"安装失败,因为APK未签名或签名错误" Intellij升级后出错

时间:2014-07-03 10:56:08

标签: java android intellij-idea apk

升级到Intellij:版本:13.1.3 Build:135.909并在尝试安装Android应用程序时收到错误:

  Waiting for device. 
Target device: samsung-gt_i9500-4d00a58cb4ea60a7 
Uploading file  local path: pathToAPK   
remote path: pathToApp  Installing App DEVICE SHELL COMMAND: pm install -r"/data/local/tmp/App" pkg: /data/local/tmp/App Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES]

    Installation failed since the APK was either not signed, or signed incorrectly. If this is a Gradle-based project, then make sure the signing configuration is specified in the Gradle build script.

Android SDK版本为1.7.0_25。 在Intellij升级之前安装正常工作

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