06-28 03:36:22.969: I/Choreographer(1506): Skipped 453 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
public class PlayScreen extends View {
// Constructor
public PlayScreen(Context context) {
* Instantiate all variables.
playerBounds = new RectF();
rowBlock = new RectF();
rowBlock2 = new RectF();
startPlaying = new RectF();
continuePlaying = new RectF();
rowGlow = new RectF();
rowGlow2 = new RectF();
menuBox = new RectF();
continueplayingBounds = new RectF();
meteorBounds = new RectF();
pointLossBounds = new RectF();
pointGainBounds = new RectF();
speedBounds = new RectF();
titleBounds = new RectF();
playBounds = new RectF();
doublePointsBounds = new RectF();
bulletBounds = new RectF();
ghostWallBounds = new RectF();
wideGapsBounds = new RectF();
///// Colors /////
colorGreen = new Paint();
colorBlack = new Paint();
colorWhite = new Paint();
colorBlue = new Paint();
colorYellow = new Paint();
colorRed = new Paint();
colorCyan = new Paint();
colorMagenta = new Paint();
colorOrange = new Paint();
glowGreen = new Paint();
glowWhite = new Paint();
glowBlue = new Paint();
glowYellow = new Paint();
glowRed = new Paint();
glowCyan = new Paint();
glowMagenta = new Paint();
glowOrange = new Paint();
glowBlack = new Paint();
translucentGrey = new Paint();
transparent = new Paint();
boostPaint = new Paint();
countPaint = new Paint();
align = null;
// Set my basic color's
colorGreen.setColor(Color.rgb(17, 255, 0));
colorBlack.setColor(Color.rgb(0, 0, 0));
colorWhite.setColor(Color.rgb(255, 255, 255));
colorBlue.setColor(Color.rgb(0, 0, 255));
colorYellow.setColor(Color.rgb(243, 243, 21));
colorRed.setColor(Color.rgb(255, 0, 0));
colorCyan.setColor(Color.rgb(51, 255, 255));
colorMagenta.setColor(Color.rgb(255, 0, 255));
colorOrange.setColor(Color.rgb(255, 119, 0));
// Set glow colors
glowGreen.setColor(Color.argb(150, 17, 255, 0));
glowWhite.setColor(Color.argb(150, 255, 255, 255));
glowBlue.setColor(Color.argb(150, 0, 0, 255));
glowYellow.setColor(Color.argb(150, 243, 243, 21));
glowRed.setColor(Color.argb(150, 255, 0, 0));
glowCyan.setColor(Color.argb(150, 51, 255, 255));
glowMagenta.setColor(Color.argb(150, 255, 0, 255));
glowOrange.setColor(Color.argb(150, 255, 119, 0));
glowBlack.setColor(Color.argb(100, 0, 0, 0));
translucentGrey.setColor(Color.argb(100, 205, 201, 201));
lobsterFont = Typeface.createFromAsset(Assets, "fonts/Lobster.otf");
countPaint.setColor(Color.rgb(255, 255, 255));
boostPaint.setColor(Color.rgb(255, 255, 255));
///// End Colors /////
timer = new Timer();
random = new Random();
Playing = false;
event = random.nextInt(4);
boost = random.nextInt(4);
box = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.box);
play = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.start);
title = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.logo);
ballBlue = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ballblue);
ballRed = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ballred);
ballYellow = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ballyellow);
ballGreen = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ballgreen);
dp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.dp);
wg = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.widegaps);
rocket = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.rocket);
ghost = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ghost);
// Get window size and save it to screenWidth and screenHeight.
WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay();
Point size = new Point();
screenWidth = size.x;
screenHeight = size.y;
density = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
rowSpace = (int) (100 * density);
boostdiam = (int) (25 * density);
int nor = screenHeight / rowSpace; // Number of rows to be displayed.
* Generate rows and gaps at set intervals.
* Chooses a random color for each row.
for (int row = 0; row < nor + 1; row ++) {
final int gap = (int) (random.nextInt(maxGap) + minGap * density);
final int block = random.nextInt(screenWidth - gap);
blockY[row] = screenHeight * 1/2 + row * rowSpace; // Positions first block at center screen.
blockX1[row] = block;
blockX2[row] = block + gap;
blockcolor[row] = random.nextInt(8);
passedrow[row] = false;
halfgap = (float) (blockX2[0] + blockX1[0]) / 2; // Used for centering start button to first gap.
randomEvent = System.currentTimeMillis() + random.nextInt(EventTimeMax) + EventTimeMin;
randomBoost = System.currentTimeMillis() + random.nextInt(BoostTimeMax) + BoostTimeMin;
eventRandomX = random.nextInt(screenWidth);
meteorBounds.set(eventRandomX * density, -50 * density, eventRandomX + 50 * density, 0 * density);
pointLossBounds.set(eventRandomX * density, -50 * density, eventRandomX + 50 * density, 0 * density);
pointGainBounds.set(eventRandomX * density, -50 * density, eventRandomX + 50 * density, 0 * density);
speedBounds.set(eventRandomX * density, -50 * density, eventRandomX + 50 * density, 0 * density);
scoreText = score.toString();
// Called back to draw the view. Also called by invalidate().
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// Once game is started and paused is set to true, pause all counters.
if (Playing == true && rocketboostOn == false) {
scrollSpeed = oldSpeed;
scrollSpeed -= scrollInterval;
oldSpeed = scrollSpeed;
int rowBlockHeight = screenHeight / 32;
playerBounds.set(playerX - playerRadius * density, (float) playerY - playerRadius * density, playerX + playerRadius * density, (float) playerY + playerRadius * density);
int nor = screenHeight / rowSpace;
for (int row = 0; row < nor + 1; row ++) {
blockY[row] = blockY[row] + scrollSpeed;
rowBlock.set(0, (float) blockY[row],(float) blockX1[row], (float) blockY[row] + rowBlockHeight);
rowBlock2.set((float) blockX2[row], (float)blockY[row], (float) screenWidth, (float) blockY[row] + rowBlockHeight);
rowGlow.set(-20, (float) blockY[row] - 10, (float) blockX1[row] + 10, (float) blockY[row] + rowBlockHeight + 10);
rowGlow2.set((float) blockX2[row] - 10, (float) blockY[row] - 10, (float) screenWidth + 20, (float) blockY[row] + rowBlockHeight + 10);
if (blockY[row] < screenHeight) {
if (blockcolor[row] == 0 && gwboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowGreen);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow2, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowGreen);
if (rocketboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
} else {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
if (blockcolor[row] == 1 && gwboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowRed);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow2, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowRed);
if (rocketboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
} else {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
if (blockcolor[row] == 2 && gwboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowBlue);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow2, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowBlue);
if (rocketboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
} else {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
if (blockcolor[row] == 3 && gwboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowWhite);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow2, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowWhite);
if (rocketboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
} else {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
if (blockcolor[row] == 4 && gwboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowYellow);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow2, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowYellow);
if (rocketboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
} else {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
if (blockcolor[row] == 5 && gwboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowCyan);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow2, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowCyan);
if (rocketboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
} else {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
if (blockcolor[row] == 6 && gwboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowMagenta);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow2, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowMagenta);
if (rocketboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
} else {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
if (blockcolor[row] == 7 && gwboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowOrange);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowGlow2, 4 * density, 4 * density, glowOrange);
if (rocketboostOn == false) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, colorBlack);
} else {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
if (gwboostOn == true) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rowBlock2, 3 * density, 3 * density, translucentGrey);
if (blockY[row] < 0) {
final int gap = (int) (random.nextInt(maxGap) + minGap * density);
final int block = random.nextInt(screenWidth - gap);
if (row == 0) {
blockY[row] = blockY[nor] + rowSpace + rowBlockHeight;
} else {
blockY[row] = blockY[row - 1] + rowSpace;
blockX1[row] = block;
blockX2[row] = block + gap;
blockcolor[row] = random.nextInt(8);
passedrow[row] = false;
if (passedrow[row] == false) {
if (playerBounds.top > blockY[row]) {
passedrow[row] = true;
score += 1;
scoreText = score.toString();
if (dpboostOn == true) score += 2;
if (playerBounds.bottom > rowBlock.top && playerBounds.top < rowBlock.bottom && (playerBounds.left < blockX1[row] || playerBounds.right > blockX2[row]) && rocketboostOn == false && gwboostOn == false) {
if (doublePointsOn == true && dpboostOn == false) {
doublePointsBounds.set(boostIconX, (float) blockY[boostIconRow] - boostdiam - 20, doublePointsBounds.left + boostdiam, doublePointsBounds.top + boostdiam);
canvas.drawBitmap(dp, null, doublePointsBounds, null);
if (hasCollided(doublePointsBounds.left, doublePointsBounds.top, doublePointsBounds.right, doublePointsBounds.bottom)) {
boostTime = 10;
dpboostOn = true;
if (doublePointsBounds.bottom < 0) {
doublePointsOn = false;
randomBoost = System.currentTimeMillis() + random.nextInt(BoostTimeMax) + BoostTimeMin;
if(dpboostOn == true && rocketboostOn == false && wgboostOn == false && gwboostOn == false) {
scoreInt = 2;
if(boostTime < 1) {
dpboostOn = false;
doublePointsOn = false;
randomBoost = System.currentTimeMillis() + random.nextInt(BoostTimeMax) + BoostTimeMin;
scoreInt = 1;
} else {
canvas.drawText("Double Points", screenWidth / 2, 25 * density, boostPaint);
canvas.drawText(boostTime.toString(), screenWidth / 2, 55 * density, countPaint);
if (rocketOn == true && rocketboostOn == false) {
bulletBounds.set(boostIconX, (float) blockY[boostIconRow] - boostdiam - 20, bulletBounds.left + boostdiam, bulletBounds.top + boostdiam);
canvas.drawBitmap(rocket, null, bulletBounds, null);
if (hasCollided(bulletBounds.left, bulletBounds.top, bulletBounds.right, bulletBounds.bottom)) {
boostTime = 5;
oldSpeed = scrollSpeed;
rocketboostOn = true;
if (bulletBounds.bottom < 0) {
rocketOn = false;
randomBoost = System.currentTimeMillis() + random.nextInt(BoostTimeMax) + BoostTimeMin;
if (rocketboostOn == true && dpboostOn == false && wgboostOn == false && gwboostOn == false) {
scrollSpeed = oldSpeed * 1.5;
if(boostTime < 1) {
rocketboostOn = false;
rocketOn = false;
randomBoost = System.currentTimeMillis() + random.nextInt(BoostTimeMax) + BoostTimeMin;
scrollSpeed = oldSpeed;
} else {
canvas.drawText("Rocket", screenWidth / 2, 25 * density, boostPaint);
canvas.drawText(boostTime.toString(), screenWidth / 2, 55 * density, countPaint);
if (widegapsOn == true && wgboostOn == false) {
wideGapsBounds.set(boostIconX, (float) blockY[boostIconRow] - boostdiam - 20, wideGapsBounds.left + boostdiam, wideGapsBounds.top + boostdiam);
canvas.drawBitmap(wg, null, wideGapsBounds, null);
if (hasCollided(wideGapsBounds.left, wideGapsBounds.top, wideGapsBounds.right, wideGapsBounds.bottom)) {
boostTime = 10;
wgboostOn = true;
if (wideGapsBounds.top < 0) {
widegapsOn = false;
randomBoost = System.currentTimeMillis() + random.nextInt(BoostTimeMax) + BoostTimeMin;
if (wgboostOn == true && rocketboostOn == false && dpboostOn == false && gwboostOn == false) {
minGap = 200;
maxGap = 250;
if(boostTime < 1) {
wgboostOn = false;
widegapsOn = false;
minGap = 100;
maxGap = 150;
randomBoost = System.currentTimeMillis() + random.nextInt(BoostTimeMax) + BoostTimeMin;
} else {
canvas.drawText("Wide Gaps", screenWidth / 2, 25 * density, boostPaint);
canvas.drawText(boostTime.toString(), screenWidth / 2, 55 * density, countPaint);
if (ghostWallOn == true && gwboostOn == false) {
ghostWallBounds.set(boostIconX, (float) blockY[boostIconRow] - boostdiam - 20, ghostWallBounds.left + boostdiam, ghostWallBounds.top + boostdiam);
canvas.drawBitmap(ghost, null, ghostWallBounds, null);
if (hasCollided(ghostWallBounds.left, ghostWallBounds.top, ghostWallBounds.right, ghostWallBounds.bottom)) {
gwboostOn = true;
boostTime = 10;
if (ghostWallBounds.top < 0) {
ghostWallOn = false;
randomBoost = System.currentTimeMillis() + random.nextInt(BoostTimeMax) + BoostTimeMin;
if(gwboostOn == true && rocketboostOn == false && wgboostOn == false && dpboostOn == false) {
if(boostTime < 1) {
gwboostOn = false;
ghostWallOn = false;
randomBoost = System.currentTimeMillis() + random.nextInt(BoostTimeMax) + BoostTimeMin;
} else {
canvas.drawText("Ghost Walls", screenWidth / 2, 25 * density, boostPaint);
canvas.drawText(boostTime.toString(), screenWidth / 2, 55 * density, countPaint);
} // End of main FOR loop
//canvas.drawText(scrollSpeed.toString(), 200, 200, scoreColor);
if (score < 0) {
int playHeight=87; int playWidth=96;
playBounds.set(halfgap - playWidth / 2 * density, (float) (blockY[0] - rowSpace), halfgap + playWidth / 2 * density, playBounds.top + playHeight * density);
playerBounds.set(playerX - playerRadius * density,(float) playerY - playerRadius * density, playerX + playerRadius * density, (float) playerY + playerRadius * density);
canvas.drawOval(playerBounds, transparent); // Draw player
if (Playing == true) canvas.drawText(scoreText, 350 * density, 30 * density, countPaint);
int titleWidth = 256; int titleHeight = 76;
titleBounds.set(screenWidth / 2 - titleWidth / 2 * density, 10 * density, titleBounds.left + titleWidth * density, titleBounds.top + titleHeight * density);
if (Playing == false) {
canvas.drawBitmap(play, null, playBounds, null);
canvas.drawBitmap(title, null, titleBounds, null);
//change to 10 // Events //
if (score > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() > randomEvent) {
if (meteorOn == false && pointLossOn == false && pointGainOn == false && speedEventOn == false) {
event = random.nextInt(4);
eventY = random.nextInt(15) + 5;
if (event == 0) {
meteorOn = true;
} else if (event == 1) {
pointLossOn = true;
} else if (event == 2) {
pointGainOn = true;
} else if (event == 3) {
speedEventOn = true;
if (meteorOn == true) {
MeteorEvent(5, eventY);
if (meteorBounds.centerX() < screenWidth && meteorBounds.centerY() < screenHeight && meteorBounds.centerX() > 0) {
canvas.drawBitmap(ballRed, null, meteorBounds, null);
if (pointLossOn == true) {
PointLossEvent(5, eventY);
if (pointLossBounds.centerX() < screenWidth && pointLossBounds.centerY() < screenHeight && pointLossBounds.centerX() > 0) {
canvas.drawBitmap(ballBlue, null, pointLossBounds, null);
if (pointGainOn == true) {
PointGainEvent(5, eventY);
if (pointGainBounds.centerX() < screenWidth && pointGainBounds.centerY() < screenHeight && pointGainBounds.centerX() > 0) {
canvas.drawBitmap(ballGreen, null, pointGainBounds, null);
if (speedEventOn == true) {
SpeedEvent(5, eventY);
if (speedBounds.centerX() < screenWidth && speedBounds.centerY() < screenHeight && speedBounds.centerX() > 0) {
canvas.drawBitmap(ballYellow, null, speedBounds, null);
} // End of events //
// change to 20
if (score > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() > randomBoost) {
if (doublePointsOn == false && rocketOn == false && widegapsOn == false && ghostWallOn == false) {
boost = random.nextInt(4);
//boostIconRow = random.nextInt(nor) + nor / 2;
boostIconRow = 1;
boostIconX = random.nextInt((int) (screenWidth - 50 * density)) + 50;
if (boost == 0) {
doublePointsOn = true;
} else if (boost == 1) {
rocketOn = true;
} else if (boost == 2) {
widegapsOn = true;
} else if (boost == 3) {
ghostWallOn = true;
//canvas.drawBitmap(play, null, playBounds, null);
if(score > 50) {
EventTimeMax = 4000;
EventTimeMin = 2000;
} else if (score > 100) {
EventTimeMax = 3000;
EventTimeMin = 1000;
} else if (score > 250) {
EventTimeMax = 2000;
EventTimeMin = 1000;
// Delay
try { Thread.sleep(10); }
catch (InterruptedException e){}
invalidate(); // Force a re-draw
public void clock() {
timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
if (boostTime > 0) {
boostTime -= 1;
}, 0, 1000);
// Called back when the view is first created or its size changes.
@Override public void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldW, int oldH) {
// Set the movement bounds for the ball
xViewMax = w - 1;
yViewMax = h - 1;
public void highscoreSaver() {
if(finalScore > MainActivity.prefs.getInt("HighScore", 0)) {
MainActivity.prefsEditor = MainActivity.prefs.edit();
MainActivity.prefsEditor.putInt("HighScore", score);
public void youLose() {
View LoseScreen = new LoseScreen(getContext());
ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) getParent();
finalScore = score;
public void MeteorEvent(float slopeX, float slopeY) {
if (eventRandomX < screenWidth / 2) {
meteorBounds.left += slopeX; meteorBounds.right += slopeX;
} else {
meteorBounds.left -= slopeX; meteorBounds.right -= slopeX;
meteorBounds.top += slopeY; meteorBounds.bottom += slopeY;
if (!(meteorBounds.centerX() < screenWidth && meteorBounds.centerY() < screenHeight && meteorBounds.centerX() > 0)) {
randomEvent = System.currentTimeMillis() + random.nextInt(EventTimeMax) + EventTimeMin;
eventRandomX = random.nextInt(screenWidth - 20) + 20;
meteorBounds.set(eventRandomX * density, -50 * density, eventRandomX + 50 * density, 0 * density);
meteorOn = false;
if (hasCollided(meteorBounds.left, meteorBounds.top, meteorBounds.right, meteorBounds.bottom))
public boolean hasCollided (float left, float top, float right, float bottom) {
if (((playerBounds.bottom > top && playerBounds.bottom < bottom) || (playerBounds.top < bottom && playerBounds.top > top))
&& ((playerBounds.left > left && playerBounds.left < right) || (playerBounds.right < right && playerBounds.right > left))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) {
// Get finger's X and Y position
float x = e.getX();
float y = e.getY();
if(x > playBounds.left || x < playBounds.right && y < playBounds.bottom && y > playBounds.top) {
Playing = true;
if (Playing == true) {
switch (e.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
playerX = x;
playerY = y;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
return true;