.fiddler2.com).
16:06:29:9998 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:6568) new client socket, port 61029.
16:06:37:1810 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:6568) new client socket, port 61026.
16:06:37:1810 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:6568) new client socket, port 61025.
16:06:37:1810 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:6568) new client socket, port 61024.
16:06:37:1810 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:6568) new client socket, port 61023.
16:06:37:1810 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:6568) new client socket, port 61022.
16:06:38:3785 !SecureClientPipeDirect failed: System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception. < An unknown error occurred while processing the certificate on pipe to (CN=osce110-en.fbs10.trendmicro.com, O=DO_NOT_TRUST, OU=Created by http://www.fiddler2.com).
16:06:25:8250 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. https://github.com/ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
16:06:25:8280 !SecureClientPipeDirect failed: System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception. < The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted on pipe to (CN=osce11.icrc.trendmicro.com, O=DO_NOT_TRUST, OU=Created by http://www.fiddler2.com).
16:06:25:9110 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. https://github.com/ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
16:06:25:9110 !SecureClientPipeDirect failed: System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception. < The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted on pipe to (CN=osce11.icrc.trendmicro.com, O=DO_NOT_TRUST, OU=Created by http://www.fiddler2.com).
16:06:29:9998 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:6568) new client socket, port 61029.
16:06:37:1810 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:6568) new client socket, port 61026.
16:06:37:1810 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:6568) new client socket, port 61025.
16:06:37:1810 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:6568) new client socket, port 61024.
16:06:37:1810 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:6568) new client socket, port 61023.
16:06:37:1810 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:6568) new client socket, port 61022.
16:06:38:3785 !SecureClientPipeDirect failed: System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception. < An unknown error occurred while processing the certificate on pipe to (CN=osce110-en.fbs10.trendmicro.com, O=DO_NOT_TRUST, OU=Created by http://www.fiddler2.com).
答案 0 :(得分:1)
好的,现在答案已经超过一天了,所以我会回到“任何帮助”条款 - 我不确切知道发生了什么,但也许我的一些“我会尝试的”可能帮助你。
如果没有解决这个问题,我会查看内部DLL,并记下对第三方DLL所做的所有调用的API签名。然后我会创建两个存根 - 一个是对第三方DLL(带有一些虚拟值)进行相同调用的线束,另一个是模仿第三方DLL但只返回一些固定的虚拟数据,或者可能是一些虚拟数据像嵌入在其中的用户名等诊断内容。然后我会一起确保你可以进行简单的调用,每一半都按预期工作。当这一切都很好时,使用你的线束测试服务器上的第三方DLL,它是否运行?如果是这样,尝试将您的线束挂钩到一个简单的ASP页面,看看是否可以使用IIS应用程序池使用简单的情况来练习第三方DLL。还可以尝试使用您的线束使用应用程序池在服务器上运行存根,并验证所运行的用户上下文。
了解有关您拥有的身份验证基础结构的更多信息 - 使用本地服务帐户的位置以及使用的域帐户在哪里,您使用的是NTLM,委派约束,Kerberos,模拟等。不要发布帐户名称等详细信息,只有DomainAcct1,DomainAcct2等
顺便说一下,我以前一直在你的鞋子里,它很糟糕,你有我的同情: - )
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我在本地计算机上安装了完整版本的IIS,而不是IIS Express,并将其设置为与Web服务器上的一样。一个有趣的事情发生了,我得到了与我在服务器上看到的相同的结果。并非IIS本身有帮助,但它允许我将Identity设置为ApplicationPoolIdentity,而我相信IIS Express必须使用我的Windows凭据。