HTML 5碰撞检测平台游戏

时间:2014-06-26 00:54:27

标签: html game-physics


function checkBlockCollisions() {
    // If a player collides with a block, their motion should be stopped.
for(var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i ++) {
            var angle = blocks[i].angleTo(player);
            var thisTop = blocks[i].y - blocks[i].height / 2;
            var thisBottom = blocks[i].y + blocks[i].height / 2;
            var playerTop = player.y - player.height / 2;
            var playerBottom = player.y + player.height / 2;

    if(blocks[i].collidesWith(player)) {
        if((angle >= 55 && angle <= 360) && player.falling) {
        // If the player is above the block, then they should stop falling.
            player.falling = false;
            player.onBlock = true;
              // Make sure the player is not inside the block.
            player.setPosition(player.x, thisTop - player.height / 2);
                    //top of block is lower than the middle of the player to the top and bottom of block is higher than the middle of the player to the bottom
              if(thisTop > (player.y - player.height / 2) && thisBottom < (player.y + (player.height / 2 ))) {
                // If the player runs into the side of a block, only stop the sideways motion.
                    player.setPosition(player.x - player.dx, player.y);
                } // end if
                else if(player.falling) {
                // If the player is below the block, then they should keep falling but stop accelerating upwards and sideways.
                    player.setPosition(player.x, thisBottom + player.height / 2 + 1);
                } // end if
            } // end if
        } // end for
    } // end checkBlockCollisions

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