
时间:2014-07-06 20:10:48

标签: javascript jquery dry

我有一个页面,在桌面设备上,只能使用滚动按钮或导航窗格进行导航。 Fiddle here.


<header class="listGenHeader">
    <nav class="top-mid">
            <!-- .viewport navigation menu -->
    <nav class="top-right">
            <!-- Main navigation menu -->
    <nav class="mobile-nav">
        <!-- Mobile navigation menu -->
<div class="sales-pitch viewport">
    <!-- First .viewport -->
<div class="chooseTemplate viewport">
    <!-- Second .viewport -->
<div class="companyLogo viewport">
    <!-- Third .viewport -->

每次滚动窗口时,active类都会从当前.viewport和当前ul.top-mid a中移除,并添加到新的.viewport及其对应的{ {1}}具有以下三个(非常相似)函数:

ul.top-mid a

很明显,这三个函数产生的结果基本相同(添加/删除// Get an array of class names var cls = $('.top-mid a').map(function(){ return $(this).attr('class'); }); // Scrolling Down $('.scrollDown').click(function(e){ // Keep page from trying to load hyperlinks e.preventDefault(); // if We're at the top of the page, // hide 'get started' button if ($('.getStarted:visible')) { $('.getStarted').fadeOut(); } // Figure out what the next .viewport element is in the DOM var nextView = $('.viewport.active').next('.viewport'); // If the next is the final, we don't need the scroll-down button anymore if (nextView.is('.viewport:last')) { $(this).fadeOut(); $('.listGenFooter').animate({'bottom': '0'}, 300); } // Trade the main nav pane for the form sections nav // if we're scrolling down from the first viewport if ($('.top-right').is(':visible')) { $('.top-right').fadeOut(function(){ $('a.logo').css({'position': 'fixed', 'top': '0', 'left': '0'}) .animate({'left': '-10%'}, 300, function(){ $('.top-mid').fadeIn(); $('.mobile-nav').fadeIn(); }); }); } // Show the scroll-up button, since we CAN scroll up $('.scrollUp').fadeIn(); // Animate window to next viewport and remove // 'active' class from current viewport $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: nextView.offset().top}, 500); $('.viewport.active').removeClass('active'); nextView.addClass('active'); // loop through class names and highight // active item on the form sections nav for (var i = 0; i < cls.length; i++) { if (nextView.hasClass(cls[i])) { $('.top-mid a.' + cls[i]).addClass('active'); $('.top-mid a.active').next('.triangle').show(); $('.top-mid a').not('.' + cls[i]).removeClass('active'); $('.top-mid a').not('.' + cls[i]).next('.triangle').hide(); } } }); // Scrolling up $('.scrollUp').click(function(e){ // Keep page from trying to load hyperlinks e.preventDefault(); // Get previous viewport var prevView = $('.viewport.active').prev('.viewport'); // If previous is the FIRST viewport, hide scroll-up button, // show get-started button and trade form sections nav // for the main nav again if (prevView.is('.sales-pitch')) { $('.scrollUp').fadeOut(); $('.getStarted').fadeIn(); $('.top-mid').fadeOut(function(){ $('.mobile-nav, a.logo').hide(function(){ $('.top-right').fadeIn(); $('a.logo').css({'position': 'relative', 'top': '', 'left': ''}).fadeIn(); }); }); } // If we're scrolling UP from the last viewport on the page, // show the scroll-down button again if ($('.viewport.active').is('.viewport:last')) { $('.scrollDown').fadeIn(); $('.listGenFooter').animate({'bottom': '-100px'}, 300); } // Animate window to previous viewport $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: prevView.offset().top}, 500); // Remove 'active' class from current viewport // and add it to the one we're scrolling to. $('.viewport.active').removeClass('active'); prevView.addClass('active'); // Also highlight/unhighlight corresponding list items // in the form sections nav for (var i = 0; i < cls.length; i++) { if (prevView.hasClass(cls[i])) { $('.top-mid a.' + cls[i]).addClass('active'); $('.top-mid a').not('.' + cls[i]).removeClass('active'); $('.top-mid a.active').next('.triangle').show(); $('.top-mid a').not('.active').next('.triangle').hide(); } } }); // Navigating via the form sections nav pane $('.top-mid a').click(function(e){ // Keep page from trying to load hyperlinks e.preventDefault(); var self = $(this); for (var i = 0; i < cls.length; i++) { if (self.hasClass(cls[i])) { // If next viewport is LAST viewport if (cls[i] === "companyLogo") { // Hide scroll-down button and show footer $('.scrollDown').fadeOut(); $('.listGenFooter').animate({'bottom': '0'}, 300); // Else show scroll-down button and hide footer } else { $('.scrollDown').show(); $('.listGenFooter').animate({'bottom': '-100px'}, 300); } // Default behavior: scroll to viewport and toggle 'active' class // for visible viewport $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $('.' + cls[i] + '.viewport').offset().top}, 500); $('.top-mid a.' + cls[i]).addClass('active'); $('.viewport.' + cls[i]).addClass('active'); $('.viewport').not('.' + cls[i] + '.viewport').removeClass('active'); $('.top-mid a').not('.' + cls[i]).removeClass('active'); } } // Toggle highlight triangles $('.top-mid a.active').next('.triangle').show(); $('.top-mid a:not(.active)').next('.triangle').hide(); }); 类并突出显示相应的菜单项),但我找不到简化它们的方法(它看起来很像对我来说很复杂,我实际上知道我在看什么。任何建议都会很棒。

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